One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 513 The Demise of Malinfando

The huge scientific force experimental base was now placed in the wilderness outside Mariejoia.

In the clouds above, the giant thing has disappeared into the end of the sky.

In the almost half-ruined Pangu City, Lord Yin Mu sat on the high Void Throne.

Below him are the five old stars wearing black suits with serious faces.

Further below are the kings of the many countries that have joined the government, with faces full of panic and anxiety.

"Then tell me your decision."

The bearded Five Old Stars looked down at the kings below, "Should I surrender to Lord Yin Mu, or decide to perish."


Your distinguished kings and majesties looked at each other.


"I am willing to surrender!"

The first His Majesty the King knelt down.

Even Brett and the generals were beaten to the point of fleeing, how could they contend with this monster!

If you don't want to die, the only option you can choose now is surrender!

With the first person taking the lead, there will naturally be second and third ones...

His Majesty the King knelt down one by one, and they finally decided to show their loyalty to Lord Yinmu.

But not everyone is willing to give in.

King Kobra of Alabasta clenched his fists at this time. His chest was heaving violently, and the expression on his face was constantly changing, as if he was making a struggling decision.

Finally, his expression became calmer and his clenched fists were loosened, but his eyes became extremely firm.

He had made up his mind.

But just when he was about to say something, two hands grabbed his shoulders.

King Riku from Drosrosa and Yinli Zabailuo II from Prodence.

The two tall and strong kings directly held Cobra down and knelt on the ground with them.

"Nothing you want to say now makes any sense."

King Riku bowed his head deeply, and his voice was very low, "You can tell by looking at it, this is not a person who can reason with us."

"If we are not careful, even our country may be directly wiped out."

King Kobra's body became stiff at this moment.

Then finally his body slumped down and his head hung deeply.

"I see."

Now is not the time to act on impulse.

"very good."

The five old stars nodded with satisfaction, and all the kings finally chose to surrender.

Now, we are united, right?

"Lord Yinmu, please give the order. I think we are ready for war!"

The five old stars turned around and knelt in front of Yin Mu again.

"In that case, let's do something first."

Master Yinmu said leisurely, "The Fish-Man Island is still a little difficult to reach, so let's start from there."

"We're almost there, right?"

Somewhere in the paradise in the first half of the Grand Line, in the sky, a cloud was flying forward quickly.

There is a person running wildly in front of the clouds, dragging the clouds forward.

Of course, Brett was on his way with the allies he had just joined.

"Porosalino has already gone to Marineland first!"

Above the clouds, Mr. Karp clenched his fists, "I hope Sengoku can respond in time!"

Although they have escaped from Mariejoia, I'm afraid this matter is not over yet!

That Lord Yin Mu has regarded their navy as an existence that must be eliminated, so how could Marine Fando, the navy headquarters, be ignored?

I'm afraid the headquarters is in danger!

"Mr. Zefa was attacked by that thing at the base before,"

Brett said while speeding forward, "The final result was not very good."

"Although it would be a bit too pessimistic to say this now, all we can do now is to do our best and obey fate."

"Just do your best."

Lieutenant General Garp slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

At almost the same moment, General Kizaru, who was faster than Brett, had returned to Marineland. He went directly to the Marshal's office, found Marshal Sengoku, and called Lieutenant General He over.

"Actually...this kind of thing can happen? How is it possible!"

Kizaru recounted what happened in Mariejoia in the most concise language. The Warring States Marshal's entire face became stiff, and the sweat on his forehead continued to seep out.

“Polusarino, you are kidding!


The government used navy soldiers as experiments, and then it was discovered and blamed on Gion. There is also a monster that has been hiding behind the scenes and ruling the world for eight hundred years. Even now, it has decided to eliminate the navy.

Each of these pieces of news became more important than the last. The Warring States Marshal felt his mind was in confusion just by listening to it. How could he dare to believe it?

"I also really hope this is just a scene in my dream,"

Kizaru spread his hands helplessly, "But this is the fact."


The Warring States Marshal was silent for a moment, and then he put his hands into his afro, scratching in annoyance.

"How could such a thing happen!"

"So, Gion was really wronged!"

Lieutenant General He sighed, "However, the development of the situation is still far beyond our imagination."

"Now is not the time to get entangled, Mr. Sengoku,"

Kizaru changed his previous careless demeanor and said in a rare serious voice, "I'm afraid the other party wasn't joking when they said they wanted to clear out the navy."

"I'm afraid Malinfando is in danger now."


After the Sengoku Marshal's hand scratching his hair became stiff for a long time, he raised his head and said, "So now we can even just abandon Malinfando?"

"I'm afraid the current situation doesn't allow us to hesitate any more."

Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice, "Give me the order, Warring States Period."


The Warring States Marshal gave a wry smile and said, "Looking at the bright side, we have finally recognized the true face of the government and will not continue to help the tyrants, right?"

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

He stood up and slammed his fist on the heavy table in front of him, "Then, organize the evacuation!


When Brett dragged Yun Cai and everyone to Marinevando, warships had already gathered at the port, and naval soldiers were already carrying supplies to the warships.

Brett nodded slightly, and the efficiency seemed to be acceptable.

The Warring States Marshal was still very decisive and did not hesitate for too long.


The Green Ox General breathed a sigh of relief, "It doesn't look like it's too late."

Miss Gion and Lieutenant General Ochado couldn't help but have a relaxed smile on her face.

However, it was at this moment.

Brett's eyes suddenly widened. He turned around and looked at the sky in the distance behind him.

The next moment, the clouds in the distance were suddenly pierced, and several dazzling light pillars cut through the sky.

Then, the light pillars fell on Malinfando.



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