One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 515 About Awakening

"Mr. Warring States!


Miss Gion couldn't help but cover her mouth.

Even a navy soldier who has experienced hundreds of battles will still feel sour in his heart when he really sees his elders who have always cared for him die in front of him.

"Damn it!


Lieutenant General Cha Dou pulled his hat down and tried to cover his face. He almost gritted his teeth and said, "Damn the government, damn Yin Mu!


In addition to Mr. Sengoku, how many other naval soldiers died in the shelling just now?

Damn world government!

"Mr. Warring States..."

Green Bull sighed, "It would be a pity for a man like you to die like this."

This man should obviously shine more brightly in the next war, but he died here like this.

"Sengoku chose to die on his own."

But it was at this time that Lieutenant General Garp suddenly spoke up.

"Xiaohe's domineering strength is far inferior to that of Sengoku. How could she still be alive, but Sengoku is dead?"

Lieutenant General Garp looked at Lieutenant General He who was still unconscious, "Sengoku must have chosen to use all his domineering energy to protect Xiao He at the last moment."

This is all that can be done. Just trying to protect the person standing closest to you has already paid the price with your life.

"Really, you have to be cool at the last minute."

A smile appeared on Lieutenant General Garp's lips, as if he was recalling the years when they fought side by side.

At this time, they were not legends on the sea, they were just recruits who had just joined the navy.

He, Sengoku, Zefa, and Xiaohe were all still young people at that time, and they were all working together for the same goal.


Tears fell uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

"Warring States——"

Lieutenant General Garp covered his eyes with his right hand, and then he took a deep breath, "Then leave it to us."

There is no point in being sad or regretful now. The next thing to do is to think about how to move towards the future.

"Anyway, let's return to Fish-Man Island first."

Brett said, glancing at Lieutenant General He who was still unconscious, "I think injuries like He Zhong also need immediate treatment."

"Then I'll trouble you, Brett."

Miss Gion said quickly.

Mr. Warring States is already dead, so Sister He, who he risked his life to protect, must not die with him.

Although Sister He is still alive, her injuries are serious.

If she continues to leave it alone, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold on for long.

So Brett immediately took everyone on the way back to Fish-Man Island.

It was at this time that Marie Joa and all the kings and majesties gathered here had begun to contact them at home.

They began to order domestic recruitment of troops and supplies to prepare for the next war.

At the same time, they also spread another news to their respective countries.

That is, the senior officials of the Navy Headquarters betrayed the government and were bewitched by the Neo Navy Commander Zefa. They became betrayers of the government.

Their Majesties asked their troops to take over the nearby naval base.

This is of course an order from the World Government.

Although the Navy Headquarters is gone, the Navy branch bases scattered around the world are still a huge force.

Although Yin Mu didn't care, the Five Old Stars thought it would be better to take advantage of it.

Not to mention the fact that all senior officials of the Navy Headquarters chose to betray the government, which would bring a huge storm to the world, Brett has already led everyone back to Fish-Man Island.

"Fishman Island, is this your first time here?"

General Green Ox looked around in surprise. The beautiful scenery of Fish-Man Island really shocked him. "I originally thought that when I came here, it would be because of the war."

The World Government invaded Fishman Island or something.

But who would have thought that now they have become an alliance with Fish-Man Island, and the World Government has become an enemy?

"Isn't it time to worry about these things now?"

Miss Gion asked anxiously, "Britt, where is the doctor?"

"Go to Dr. Vegapunk's laboratory. The doctor will be here shortly."

Brett said.

Lieutenant General He was seriously injured.

Although the Warring States Marshal had tried his best to protect him with his domineering force, her body was still almost completely burned in such an explosion.

The skin and muscles were severely damaged, and only the internal organs were still barely functioning.

If it weren't for the generally strong vitality of people in this world, I'm afraid General He Zhong would have died countless times by now.

It would be difficult for ordinary medical technology to save her, so at this time, of course, we can only rely on the Devil Fruit ability.

It's time again for Princess Manshirri's healing fruit to come in handy.

Because Brett had already contacted Tezoro by phone before arriving at Others Island, so when they just arrived at Vegapunk's office, Tezoro happened to arrive in a hurry with Princess Mansheli.


Tezoro originally wanted to ask how Brett was doing, but when he saw the people following Brett, they immediately shut up.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

It seems to be going very smoothly.

The three naval heroes, the three admirals, and the two alternate admirals all came back with them. What else is there to say? Brett and Miss Gion's plan to sow discord has been perfectly accomplished.

This is really the best news.

Of course, the more forces that can work together to fight the world government, the better.

After nodding towards Tezolo, Brett looked at the little princess sitting on Tezolo's shoulder and said, "Princess Mansheli, I'm going to trouble you again."

"give it to me!"

The little princess jumped up with a smile and fell into Brett's hands.

Brett lifted her onto Lieutenant General Crane, who was still lying on the soft clouds.

As tears began to flow from the little princess's big eyes, the power of the healing fruit was activated again.

"This is!


Miss Gion's eyes gradually widened with concern on her face.

The dark burn marks on General He's body are fading rapidly, and his skin is recovering again.

"Could it be a superhuman healing fruit?"

Lieutenant General Garp was relieved, "Only this fruit has such amazing healing power, right?"

That way there's no problem.

It's just a pity that the Sengoku guy didn't hold on.

If he was still alive, no matter how seriously injured he was, could he be cured by this little princess now?

"Oh! Porusalino! Long time no see!"

The owner of the laboratory staggered over.

"Eh? Doctor??"

Kizaru's eyes widened, "I haven't seen you for a while, you have changed so much!"

The big head that is the main body is gone!

"Hahaha, the new look looks very refreshing, right!"

The old man laughed a little proudly.

At this time, Brett walked over and said, "Doctor, I have a question."

He asked, "Can my power be awakened?"

If you want to defeat Yoon Mu, you have to become stronger!

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