The heads of the five old stars were already covered with cold sweat.

This woman Gion actually got together with this bastard Brett!

And Brett, that bastard, actually found their new Naval Science Corps base hidden underground in the wilderness outside of Mariejoia!

The idiot Caesar was caught by Brett!

Because I have entrusted this man with a heavy responsibility, I know his character even more clearly.

He is by no means a man with a lot of backbone and the ability to remain unyielding in the face of life and death threats.

It would be better to say that on the contrary, the man named Caesar is most greedy for life and afraid of death. From the unspeakable fear on this man's face at this moment, he knows what will happen next.

"Kill them!


The bearded Five Old Stars had already screamed.

Caesar must not be allowed to tell everything.


"This is not the time for you to speak."

Brett's eyes widened, and the violent energy centered on him instantly poured out towards the five old stars like a violent storm.

"damn it!"

The man standing in front of the Five Old Stars roared angrily, and the same powerful overlord color burst out from his body.

He is the commander-in-chief of CP0, the man known as the strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons, and of course the holder of Overlord-colored Haki.

But at this moment, he, the top overlord in the sea, seemed so fragile when facing Bright. After only a short moment of confrontation, he collapsed.

Brett's overbearing color completely enveloped the five old stars.

Even though they are called the world's highest power, even the five people who rule the world, their identities and powers are meaningless in front of Bright's power at this time.

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The five old men began to roll their eyes one by one, and then fell to the ground degradingly, foaming at the mouth.

"Oh oh oh, this level of domineering lust is so scary."

Green Bull smacked his lips, "Such a monster is no longer something humans can fight against, right?"

It’s unimaginable that there could be such a strong man in the world!

"Your Excellency Wulaoxing!


Mr. Strongest Shield hurriedly called a few of his subordinates to wake up the Five Old Stars. He himself stood in front of him, alerting Brett to his movements.

However, Brett ignored him at all and just turned around and looked at Dr. Caesar kindly.

"Okay, now that all the troublemakers are speechless, Dr. Caesar, let's talk about what kind of research you have been engaged in recently."

Brett's smile was very gentle, almost like a spring breeze blowing on his face.

But this oncoming spring breeze gave Dr. Caesar a chill.

If you lie at this time, you will definitely be killed!

His body was constantly trembling.

As for what kind of punishment you will receive from the five old stars after telling the truth, I can't think of it now. Let's live first.

"Wulaoxing asked me to reproduce the fish-man transformation experiment that the guy from Begapunk once completed!"

The potential of life was stimulated under the crisis, and Caesar made the most critical point clear almost in an instant.

"The fish-man transformation experiment, wasn't this something that was reported in the newspaper before?"

The frightened His Majesty the King immediately recalled what happened not long ago.

“But didn’t the government refute the rumor and say it was a lie?”

"How can it be a lie now? Have you seen that woman! Momo Usagi Gion! The former general candidate! Now he has become a fish-man!"

His Majesty the King has already started talking about it.

But at the same time, there was something strange in their hearts.

Honestly, what is this kind of thing?

It’s not a big deal at all, and it’s something that must never be exposed!

It would be better to say that in order to deal with the threat of Fishman Island, the government took such action, which reassured His Majesty the King.

At least it shows that the government is working hard!


While His Majesty the King was not paying attention, the three generals gathered here had already pursed their lips.

"Miss Gion is the work of Dr. Vegapunk, so——"

The Green Bull General looked at the monster floating aside, bound by the clouds.

Is that Dr. Caesar’s creation?

It does look very different from Dr. Vegapunk.

However, if it was just ugly, there would be no need for Brett to spend so much time on it, right?

Green Bull had a strong premonition that he was about to hear something very exciting.

"This matter is not the point. The point is what you did during your research process."

The sword on Miss Gion's waist had been unsheathed and placed directly across Caesar's neck.



Caesar's hair almost stood on end, and his body was shaking like chaff. He hurriedly trembled, "In order to... in order to... accurately elicit the power of the fish-man blood hidden in the body of the fish-man. , so...I did experiments with Dauberman and others."


General Fujitora's brows frowned immediately.

"Hey, hey, is this true?"

Green Bull even asked directly, "Didn't Dauberman and the others die in the Neo Navy's attack?"

"Because, because the technology... is immature,"

Caesar stammered, he could really feel the coldness of the sword's edge on his neck, "So in the end only Dauberman succeeded."

"But he also died trying to cover my departure."

Gion sighed silently.

"This is really a shocking truth."

Kizaru crossed his chest with his hands and groped his chin and said with some distress, "Using our companions for experiments is unacceptable no matter how you think about it."

"But how do we know that Caesar wasn't forced into submission, but that he was forced to do so?"

"I think I can testify to this!"

Another shadow fell above the big hole that Bright had made.

It's a tea dolphin.

The man's face had a very solemn expression. He raised his right hand, holding a thick stack of documents.

"This is Caesar, this scumbag's experiment manual! It records from beginning to end the entire process of this guy's experiment using the marines who turned into fishmen!"

This is bad now.

Mr. Strongest Shield has secretly gritted his teeth.

If this matter is exposed in front of the navy, it will be difficult to judge their position at this critical moment!

"Jiaji, can you show me what you have in your hand?"

Another man walked in from the door behind the three generals.

Wearing a white suit, he is tall and has completely gray hair.

"Of course, Mr. Karp!"

Jiaji jumped over.

Now that Marshal Sengoku is gone, no one is more qualified to represent the navy's will than this man.

"Don't move."

Brett stared at the strongest shield that was ready to attack.

At this time, is it possible that you are still thinking of using small tricks to get through?

So the strongest shield could only remain silent and motionless.

Hero Garp took the file from Jia Ji and watched it silently.

He didn't say anything, but everyone could see that his face was getting more and more ugly.

"Are you kidding me?"

Finally the navy hero roared.

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