One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 521: War of Public Opinion

Chapter 521 Public Opinion War

The messages spread from each king instantly began to spread through the citizens under their command.

A little later, the speech delivered by Bright on Fish-Man Island that afternoon also deeply shocked the humans who stayed on Fish-Man Island at that time.

From word of mouth, two different ideas, but the same event, have now begun to spread among a few people in the human race.

Then on this day, almost all newspapers in the world used Xinwanniao to deliver their newspapers to every corner of the world they could reach.

They are also two completely different views, but they convey the same meaning.

"What? Bright and Fish-Man Island threaten world peace. They have collected three ancient weapons and are going to destroy the world!"

"What? The NEO Navy and the Revolutionary Army are their partners. Damn it, what a terrifying force this is. Even the World Government will have a hard time resisting it!!"

"What? Even the top brass of the Navy betrayed the World Government, were seduced by Zefa, and have now joined their side?"

"What? The government has already declared war on the enemy at yesterday's World Conference. Is the terrorist war sweeping the world coming?"

This is what people think after reading the news as viewed by government-owned newspapers.

Shock, horror, disbelief.

But the news that is even more shocking, more frightening, and more unbelievable comes from the other side, a newspaper owned by the World Economic News Agency!

Because the headline on the front page of the World Economic News today is——

"Shock! The blank 100 years of history revealed! 》

The name alone is eye-catching enough.

But what was even more shocking was his content. Just when everyone thought the title was just a headline, they flipped through the content below, and then felt uncontrollable horror.

The text below begins with a large ship breaking through the clouds and landing in Qinghai.

Then the origin of this big ship was introduced.

Then began to introduce Bika and the long history that followed.

It ends with the establishment of a world government.

By the way, there is also an additional content, which states that the information was provided by Mr. Bright, the Emperor of the Deep Sea, who successfully arrived at the Final Island.

The whole world was shocked.

"Is it possible that this is really a hundred years of history that has been erased by the government?"

"Who knows about this kind of thing, but it doesn't seem to be aimless?"

"So the world government was actually established under such circumstances? He betrayed that great country and betrayed his own allies-"

"And there's even an immortal monster controlling the world government!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's the monster or not. I only care about one thing. What about the technologies back then? The world was obviously very developed back then, so why is it so backward now!"

"The government, I'm afraid, has erased both technology and history, right?"

"In other words, if it weren't for the world government, the world would have been a better place!"

"Then it seems that the Tianlong people are not great at all! How can they become the gods of this world after continuous betrayal? Why should they stand on everyone's head and rule the world!!"

People around the world are talking about it.

The sanctity and legitimacy of the world government were shattered at this moment.

It is nothing but a dictatorship established by traitors! Neither sacred, nor free, nor unequal!

If a world government can make the world a better place, then that's okay.

But the problem is the world. During the 800 years that the government has ruled, the people in this world have not lived as well as the people 800 years ago.

Although the world eight hundred years ago was chaotic, people at that time could at least enjoy many technological conveniences!

But what people now face is not only the heavy amount of gold in the sky every year, but also the huge number of pirates on the sea, and those advanced technologies have disappeared!

If this is the case, why should we obey the world government?

They obviously have time, but they don't make the world a better place, right?

Shi Jing Bao is not over yet. After talking about history, it’s time to talk about the present.

The newspaper focused on the corruption and cruelty of the Celestial Dragons, which made people from all over the world feel very involved. After all, the Celestial Dragons not only stayed in Mariejoia, but often traveled around the world by boat.

Not to mention there is such a thing as heavenly gold. How many people have lost their country and their family because of heavenly gold.

The World Economic News pointed out that people have paid a high price just to obtain the government's protection, but the actual situation is that pirates are still raging in the world, and it is difficult to protect the safety of people's lives and property.

After talking about the abomination and hatefulness of the world government, it’s time to talk about the justice of the resisters.

As a starting point, the tragic situation that Fish-Man Island has encountered in the two hundred years since it joined the government. Countless fish-people have become slaves of the world's nobles, and countless people of Fish-Man Island have been brutally persecuted, thus revealing the legitimacy of Fish-Man Island's resistance to the world government.

Then there is the NEO Navy. Mr. Zefa's story can arouse people's indignation even more. His disciples were massacred by pirates, but that pirate was recruited into the Shichibukai.

There is nothing much to say about the revolutionary army that followed. From the beginning, they were fighting for the humiliated people in the world.

The real highlight is the Navy.

Mr. Zefa's incident was already a major scandal, but yesterday's naval incident was even more ugly than that.

Attached to the Shijingbo here is a letter handwritten by the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters and Chief Naval Staff Officer He.

The above details the whole story of this naval incident.

From the fish-humanization experiment led by Vegapunk, to Caesar's crazy human experiments, and then Gion, who discovered the truth, was framed, and the entire navy was deceived.

In the end, Gion finally revealed everything at the World Conference with the help of Bright.

The Navy has been fooled by the World Government from start to finish.

After the truth was revealed, Im said that the world government no longer needed the navy, so he completely destroyed the navy headquarters.

Tens of thousands of naval soldiers and Admiral Sengoku were all killed in the battle.

In this letter, Vice Admiral Crane called on all remaining navies around the world not to listen to the lies of the World Government. If they are willing to continue fighting, they can gather under the command of their commanders and assemble government forces to confront the garrisoned alliance countries locally.

If you don't want to continue fighting, then just go home.

The ugliness of these governments has been fully revealed to people as never before.

As a result, the whole world suddenly became lively.

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