One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 506: Then declare war!

The bearded Wulaoxing, who was shouting just now, was stunned at this moment.

Did he hear it wrong?

Why do you seem to hear that guy Brett's voice?

The next moment, the door at the rear opened, and three figures rushed in like lightning. They were the three generals guarding the door.

At almost the same moment, a white figure also ran onto the podium, blocking the way of the five old stars.

Then, the ceiling above shattered, and a figure fell from above, landing lightly in the center of the venue.

"Didn't you hear clearly?"

The visitor said with a smile, "It means that I accept your declaration of war."

"Hey Hey hey!

This is really a situation that I have never thought of! "

Admiral Green Bull's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, "This guy actually dares to come to Mary Joa!"

That's right, this is the enemy's base camp! It’s really, really dangerous! Isn't it the wrong direction?

"Really, now I'm starting to regret why I didn't exchange jobs with Kaji before!" General Kizaru also smiled bitterly, "I don't want to experience a battle like that at G-1 Base again."

Four on one and being beaten randomly by the opponent, no one wants to experience this kind of thing a second time.

"Besides, it's still a situation where you can't do anything at will."

Fujitora also smiled bitterly.

All the kings under the World Government are gathered here. If a fight breaks out here, how many of these kings will survive?

Then the turmoil that the government will face next is simply unimaginable.

I simply didn’t dare to do anything casually.

Well, even if you try, you probably won't win.



The bearded Wulaoxing had already called out the man's name loudly, "You bastard, you actually dare to deliver it to your door yourself!

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Brett, whose body was covered with red scales and transformed into a dragon-like form, slightly raised his lips, "Like you, I am here to declare war."

He smiled and said, "Are you ready to end your rule, Celestial Dragons?"

"Next we are going to kick you off your throne."

The kings and majesties around him almost fled in all directions.

The old friends mixed in the queue also had complicated eyes.

"Shameless talk!"

The bald Wulaoxing said through his teeth, "Now that you're here, let's stay here, Brett!"

After being shocked, the five old stars immediately realized that this was a complete surprise!

It cannot be said that the crisis will be completely resolved after killing Brett, but at least the biggest trouble has been eliminated!

Since Brett has enthusiastically sent it to their door, of course they must seize this best opportunity!

Brett, your constant victory has made you arrogant!

"Kill this guy!


The blond Wulaoxing had simply shouted the order directly.

Therefore, the man in white robes in front of them and the three generals behind them could only prepare for battle at the same time.

"Hey, hey, don't act rashly."

Brett smiled and pointed at the sky, "Look up there."

"Hey, was that a joke?"

A king raised his head and looked at the sky, then slumped down on his chair, and the water had completely wet his luxurious clothes.

"What is that?"

More people groaned almost in pain.

Brett fell directly from the sky above Pangu City. After smashing through several floors, he landed smoothly in the conference room.

So looking up from here, you can clearly see the scene above the sky.

There is an island floating in the sky.

Or should I say something like an island.

It is huge, with a base of earth and rock.

If you can look around to the side, you can see more things. For example, above the soil and rocks, there is a building made of steel and concrete.

The behemoth is wrapped in clouds, so it can float in the sky.

"If that thing falls down, I'm afraid it won't be good."

Brett smiled.

The CP0 guarding them reported the situation in the sky to the Five Old Stars. The knife-wielding Five Old Stars gritted their teeth and said, "Britt! What on earth do you want to do, you bastard!"

"Didn't I say it? It's a declaration of war."

Brett said leisurely without looking back, "General Fujitora, please don't act rashly."

He said, "I believe you are capable of catching it, but I don't think you want to see the consequences."

Bright's scales were already glowing with lightning.

Fujitora, who put his hand on the handle of the knife, shook his head helplessly.

The idea of ​​manipulating gravity to support the island and neutralize Brett's threat came to nothing.

If Brett is willing, he can take away the lives of all the kings here in an instant.

"There is no need to be anxious, generals."

Brett chuckled, "It's still unclear whether our stance is hostile or not."


Green Bull frowned, "What on earth do you mean?"

"it means--"

Brett snapped his fingers.

Above, the huge thing suspended in mid-air suddenly began to vibrate.

Then, something started falling from above.

He passed through the hole made by Brett very accurately, and when he was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly stopped.

Because he is surrounded by clouds.

"That is--"

The Green Bull General's eyes widened, "What a monster, it's so disgusting!"

Floating beside Brett, rolled up by his clouds, was a real monster.

A second head grew out from the side of the neck. It seemed to be a swordfish with a long nose.

The body on the right below belongs to a human, the body on the left belongs to a fish, the left arm becomes a fin, and the left leg becomes a fish tail.

It's like cutting off a fish and a human in half, one on the left and the other on the right, and then roughly connecting them together.

Wulao Xing's expression has changed drastically.

"Although it was hidden far away, I found it in the end."

Brett curled his lips, "As for what this is - haha,"

He looked at the five old men on the rostrum and said, "Five old men, could you please explain to everyone?"


The five old stars just gritted their teeth, but said nothing.

"So, why do you have an ominous premonition?" Green Bull scratched his hair.

"Since you are unwilling to explain, we can only find another explainer."

Brett snapped his fingers.

Something fell from the sky again.

They were also swept up by the clouds, but this time there were two people.

A man, a woman.

"Oh! Gion?"

Kizaru opened his mouth in surprise, "And--"

He looked at the man held by Gion, "Dr. Caesar?"

"Oh, so, what is going on?" He was very happy.

"Yeah, what's going on?"

Gion shook his head, "Then let's talk about it, Caesar."

Caesar, who was holding his neck by her, was covered in cold sweat.

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