One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 508 The Arrival of God

Lieutenant General Garp's entire face was swollen red at this time, veins popped out on his forehead, and his right hand was tightly clenching the stack of documents in his hand, almost pinching the thick stack of paper. Broken.

"I haven't seen Mr. Karp looking so angry for a long time."

General Kizaru said with emotion, "Even when he was attacking Roger, he still had a smile on his face."

But now the anger is uncontrollable.

"If you still don't believe it, you can go up there and take a look."

Brett raised his hand and pointed to the sky above where the huge monster was suspended, "Tens of thousands of modified monsters are up there right now."

"Now it seems there is no reason to continue to doubt."

Lieutenant General Garp's chest heaved violently, and his breathing was clearly audible even at the edge of the conference hall. Everyone could see the anger and confusion this man was feeling at this time.

"So government, I think you need to give us a reason!"

The hero Garp asked loudly, "Why do people who fight for the world government suffer such treatment! Why do they lie on the cold operating table like mice and let others play with them until they die!


If you die in battle with the enemy, then there is nothing to say. Death on the battlefield is the fate of a soldier.

However, how can one calmly accept being persecuted by one's own people and abandoned by those one is loyal to and protects?

"That's it."

General Fujitora sighed, he sheathed the sword in his hand, and then simply sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Brother for life?"

The green bull looked at him in surprise.

"I don't know what to do anymore, so let's take a rest for now."

General Fujitora sighed, "Let's wait until we find the way forward again."

"That's right."

So Lu Niu also started to sigh, "Really, I finally found a prestigious job with a stable salary, how could I encounter this kind of thing?"

"That's it."

Kizaru also looked dejected.

The entire conference hall fell into extreme silence at this moment.

His Majesty the Kings from all the countries affiliated to the government were all in a state of confusion.

Is it possible that the current situation means that the Navy will part ways with the World Government?


Just thinking about this kind of thing makes people feel numb!

If the opponent is a rebel force led by Brett, then of course the navy will be the main force on their side!

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If the navy is betrayed, then why not talk about war? Just close your eyes and wait for death!

Even if the ancient weapons controlled by Brett's side may have the means to deal with it, if the navy is gone, who will be able to deal with the army commanded by the three of Brett, Dolagzefa and others?

Who else can handle it?

Wulaoxing, now is not the time to sleep!

Now wake up quickly and persuade the navy to calm down!

It can only be said that it was just right. At this time, the five old stars actually woke up under the rescue of the CP0s.

After all, they were just passed out and not dead.

After using slightly rougher methods, the Five Old Stars regained consciousness one by one.

They quickly learned about the current situation amid cp0's chatter.

The five old stars fell into extremely sad faces for a moment.

The worst case scenario finally occurred.

What should we do now?

The five heads of the five old men began to work rapidly.

Finally, the bearded Five Stars stood up and said calmly, "It is indeed us who authorized Caesar to conduct the experiment and asked Dauberman and his subordinates to cooperate with the experiment."

"But we didn't expect that Caesar would be so heartless. In the end, only Dauberman survived."

This is indeed true.

Of course, Caesar wouldn't dare say that he killed hundreds of fish-men marines before the results came out.

"Don't listen to this guy's nonsense!"

But of course, you still have to quibble. Caesar screamed like his hair was exploding, "Without their authorization, would I dare to experiment with a navy of the rank of lieutenant general!"

"Caesar, you bastard..."

The bearded Wulaoxing frowned. This mad dog started biting people, but what was embarrassing was that he really couldn't defend himself?

"The reason is very simple. If there was no support from them, how could Gion-sama disrupt the experiment and turn things upside down and make her a traitor?"

Dr. Caesar spoke eloquently.

This was such a sure blow that the five old stars couldn't even think of any lines to defend themselves.

Because they do.

"We're sorry about this, but it's happened, so let's discuss what's next."

The sword-wielding Wulaoxing took a deep breath and said, "Everything is just to deal with the next enemy."

"If we fail in the next war, the entire world will fall into a state of destruction."

"So, are you trying to say that they are all just insignificant sacrifices in the process of striving for a great goal?"

Miss Gion almost gritted her teeth.

"No, on the contrary, their sacrifice is crucial!"

The five-old star spoke righteously and loudly declared to everyone, "Their sacrifices made a vital contribution to our final victory!"


Gion was silent.

"It's so disgusting..."

Green Bull sighed.

"Garp, we can apologize to you. It's not a problem to take the blame and resign after the war!"

The five old stars holding the sword even bowed deeply in the direction of the navy, and he said seriously, "But at least in this war, please let us fight side by side!"

Brett almost laughed.

Of course this is just a lie.

What this bald old man was thinking about was that after the victory of the war, Lord Yin Mu wanted to cleanse the world, and the navy was of course one of the targets.

In this case, there is no point in making a promise or not.



Lieutenant General Garp was silent.

After a long time, he breathed a deep sigh of relief, "Even the most loyal naval soldiers can be sacrificed without hesitation. How can I continue to trust you?"


The five old stars also fell silent.

The negotiations entered a stalemate.

Brett listened to the sailors.

Even Lieutenant General Garp was at a loss and didn't know what to do at this time.

It is absolutely impossible to pretend that nothing happened, but if it means betraying the government, I still hesitate.



Brett's eyes suddenly widened.

"You wanted to have a good sleep?"

Black shadows came from the doors on the sides of the five old stars.

"But here comes a guy who I have to greet personally."

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