One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 519 Vegapunk’s Suggestions

The entire Fish-Man Island fell into unspeakable panic.

"Eve was destroyed? Does that mean that no more sunlight will reach this deep sea in the future?"

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"What should we do after Fish-Man Island? Without the sunshine sent by Eve, Fish-Man Island will only become dark and cold!"

Everyone is frightened.

After all, everyone knows what this fish-man island depends on for its survival.

Without the sunshine sent by Yangshu Eve, seafloor plants would not be able to grow, and the seawater would become extremely cold. Even fish people would not be able to survive on such a seafloor for a long time.

It's over, this fish-man island is over.

It is impossible to survive in such a place!

What should we do next? Where should we go from here?

The motherland, hometown, and homeland have reached the most critical moment. Who can not panic? Who can not be afraid?

"Have no need to fear, my countrymen!"

At this time, Brett's voice came over again. He said, "Even if Fishman Island can no longer carry us, we can still go to the surface of the sea!"

"At least you should believe me, compatriots, that I still have the ability to find an island on the sea."


The people of Fish-Man Island who were originally in panic suddenly woke up like they were dreaming?

That’s right, so what if we can’t stay at the bottom of the sea? Can’t we just go to the sea?

With Lord Brett's strength, isn't it easy to get an island from the sea?

At that time, you could buy several countries with money, not to mention the strength of Mr. Bright. If you wanted to rob it, there would be no one on the sea who could say no!

If you think about it this way, there is nothing to be afraid of!

Rather, saying this can help people make up their mind to leave the deep sea and go to the surface to enjoy the sunshine and sea breeze.


"But now is not the best time!"

Brett said so.

Fishman Island fell into brief silence again.

Yangshu and Eve have been destroyed, and there will no longer be light or warmth. Now is not the time, so when will the time be?

The people of Fishman Island began to feel a little confused.

"Because this is what our enemies are waiting for!"

Brett said, "The people who destroyed Eve are waiting for us to go to the sea to give us a head-on attack!"

"Yes, there are still enemies!"

"What the hell kind of bastard is he that dares to destroy Eve!"

"You can never forgive a bastard like that!"

"Lord Brett, who is the enemy in your mouth?


Anger gradually began to brew in the hearts of all compatriots.

The unknown enemy wants them all to die!

Destroying Yangshu Eve, she wanted to completely reduce this fish-man island to death!

How can such a bastard be forgiven? He must pay the price with blood! He needs to die!

"The name of the person who declares war with us at this time and wants to destroy this island and all the free people in this world is Yin Mu!"

Everyone heard a name that they were not familiar with, or should be said to be completely unfamiliar, and had no impression at all.


Who is this? Never heard of it at all!

"This man is the ruler of the world government!"

Brett continued, "Our next opponent is the World Government!"

"It's the Celestial Dragons! It's the Celestial Dragons who enslaved our compatriots, trampled on our dignity, and now want us to die without a burial place!


"Compatriots! It's time to knock those arrogant guys into the dust. Everyone in the world knows that we fishmen and mermaids cannot be bullied by anyone!"

Brett's voice was like thunder, "Now is the time for revenge!


"Government? Celestial Dragons?"

"Are you going to become enemies with them next?"

After a brief silence.


Boss Brett!


"I have finally waited for this day, finally waited for the moment of revenge!


"Brother Tiger! Revenge is about to begin!


Cheers first rang out from Fishman Street.

Then Brett's voice sounded again.

"Don't worry that we will be weak. The world government is alone now! The neo navy, the revolutionary army, and now even the navy are our partners! The specific news will be published in the newspapers soon!"

Brett roared loudly, "My compatriots, you just need to remember that freedom-loving people around the world have united!"

"We will win!"

This time there was even more uproar.

"Neo Navy? Is Zefa commanding a neo Navy joined by two former generals, Akainu and Aokiji?"

"There are also the Revolutionary Army! Even in this deep sea, I still hear their names like thunder!"

"But why is there still a navy? How can they stand with the neo navy?"

"Is it possible that this is all an act? Everyone is united just to deceive the world government?"

The people on Fishman Island were talking a lot.

No matter what, a unified mood is gradually brewing.

"If that's the case, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"Yes, since the government doesn't want us to survive, then of course we can't give them a way to survive!"

"Let the war begin!

Destroy them completely!

Then, take us to the sea, Brother Brett! Our children can truly soak up the sun!


The entire Fishman Island came together at this moment.

People cheered wildly.

Brett's lips curled up.

The people's support can be used, and at least the aspect of human relations has been established.

"But there is no need to be too anxious. My compatriots still need to wait a little longer!"

Pluto is not finished yet.

"So before that, please be patient for a little longer!"

Brett said, "It doesn't matter even if I have to hang in the sky to bring light and warmth to this island. Please wait a little longer."

Pluto still has one final step to go.

"Understood! We will endure it, Brother Brett!"

Brett heard it, someone yelling below.

Then there was a chorus of shouts.

"That's right! If it's for this country, then we can endure no matter what kind of difficulty it is!"

Brett then breathed a sigh of relief.

This should be fine for the time being.

However, he did not come down from the sky immediately, but hung there for several hours before falling down.

Calculating the time, it was already night, and there was no need for him now.

In fact, it is not too tiring. If you hang in the sky for more than ten hours a day, it will not be difficult for Blake.

But it won’t work if it continues like this.

The light and heat he emits cannot cover the entire deep sea like sunlight.

If this continues, the temperature of this deep sea will drop rapidly, and Fish-Man Island will also be affected.

It's time to find Dr. Vegapunk.


"Haha, now you have to rely on my invention!"

"Let's make an artificial sun!"

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