One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 505 Declaration of war!

Before the bearded Five Old Star finished speaking, the entire conference hall fell into a strange silence.


Did you hear it wrong?

The most dangerous man in the world?

Isn't this title always used to call the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Army, that guy Dorag?


King Riku exclaimed, "Has it already reached this point!"

"It seems that the terrible war is really coming!"

Kobra gritted his teeth secretly.

"Wait! Your Excellency Wulaoxing!"

At this time, a king stood up and asked loudly, "Does Brett refer to the Deep Sea Emperor, Brett from Fish-Man Island?"

"Of course there won't be another fish-man Brett in the world."

The knife-wielding Wulao Xing also took a step forward, his voice slightly higher, "There will not be another Brett with the same threat as him."

The king asked in confusion, "But hasn't that guy Brett always been a partner of the government? The government has always had business relationships with Fishman Island, and even the high-ranking Kaixia Jinbei of Fishman Island is one of the Shichibukai .”

"That's just an appearance, just a compromise the government had to make to Fish-Man Island,"

The bearded Five Old Star said calmly, "In fact, the government and Fish-Man Island broke off long ago. It was because of the threat from Brett that we had to maintain the status quo with them."

"What exactly is going on?"

Another king spoke up and asked loudly, "What did that guy Brett do? Why are you so afraid of him?"

"Everything starts from the beginning."

The five old stars holding the sword sighed faintly, "That man was originally a member of the Sun Pirates. After being arrested, he was pardoned because Jinbe became a Shichibukai."

"It was he who killed all the escorting navy. This matter was not found out by us until much later. This also became the direct trigger for the break between us."

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The kings were silent.

Where are you lying to me?

If it was just such a simple matter, how could the government break with Fish-Man Island?

Do you think we don’t know how much benefit Fish-Man Island has brought to the World Government?

"This incident only shows Brett's attitude. In fact, this guy has always harbored evil intentions."

The sword-wielding Wulaoxing continued, "Zefa was bewitched by him and betrayed the navy and established the neo navy."

"It was also because of his help that the war between the Navy and the Neo Navy ended in a disastrous defeat. Akainu and Aokiji were captured by him personally!"

"Among them, Akainu was defeated by Bright when he fought side by side with Kizaru!"

When they heard this, His Majesty the King present was already dumbfounded.

Those are two generals! You actually lost in a two-on-one situation?

"This man has the strongest strength in the world. In fact, Yamato, the general of Wano who is now called the emperor, is also Bright's partner. That guy Kaido was actually defeated by Bright!"


Sweat was already flowing down from the foreheads of many His Majesty the Kings unconsciously.

The strongest in the world?

A monster even superior to Whitebeard?

The five old stars have not yet told them that when they executed Ace, the Fire Fist, Brett defeated the combination of the navy marshal and three generals with one enemy and four, but the information revealed now was enough to shock the kings.

"Even the revolutionary army commanded by Dorag is also his ally! He alone has connected all the rebels!"

The sword-wielding Wulao Xing loudly said, "My dear kings, the powerful evil has become one!"

"Even the revolutionary army..."

Many of the kings present could not help but swallow their saliva.

The neo navy, which once caused the navy to suffer a huge defeat, and now has Akainu Aoki join, is the revolutionary army that has frightened the kings of the sea in the past few years!

They were actually connected!

And the one who serves as the core hub is that guy Brett!

These three forces combined are indeed an unprecedented terrifying enemy!

"That's not even all we're facing!"

After the sword-wielding Five Old Star paused for a moment, his voice became louder and louder, "The reason why Brett can be at the core of this alliance is that, in addition to his overwhelming terrifying strength, there is another important factor. s reason!"

"That man has mastered ancient weapons!"

"Ancient...ancient weapons?!"

A king shouted in astonishment, "Your Excellency Wulaoxing, isn't that a legend?"

"No, that's the truth!"

The bearded Five Old Star said solemnly, "Although I don't want to believe it, somewhere in the world there is indeed a weapon sleeping to destroy everything."

"And now, that guy Brett has even mastered two of the three ancient weapons!"


Silence, silence fell.

Because they were too shocked, the kings could not even speak at this time.

Brett, this guy has two ancient weapons that can destroy the world?

"Tom, the fishman craftsman who lurked in the water city, brought back Pluto's design for Brett,"

The bearded Five Old Stars said, "The contemporary fish-man princess is herself the carrier of the Sea King! That guy Brett has definitely mastered the power that is enough to subvert the world!


"And now, they are about to take action!"


Almost at the same moment, looks of fear appeared on the faces of all the kings.

The world's strongest man is equipped with the most powerful weapons in history, plus the support of the neo navy and the revolutionary army!

It is simply an invincible force!

How could it be possible to compete with them?

The bearded Wulaoxing looked at the reactions of the kings and shook his head insignificantly.

What a bunch of trash, they were completely scared out of their wits.

"The enemy is stronger than ever, so if we want to contend with it, we must join hands!"

The five old stars holding swords raised their arms and shouted, "Otherwise, this world will be trampled by them, and everything we have will be plundered by them!"

"Let them see what kind of power will burst out when the whole world is united!"

His Majesty the Kings looked at each other and did not speak.

Although they said that, they didn't think that together they had the power to fight against ancient weapons.

"By the way, there's no need to worry too much about ancient weapons."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "The government finally has the power to deal with them!"

"Oh oh oh oh!


His Majesty the King immediately cheered.

"Then defeat them!"

Since there are people to deal with ancient weapons, what is there to fear?

Courage, isn’t it coming?

"So, right now, right now,"

The bearded Five Old Star raised his fist, "Declare war on the Revolutionary Army, the Neo Navy, and Brett!"

"I accepted."

There was a sound.

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