One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 516 Devil Fruit Ability

Yin Mu is definitely the most powerful opponent he has faced since he came to this world.

His strength has far exceeded the limits of generals or emperors.

Whether it is strength or domineering, they are all superior to him, and even the unfavorable sight and color are restrained by him.

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I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat him based on my current words alone.

If there are weapons to fight against, then of course people need people to fight against.

You also have to become stronger.

But now that the body has almost developed, and the domineering force has almost been tempered to the current limit, it is impossible to make any explosive progress in a short period of time.

Therefore, apart from body and domineering power, the only thing that can make decisions is ability.

The replica of the Blue Dragon Fruit obtained from Vegapunk was extremely powerful, and Brett knew this better than anyone else.

Except for the different color from Kaido, this is the serious Blue Dragon Fruit, an irrefutable devil fruit of the animal type.

But to be honest, after so many years since Brett ate this fruit, there hasn't been much progress in terms of ability.

After all, animal type Devil Fruits are not as varied as superhuman and natural types. What they look like when you eat them will be what they look like next. Basically, there are no issues like development.

In terms of usage ability, the biggest difference between the current Bright and the one who just ate the fruit is experience.

There has been no progress in terms of abilities. The reason why his abilities have become stronger is because he himself has become stronger, so the animal ability that strengthens himself has also become stronger.

But in fact, animal-type Devil Fruit abilities can also enter new areas.

That is awakening.

Not all devil fruits can be awakened, and not all ability users can awaken.

Teacher Kaido said that only when the body and mind can catch up with the ability, can the phenomenon called awakening be triggered.

Brett guessed that he couldn't be considered weak no matter what at this time, right? My body and mind should have been able to catch up with my abilities a long time ago, right?

But he still failed to master the ability to awaken.

There was only one guess that Brett could make. Could it be that his fruit was a replica and man-made, so he did not have the ability to awaken?

Originally, he didn't care much about this matter. After all, even if his ability was not awakened, he would have no opponent in this world.

This kind of concept didn't exist until Yin Mu showed his strength.

That is a monster more powerful than himself, and the only way to defeat him is to awaken.

So if you can't awaken now, you'll be in big trouble.

We can only ask Dr. Vegapunk, the creator of the fruit, how to deal with this problem.


The old man blinked, then rubbed his chin, "I've actually thought about this before."

"Awakening is a wonderful thing!"

"Devil fruits are the product of prayer!"

The doctor said this, "Every fruit, when the first person ate it a long time ago, it would respond to that person's deepest desire and turn into the ability he hoped for most!"

"Wait! Doctor!"

Tezuolo had already come over, he was almost dumbfounded, "This is the first time we have heard of this kind of thing!"

This kind of thing was not mentioned in the message left by Qiao Yin and Boyin!

"Eh? Devil Fruit turns out to be such a magical thing?" Green Bull came over at some point and eavesdropped.

"That's an amazing technology!"

Vegapunk said solemnly, "This is technology that can truly make people's dreams come true!"

He looked at Brett, "Each Devil Fruit is stained with the mark of the first eater! But if subsequent eaters are strong enough, they can also use their abilities to break through this mark!"

"After this, ability users can truly color their abilities with their own colors. This is the awakening of devil fruit abilities!"

Brett nodded slightly.

That is to say, the awakening of ability is actually about transcending the shackles of previous generations and stepping into a new field, right?

That makes it clear.

"But Doctor,"

Brett asked, "You still haven't answered my question."

Although I know the principle of devil fruit awakening, can I awaken my own ability? Doctor, please answer me honestly and clearly.

"have no idea."

Dr. Vegapunk spread his hands.

"have no idea?"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I don't know."

Dr. Vegapunk shook his head, "There are only a few artificial Devil Fruits I made, and the people who eat them are not strong enough to touch the realm of awakening. How do you know whether they can awaken?"

"That's it."

Brett nodded helplessly.

This is a bit troublesome.

The question remains unanswered, and there is no way of knowing whether common sense in this area is possible.


"Sister He!"

It was at this time that cheers of surprise broke out from behind.

Brett turned around and saw Miss Gion hugging Lieutenant General Tsuru who had just sat up.

The chief staff officer of the Navy Headquarters has fully recovered from his injuries, but there is still some confusion on his face at this time.

But after realizing that she was being hugged by Gion, she paused for a moment, then raised her hand and patted her back gently.

"Xiaohe, just hope you're okay."

Lieutenant General Garp also came over to say hello with a smile.


Lieutenant General He was silent for a moment, and then he asked, "How is the headquarters?"

Lieutenant General Garp was silent.

"Is that so?"

Lieutenant General He nodded slightly, "Then the Warring States Period -"

Lieutenant General Garp nodded slightly.

Lieutenant General He took a deep breath.

She did not lose consciousness immediately after the bombing.

Knowing what just happened, she also knew that Seng Guo protected her.

After quickly calming down, the woman said, "Then let's talk about it in detail. What exactly happened in Mariejoia?"


Garp nodded.

While the story was being told, Tezzolo nudged Brett with his elbow, "Is the Navy Headquarters finished?"

Brett nodded.


Taizolo smacked his lips, "As expected of Yin Mu."

Then he winked at Brett.

Knowing that Brett would understand what he wanted to say without even having to say it.

Brett rolled his eyes.

This guy said in his heart that even this was worth it.


Blake suddenly asked, "What does it feel like to be awakened?"

"Huh? How does it feel?"

Taizuolo rubbed his chin, "You asked me so suddenly, and I didn't know how to answer it for a moment."

"Maybe it's like breaking through some kind of limitation, and your abilities have become more convenient than ever before, right?"

Breaking the limit?

Brett pursed his lips.

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