Brett felt that his brain was very slow, and thinking became a very difficult task.

He has even forgotten who he is and why he is here. All he can feel is that while his body is falling, there is laughter emerging around him.

And amidst the laughter, a green dragon emerged from nowhere.

He bared his teeth and claws, and he hovered around Bright unscrupulously.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Bright, and there seemed to be saliva flowing between the sharp teeth.

He seemed to want to swallow Bright.

Brett just stared at him blankly, still falling rapidly. He couldn't even make any decent reaction, and his thinking almost stopped.

And in the outside world.


Bright's body, which was just lying on the ground, suddenly buckled, and then bounced up like a spring, looking up to the sky and letting out an inhuman roar.

His body and limbs are twisting in different arcs. Sometimes his tall body becomes more elongated, and sometimes he becomes shorter and stockier.

"Hey hey hey, what's going on!"

Outside the laboratory, a man walked in in surprise, "I felt an incredible aura!"

Green Bull, this man walked inside with his eyes darting, and then he naturally placed his eyes on Brett.

"Is this Brett?"

The man's eyes widened.

Behind him were other senior officials from the Navy Headquarters.

Everyone's faces were filled with astonishment, and Bright was stunned just by looking at him.

"This is--"

Lieutenant General Garp is indeed well-informed. He couldn't help but said in a deep voice, "Are you awake?"

"He went berserk."

Kizaru slowly pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, "When the body and mind cannot keep up with the ability, the awakened ones of the animal system will be swallowed up by the consciousness of ability."

"But it's really hard to imagine that even though he hasn't awakened yet, Mr. Bright would actually fail to awaken?" General Fujitora sighed.

The more powerful the guy is in this sea, the tougher his mental will is.

With Bright's strength, no matter how powerful the Devil Fruit is, he should be able to control it with ease.

How could he fail to awaken?

This is really a very puzzling thing.

"This guy's ability is special, so of course his awakening is also special!"

Vegapunk carefully bypassed Bright and came to the side of the marines. "The next step is to rely on this kid's own willpower!"

Whether he can defeat Kaido's will stored in the Devil Fruit and successfully master his own awakening depends on Bright!

If you fail, your will will probably be usurped by Kaido, so your personality will change drastically and you will become the second Kaido.


The roaring monster's body gradually took shape.

The original figure of more than five meters tall further increased, more than doubling in size, turning into a truly behemoth.

The muscles and bones on the body have expanded a lot, and the whole body even looks a little bloated. The scales and horns have become thicker, the straight waist has become rickety, and the sharp claws have become more ferocious and curved.

"Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!"

He's laughing, he's laughing, he's laughing!

While laughing, all the muscles in his body were constantly moving, and his eyes gradually turned to look at the navy standing on one side.



A strong wind was coming.


Green Bull couldn't help but put his hands in front of his head to block the oncoming strong wind, "What is this terrifying sense of oppression!"

"Looks like I'm being targeted!"

Lieutenant General Garp frowned.

"Get ready to fight!" he shouted.

Although he went berserk, Bright's power was obvious to all and he was by no means someone he could face easily.

If they are not careful, they may pay a heavy price!

"Lead him outside the base!"

Lieutenant General Garp said solemnly, "You can't fight here!"

"But it seems that he has no intention of giving us this time."

Kizaru said helplessly.

Because the next second was accompanied by strong winds, the tall shadow had flickered directly in front of them.


The huge claws were raised high.

Lieutenant General Garp clenched his fist, and the fist, which was called the Iron Fist in awe by the world, was now completely dark.

However, the huge claw did not fall.

The monster's body froze.

spiritual world.

Bright was still staring blankly at the long green dragon swimming around him.

He knew what he saw, but his brain no longer made judgments based on the feedback. All he could do was stare blankly.

Then, as if aware of Bright's weakness, after circling for a while, the green dragon's mouth finally began to tremble, and then opened uncontrollably.


Qinglong came towards him, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed Bright in one gulp.


Then the entire space was filled with the dragon's excited laughter.

However, this excitement did not last long, and soon the middle part of Qinglong's body began to swell.

Then the next second, with a long cry, the fiery red dragon burst out of it!

The red dragon, which was almost the same as the blue dragon except for its color, flew across the sky and slowly turned back above.

During this period of time, Qinglong had returned to his original state, and he roared and rushed towards the red dragon.

But what greeted him was the blazing flames spitting out from the red dragon.

The green dragon screamed in pain in the flames, but before he could get rid of the entanglement of the flames, the red dragon had already wandered over.

The two claws in front of the red dragon directly grabbed the blue dragon's head and tore it hard, actually tearing the blue dragon in half.

Qinglong was still screaming, but red dragon's body had already released dazzling electric light, which was constantly defeating Qinglong's body.

Although Qinglong's body is still recovering, his body shape is rapidly becoming smaller and smaller visible to the naked eye.

In the end, the red dragon simply opened his mouth wide and swallowed the green dragon in one mouthful just like the green dragon did to him just now.

But the difference is that this time the green dragon does not have the power to break free from the red dragon.

This space became quiet.

After a long time, the red dragon that was still circling around finally calmed down.

"It's so weak..."

There is such a sound echoing in the air.

outside world.

The frozen monster's body changed again.

The powerful body began to shrink, and the over-expanded muscles and bones began to recover.

The teeth, claws, and horns are still sharp, but they are no longer slovenly.

The limbs of the body became more slender, and the hair turned into brown hair, which now seemed to turn into black flames flowing down the back.

The most important thing is that there are steam-like streamers extending from the back, wrapping around the body and extending down.

"Oh! This is-"

Kizaru pushed up his sunglasses.


Brett shook his fist.

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