One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 518 The Sun and Shock

Directly above Fish-Man Island, at the top of the Red Continent, on the outskirts of the white town of Mariejoia, in the wilderness, an extremely huge tree has been broken. The crown of the tree that should have been like a towering crown has now been broken. Together with the upper half of the tree, it lay quietly in the wilderness.

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Yin Mu, dressed in black robes, stood in front of the tree that was split into two. The strong wind from high in the sky made the black robes on his body flutter.

"Then, Brett, let me see what you will do next."

There was a lot of laughter in his voice.

On Fish-Man Island, the lightless night has arrived.

Brett knew that from today on, Fish-Man Island would no longer be suitable for fish and mermaids to live. Without sunlight and temperature, this island that gave birth to an enemy underwater civilization would become ordinary. The deep sea is no different.

But now is not the time to think so long term!

The most critical thing now is what happens on Fishman Island.

The sudden darkness has caused the entire Fish-Man Island to become chaotic.

People who are caught off guard are at a loss, and they are afraid that a slight mistake will cause large-scale chaos.

Something must be done!

Brett took a deep breath, "Brother Jinbei, ask Neptune to tell everyone to turn on the lights!"

Then he had rushed out of the window.

The next moment, Brett had transformed into a dragon and flew towards the fish-man island.

Since the sun's brilliance can no longer shine, let another light come!

Brett's speed was very fast. Even though he was located deep in the Forest of the Sea, when he reached full speed, it still didn't take long to return to the Fish-Man Island.

He was floating above the Fish-Man Island, looking down at the island below.

Many lights on the island have been turned on. Thanks to the great development of Fish-Man Island in the past, the infrastructure of Fish-Man Island has been done very well. Lighting has already been installed in homes, so it is not completely dark now.

But even so, chaos is still brewing.

The people living on Fishman Island are panicking.

Why does sunlight disappear?

Why does it become dark?

Why is it gradually getting colder?

Brett took a deep breath.

He transformed into a slender and huge divine dragon form, and then, flames flowed from his mouth and enveloped him directly.

Brett went all out to create flames, forming a huge fireball directly outside his body, making his huge body look small in it.

Then, of course, the originally dark Fishman Island was instantly illuminated.

Although it cannot illuminate all the surrounding deep sea like the sunshine sent by Eve, at least at this time, Fish-Man Island once again welcomes light and heat.


“It’s lit up!


"It feels so warm! My whole body feels warm!"

The panicked people looked up one after another.

Then, they saw a huge fireball floating in the sky!

"What is it? A fireball? What a big fireball!"

"Could it be the sun? The sun has sunk to the bottom of the sea!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? The sun is a huge planet, much bigger than the planet we are on!"

"But doesn't it say in fairy tales that the sun will fall into the seabed to rest at night?"

"You also said it was just a fairy tale!"

The fishmen and mermaids on Fishman Island are all humans who came to this deep sea, and they are all talking about it at this time.

They were really curious about what happened just now, and why did Fishman Island suddenly lose its light? Why is there another huge sun in the sky at this moment?

What is going on?

At the Mermaid Cafe, Charlie leaned against the door, calmly looking at the huge fireball in the sky.

She sighed softly, "What an idiot."

"Miriam!" she shouted back towards the store.

"What's wrong Charlie?"

Some fat cooks poked their heads out of the kitchen.

"Let's prepare food together. The more the better. Although he may not be short of food, I don't want to do nothing at this time."


In the sky, inside the huge fireball, Brett slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, the Fish-Man Island can be temporarily illuminated.

If nothing else, it can at least temporarily relieve the panic of our compatriots.

Then, now that things have reached this point, it seems there is nothing worth hiding.

"My compatriots!"

Brandt did not escape from the flames, but his loud voice still spread throughout the entire Fish-Man Island.

It's not that Brett doesn't want to come out and has to stay in the fire ball to steam in the sauna. It's true that neither fire nor thunder can be remotely controlled as precisely as Yanyun.

Brett needs to stay inside the fireball, and then continuously create flames to keep it burning.

The people of Fishman Island heard his voice.

"It seems to be Director Black!"

"Is he in that fireball?"

"But why?"

"Um, did he create that fireball? It's amazing, it's like creating a sun!"

The people on Fish-Man Island were talking a lot, either marveling or full of doubts.

"Just now, the despicable people issued an invitation to war to us!"

In Dragon Palace City, Neptune, who was sweating profusely as he dispatched his troops, also heard Black's voice.

He couldn't help but whispered, "Is it really a good thing to reveal the current truth without any preparation? Brett!"

But now there is no other way. This situation cannot be hidden at all. Fish-Man Island is about to face a disaster, and everyone should have the right to know.


"What does it mean?"

"Is someone going to attack us again?"

The people were shocked.

After all, for Lord Brett to be able to become a dispute in the war, what level of enemy could it be?

Moreover, this fish-man island has not experienced a large-scale war for several years.

"The situation that Fishman Island is facing now is the provocation launched by the other party,"

Brett's voice was mighty, "The Fishman Castle has fallen into the most critical situation at this moment!"

The whole island became a little quiet for a while.

The most critical situation...


The sudden darkness just now!

Some people are starting to realize what's going on.

Brett's voice continued.

"Eve, the sun tree that we depend on for survival, has given us infinite light and heat, and made this island so vibrant, was cut down by them!"


The entire Fishman Island was shaking.

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