One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 525: Replenish fruits and run away

Chapter 525: Replenish fruits and run away

A week has passed since the old man plunged into his laboratory.

Within this week, the people of Fishman Island have almost become accustomed to the artificial sun floating in the sky.

The light emitted by the artificial sun is not much different from the sunlight brought by Eve, so it is not difficult to adapt.

Even the sun that rises in the morning and sets in the evening makes the people of Fishman Island feel very strange.

To a certain extent, this was the first time in their lives for most people on Fishman Island to see the sunrise and sunset.

Although it is man-made, it is quite touching.

Life on Fish-Man Island is in order, but the navy is a little overwhelmed.

The senior officials of the Navy Headquarters have not left Fish-Man Island yet. Most of them have been busy making phone calls this week or the week before.

They are constantly contacting the generals of various naval branches on the sea, trying to win their support.

In fact, their work results are also good, and they have successfully attracted several G-series branch lieutenant generals. Now that the navy is almost half-disabled, they are already high-ranking senior officials, and almost everyone has His subordinates command more than 10,000 naval soldiers.

But even so, the situation is still very bad, and most naval bases still follow the World Government, especially the various branch bases in the four seas.

These bases are either loyal to the world government, or they have simply been sent by the king of a nearby country to seize military power in advance.

The final result was that the navy headquarters was bombed and the navy marshal was directly killed. Most of the remaining navy's power still belongs to the world government.

This is very troublesome.

What Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant General He did was to constantly strive for support.

Brett didn't bother them.

After all, strictly speaking, although everyone in the Navy is now their partner, they have no intention of joining any of them, even the NEO Navy.

They were planning to rebuild the navy.

This is actually not bad, Brett doesn't care much about it.

He doesn't want to rule the world, so he must unite all internal factions.

He just wants the compatriots of Fish-Man Island to have their own place on the sea. It is better to say that the current situation in the alliance is not bad.

The human camp should be divided, so that minorities like them can survive calmly.

This is what Bright hopes for even as an ally.

Before this week, Bright's main job every day was to run to Vegapunk's laboratory and wait silently.

Then finally at noon that day, when Brett had finished his lunch and was about to take a nap, the door to the laboratory was pushed open excitedly.

"Hahaha! The cultivation has been successful, Bright!"

The old man held up a blue devil fruit in his hand. The fruit was covered with a carapace like dragon scales.

"What you want has come to fruition!"

The sleepiness in Brett's mind disappeared in an instant. He stood up and approached Vegapunk, "I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

"Hahaha! Take it!"

The old man threw the fruit in his hand directly to Bright without any politeness.

Brett caught it without wiping it, and opened his mouth wide, ready to take his mouthful.

But at this moment, Vegapunk suddenly said, "Wait a minute, Brett!"


Brett asked.

"I suddenly remembered a question!"

The old man's expression became a little serious, "Do you remember what I told you before? The awakening of the so-called Devil Fruit ability is the result of the ability user successfully transcending the shackles of their predecessors and leaving their own traces on the Devil Fruit!"

"The fruit in your hand does contain the awakening ability of the Blue Dragon Fruit, but this is Kaido's awakening!"

Brett raised an eyebrow.

In other words, even if you eat this fruit and master the ability to awaken, you will definitely be interfered by Kaido's will, right?

"It doesn't matter!"

Bright grinned, "Hakudo can break free from the shackles given to him by his predecessors, so why can't I break through Kaido's blockade on this fruit?"

The most critical issue is that this is the method specified by the world's number one fortune teller, Miss Xia Li. Of course, Brett believes in Xia Li.

"All right."

The old man nodded solemnly, "Anyway, Garp and the others are here now. If something really happens, I will let them stop you."

Brett smiled.

It’s not that I look down on the marines, the main thing is that if I really mastered the awakening, would they really have the power to stop me?

"Then, doctor, please step back a little."

Brett solemnly held up the devil fruit in his hand.


The old man swung his short legs very fast and ran all the way to the door. He scratched the door frame and looked at Brett worriedly.

Brett took a deep breath, and then finally ate the fruit in his hand.

It was peaceful at first.

After eating the fruit, I felt nothing.

But soon, strange feelings started.

First, scales begin to grow involuntarily on the skin.

Then the horns, and finally the tail.

"This is……"

Brett's eyes gradually widened.

The ability seemed to be out of control, and it started to act on its own.

All the muscles in the body were twitching slightly, causing the whole body to tremble slightly.

Brett's body first expanded at this moment, and then contracted again, and the crackling sound all over his body was even more crisp and sweet.

"Is this, awakening?"

It can be felt that the ability is breaking through the shackles bit by bit, and the power is constantly coming up.

Was it so smooth?

Brett thought so.



Brett suddenly felt that his vision became blurred and the sounds around him became dim.

He felt like he was falling continuously, as if he had fallen into a deep well with no bottom.

Keep going down.

Keep going down.

It seems like it will never end.

Brett subconsciously wanted to do something, but for some reason his mind went blank at this moment.


All around, familiar laughter began to echo continuously.

Outside, Vegapunk stared blankly at Bright, who was lying on his back.

His body is still expanding and contracting, and even the color of his scales is changing. A large area of ​​originally bright red scales has now turned into blue.


The old man clenched his fists silently, "Come on!!"

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