One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 509 The betrayal of justice!

The person who came was wearing a black robe and a high crown on his head.

The figure looks very tall and slender.

There is no doubt that this person can only be the black hand lurking behind the world, Lord Yin Mu, who has ruled the world for eight hundred years.

Although Brett couldn't see Yinmu's appearance clearly, he knew that this guy was watching him.

This guy actually showed up in person now?

Brett felt a little surprised.

Is it possible that this guy doesn't know what it means for him to appear in this place now?

It seems that now there is no need to fan yourself to light the fire.

"Who is this guy?"

When Lord Yinmu appeared, the kings around the world were at a loss.

He majestically passed through the guards outside the conference venue, and even stood beside the Five Old Stars?

Is he some big shot among the Celestial Dragons?

Then, something even more unbelievable to your Majesty the Kings happened.

When this guy appeared, the five old stars actually bent down and knelt in front of him!

"What's going on!"

A king stood up with a look of horror on his face, and he almost screamed at the top of his lungs!

There are many people who are as unbelievable as him, or everyone except Brett.

"Hey, hey, what's going on? Am I dazzled?"

Green Bull's eyes almost flew out of their sockets, and his mouth could not be closed due to shock, "The five old stars actually knelt down to him, who is this guy!"


The Five Old Stars are the highest power in this world. This is a matter of course and is the consensus of everyone in the world!

How could there be anyone in these governments with a higher status than them? Even the Celestial Dragons and the Five Old Stars are the highest among the Celestial Dragons!

How could there be anyone in the world who could make them kneel?

Amidst everyone's astonishment, the Five Old Stars were calm.

Since this adult has already chosen to appear, there is no need for them to make a decision next.

All you need to do is quietly obey the orders of this adult.

"This should be the first real meeting, right?"

Completely ignoring everyone's shocked reactions, Han Hu's voice sounded from under the black robe, "The fishman Brett, I have long wanted to meet you in person."

"me too."

Blake's lips curled up slightly, "But I thought it would be on the final battlefield."

"How do you know today won't be your final day?"

There was a hint of smile in the voice that was unclear, and it was impossible to tell the gender and age, "I have already appeared in front of you in person, is it possible that you still want to escape unscathed?"

"How would you know if you don't try something like this?" Brett said casually.

"But, then again, you don't seem to be surprised at all by my existence?"

Lord Yin Mu's voice sounded a little surprised.

"Of course it's because I already know of your existence."

Brett smiled and said, "Yum."


The five old stars who were still kneeling widened their eyes.

This guy Brett actually knows about Lord Yinmu's existence!

Could it be that--

"Oh, so you've found what Qiao Yin-Bo Yin left behind?"

Yin Mu's reaction was much calmer than that of the Five Old Stars.

"That's right."

Brett smiled and said, "If we don't know the details of the World Government, we won't dare to start a war with you rashly."



The five old stars almost gritted their teeth.

Has this bastard actually found the legendary secret treasure?

"So, Brett,"

Miss Gion asked solemnly, "Who is this guy?"

The leader of the world government located on the Five Old Stars is something that has never been heard of before!

How could such a thing happen? How could there be such a person?

"This person?"

Brett smiled, and then he raised his voice deliberately, "Let's introduce him properly."

"Call him Yinmu, the true master of the Void Throne that no one has ever visited."

"The man who created the world government with his own hands eight hundred years ago."

"Eight hundred years ago? Are you serious?"

Green Bull was stunned, "Does this guy live longer than the giants?"

The kings were equally at a loss.

From just now, a series of things happened too fast and too fast for them to react.

"Of course it's true. He has been controlling the world government for the past eight hundred years. He can be called the emperor of the world."

Brett sighed.

"Emperor of the world?"

Master Yinmu nodded slightly, with a smile in his voice, "It sounds good."

"No denial?"

Cha Dou swallowed, "So this guy really lived for eight hundred years and has been controlling the government during these eight hundred years?"

The world government that was originally thought to be equal and free turned out to have always been a plaything in someone's hands?

Just realizing this is enough to make one's head tingle!

"Don't get me wrong, I got tired of controlling the world hundreds of years ago."

Master Yin Mu said calmly, "Wealth, power, fame, everything is easily accessible. Believe me, you will only be excited about it for the first one or two hundred years."

"Now I just want to rest peacefully, and when I wake up occasionally, I can look at the world I love."

Everyone was as silent as a chill.

Although Yin Mu's voice was calm, everyone felt a huge pressure coming towards them.

"But, Brett,"

Invisible eyes focused on Brett, "You prevent me from sleeping peacefully."

"Then what a coincidence."

Brett smiled and said, "And in this world where you exist, I can't sleep peacefully either."

"Is that so?"

Yin Mu's voice was full of smiles, "That's such a coincidence."

"Then let's decide here, who can sleep comfortably in the coming years."

"Before that, we have another problem here!"

Before Brett had time to speak, Lieutenant General Karp took a step forward and asked loudly, "What does our navy mean to the government?


If this Yin Mu is the emperor of the government, then isn't their navy a private army serving this guy?

"The navy acts for justice, right?"

Yin Mu said matter-of-factly, "The whole world belongs to me, so of course I am justice."

What arrogance!

Lieutenant General Garp gritted his teeth.

"But it doesn't matter anymore."

Then, Yoon Mu said, "After this war is over, I will clean up the whole world."

"You are no longer needed."

The navy were all silent.

Earth-shattering speech.

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