One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 514 Death of the Warring States Period

A huge fireball rose in front, evaporating a large amount of surrounding seawater into blazing steam almost instantly, shrouding the huge fireball like a cloud.

The violent wind came towards me, almost blowing away the clouds created by Brett.


Brett was silent.

The terrifying explosion had almost obscured everything in front of him, and the scorching temperature almost seemed to evaporate him.

What else can be left in the flames soaring into the sky?

"Are you kidding me?"

Miss Gion's expression was stiff, and she could barely squeeze out these words, but her teeth were already chattering.

"No way? Just like that-"

Green Bull also showed a horrified expression at this time, "Has the Navy Headquarters been completely wiped out like this?"

Did Marine Fando, the last great stronghold of justice, completely disappear like this?

Garp Zhongzhong's face was already livid, his fists were clenched, and his teeth were almost broken.

"Although it's rude, now is not the time to be sentimental."

Brett led everyone and plunged directly into the sea below.

Just as he was about to enter the sea, he released another bubble, enveloping everyone in it.

Then they plopped into the sea.

Now is not the time to hesitate. The floating ship is still watching from behind. If we don't find a way to hide it, a new round of bombardment may come soon.

Brett has no intention of fighting that thing right now.

After all, there is no chance that Master Yin Mu is also on that ship.

He led everyone into the sea hundreds of meters deep in one breath.

The explosion just now caused the sea water to still surge, and the turbulent eddies made even the best swimming fish unable to maintain their balance and could only be helplessly swept away.

Fortunately, Brett's swimming skills were outstanding and he was still able to lead everyone leisurely through the water.

However, he could clearly see that ahead, where Malinfando should have been, the rocks under the island were completely flattened, turning into a huge depression.

What a terrifying power.

There is no doubt that it is a powerful weapon that can destroy the entire world in a real sense. It only takes a little time.


The Green Ox General looked at the bubble surrounding them in surprise.

So is this why Brett can move freely in the water?

Can he release this bubble freely?

As long as the sea water can be isolated, there will of course be no chance of becoming weak.

It's really amazing.

"It's gone, everything is gone?"

Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin sat slumped on top of the clouds created by Brett, looking almost blankly at the area in front of him where the currents were chaotic.

The dust on the seabed was picked up by the turbulent currents, and the rock and soil that was directly melted began to solidify at this time.

It was a scene that looked like the end of the world, with heaven and earth falling.

There is nothing but disaster.

Nothing is left, the fortress of justice, the rock-solid island, and the people who uphold justice living in the fortress of that island.

The shelling just now had destroyed everything, leaving the belated navy here to despair.

"damn it!


Miss Gion bit her lower lip tightly with her teeth, and bright red blood flowed down almost instantly, "Is it still too late!"

No, it's not a question of whether it's too late or not. I'm afraid Yin Mu has already sent the floating ship over before we emerge from the red earth continent.

I'm afraid it's too late anyway.

Brett sighed inwardly.


Brett suddenly frowned and heard something.

The next second he led everyone directly upwards.

In just a few breaths, he took everyone to the sky again. He turned back and looked into the distance. The floating ship that brought destruction had already left.

It seems that the purpose has been accomplished, so there is no need to stay.

Maybe after experiencing the last chase battle, you knew you couldn't catch up, so you didn't bother to continue the chase, right?

"Are you leaving? Huh-huh-"

Caesar, who looked horrified, finally breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, "Is that the ultimate weapon of the government? It's really scary!


But no one paid any attention to him. Brett just looked at the sky in front of him.

Kizaru floats there.

The next moment, he turned into light and flashed over, landing right on Bright's clouds.

This man who was always doing nothing was very silent at this time. He sat on the clouds with his head lowered.

He is a user with the natural Shining Fruit ability. As long as he doesn't have Haki attached to him, even the powerful bombardment can't hurt him.

But that's all. All he could do was not get hurt in such a bombardment. He couldn't do anything else.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Lieutenant General Garp raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

"There is no need to blame yourself, Porusalino, that is not a force we can resist."

Brett said nothing.

Lieutenant General Karp was indeed right.

The power of the bombardment of that thing is indeed exaggerated. The last time they were chased, so many of them combined could barely make a gap in the bombardment.


Brett suddenly spoke up.

He heard another sound.

It was very faint, and I couldn't even hear it clearly amid the chaotic currents, but as the currents gradually calmed down, I could now hear it.

Brett stretched out his right hand, and the clouds instantly spread out, hovering in the sky like a long dragon, and then plunged into the sea.

Then soon, the clouds shot back like rubber rings.

There are two figures wrapped around the tail end of the clouds.

"That is!"

Lieutenant General Garp stood up directly, his eyes even widened.

The two people rolled up by the clouds soon arrived in front of everyone.

"Warring States! Xiaohe!


Lieutenant General Garp has jumped directly over.

Those swept up by the clouds from the bottom of the sea were the Navy Headquarters Grand Admiral Sengoku and the General Staff Lieutenant General He.

But now they can hardly see their original appearance.

General Hezhong was in better condition, but his body was charred to the extent that his skin and muscles were scorched.

Although it sounds serious, at least her vitality is still stable.

What's really serious is that Marshal Warring States, a large piece of his back has melted, melted in the true sense.

Most of the rest of the body has been carbonized.

He is dead.

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