One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 520 Im looking for Ouranos

Chapter 520 Im looking for Ouranos

In Vegapunk's laboratory, the senior executives from Fish-Man Island and the navy officers were all gathered here.

The situation that Fish-Man Island is currently facing is really difficult for all of them not to worry about.

The country has been brought to the brink of cascading destruction.

Fortunately, now Dr. Vegapunk has come up with an idea.

It's just that this idea makes people feel a little bit dumbfounded.

"Artificial sun? Is this really possible, doctor?"

Jinbe couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"Hahaha! Of course it's impossible for ordinary people to do it, but it's different for me!!"

The old man started dancing excitedly, laughing loudly, "Never underestimate the wisdom of a genius!"


He pursed his lips again, "If it were before, I wouldn't have been able to do it, but it's different now. The energy problem has been solved!"

"With the energy technology left behind by the Lunarians, it is not impossible to create an artificial sun that hangs high in the sky and can continuously emit light and heat. !”

"Oh! That's amazing, Doctor!"

Green Bull started to applaud excitedly, "If you sell one of these suns, you will definitely make a lot of money!"

"Don't say such stupid things, idiot!"

Dr. Vegapunk glared at him dissatisfied, "Science and technology are meant to be used to make the world a better place!"

"Let the deep sea become warm and bright, let the winter island become like spring all year round, and let flowers bloom in the desert! This is the meaning of science!"


Brother Jinbei admired sincerely.

The technology is amazing, and so are the people.

"No more nonsense, doctor,"

Brett urged anxiously, "I believe in your technology, but the question is how long will it take?"

"Well, let me think about it..."

The old man flexed his fingers and calculated in a nonchalant manner, "To create a sun that can float in the sky and emit light for a long time, we must also adjust the pop of its light to be similar to that of sunlight."

King Neptune's expression has become tangled. This sounds very powerful, even with Dr. Vegapunk's technology——

"One week!"

The old man raised his index finger.


King Neptune broke through the power on the spot and screamed, "Is it so fast?"

"If the energy problem is solved, all other technologies will be ready!"

Vegapunk said matter-of-factly, "The most time-consuming thing is just to make the various parts and assemble them together."

This is the calmness of genius.

Bright's lips curved up into a smile, "I understand, then hurry up and make it quickly, Doctor!"

"And during this week, let me take over the responsibilities of the sun for the time being."

If the Doctor could create such an artificial sun, then the range where fish and mermaids could live would be far beyond Fish-Man Island.

Although you have to move to the sea after winning the war, you don't necessarily have to give up on the deep sea, right?

Murlocs and mermaids can open up a large number of settlements in the deep sea. In this case, this race can also multiply and grow.

The sea is much wider than the islands on the sea.

Maybe hundreds of thousands of years later, mermaids and fish people will become the mainstream race in this world?

"That's all we can do for now!"

This emergency meeting ended in a hurry.

While Vegapunk went to the base to start emergency overtime work, Bright was also preparing to go back and take a good nap to replenish his energy.

It will still be hanging in the sky all day tomorrow.

But just after returning to his temporary residence in the Coral Jungle of Umi no Mori, he smiled.

He opened the door and walked in.

"What are you still doing?"

In the bright light, the woman sat at the table. She stretched out leisurely, and her thin clothes outlined her full and slender curves.

"The food is almost cold. I worked hard to make this. If it goes to waste, I will be very angry."

Brett walked into the house with a smile and closed the door.

"By the way, the divination you wanted me to help with has already come to fruition."

"Ah? I was about to speak!"

"Although I don't know much about the awakening of devil fruits, the result of my divination is this..."

The next day, when the sun should be rising, Bright appeared in the sky on time, creating a fireball that was slightly smaller than last night, and then slowly rose over time.

It’s time to cosplay the sun again.

If this legend is passed down smoothly, people thousands of years from now will not be able to honor me as the Sun God, right?

Blake thought this in his mind.

Watching the sun rise in the sky, the people of Fishman Island who woke up early felt full of security in their hearts.

Yes, as the gentleman said, as long as he is still in this country, there will be no problem!

Lord Bright will do everything he can to protect this country and everyone here.

Meanwhile, Marie Joa.

"Really? That guy Brett is actually doing this kind of thing!"

The voice of the man in black robe, who was sitting lazily on the Void Throne, was full of smiles, "It's so funny. People describe Joey Boy as the sun, but now it seems that this boy Bright has really become the sun. ”

"But, Lord Im,"

Under the throne, the five old stars were still half-kneeling here respectfully, "In this case, the plan to destroy Yangshu Eve and force the fish-man island to move to the sea will come to an end."

"It doesn't matter. Since they are not ready to take action yet, let's wait for us to take action first."

Im said calmly, "Has the investigation been clear? Where is Ouranos?"

Since Bright doesn't want to start a war just yet, let's take advantage of this period to recover the King of Heaven.

It would be really troublesome if the other party were to collect three ancient weapons at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wulaoxing,"

The bearded Five Old Star lowered his head, "The one most likely to be related to Ouranos is Shanks, but the red-haired pirates are elusive in the new world, and there is no whereabouts for them yet."

"Then go find it quickly."

The king, who was sitting on the throne, said casually, "Don't let me down."

The five old stars trembled, and then finally lowered their heads, "Yes!"

Of course none of them wanted to experience the consequences of this adult's disappointment.

Then during this day, the world suddenly became turbulent.

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