One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 527 Goodbye Rayleigh

The battle to defeat Kaido's remaining will was much easier than Bright imagined.

Also, even Kaido himself was defeated by him and was nothing in front of him, let alone the little bit of will that Kaido had left in his Devil Fruit.

It did make Bright a little embarrassed at first, but immediately, even just an instinctive counterattack had completely torn Kaido's will into pieces.

In this case, this fruit has been completely dyed with Bright's color, and the awakening has become Bright's exclusive awakening.


Brett felt great at this point.

The appearance after awakening is not much different from the ordinary dragon state, except that it is more slender and has some steam streamers on its body.

But compared with the appearance, the inner changes are the most exaggerated.

Strength, speed, agility, resilience, and basic abilities have all skyrocketed!

Various qualities that were already exaggerated have now been elevated to inhuman levels.

The awakening of the animal type devil fruit has already improved the basic abilities, not to mention that Bright holds a fantasy beast species!

In addition to the basic abilities, various special abilities unique to the fantasy beasts have also evolved.

Gunpowder, thunder, strong wind, and clouds, these elemental abilities have also skyrocketed. Now, even without the help of his own ability to control elements, Bright feels that he can easily cause natural disasters.

My current strength has probably made a huge leap compared to what I was a few minutes ago!

It can even be said that they are not on the same level at all!

Brett clenched his fists.

As for me now, I should have the strength to compete with Im, and even win in an upright battle.

"This breath!"

Fujitora, who is good at seeing, hearing, and being domineering, sighed sincerely, "It's a bit too exaggerated."


Green Bull couldn't help but marvel, "Compared to us, they are no longer on the same level."

You can know this without even sensing the breath.

In the past, Bright could easily win one against four, let alone now that he had completed his awakening.

If the current Mr. Bright were to fight him and others again, he might be able to make him and others unconscious within three punches and two kicks.

As an enemy, this is a nightmare experience, but as a teammate, it couldn't be more reliable.

"In this case, even if we fight against that Lord Im again, we should already be confident, right?"

Kizaru said with a smile.

After lifting the awakening and returning to the normal dragon-like state, after comparing the difference in power, Bright returned to normal.

He nodded slightly, "But it's not enough."

Still have to become stronger.

The comprehensive improvement of basic strength will inevitably bring about huge progress in overlord color and domineering energy.

After all, this kind of domineering force naturally becomes more powerful as the user continues to become stronger.

But armed color Haki, seeing and hearing Haki, you need to continue to practice.

After awakening, the upper limit of the body will be increased, which may also lead to the unlocking of the upper limit of domineering.

Especially the ability to see, hear and kill.

That would be a bit too restrained in what you see and hear.

If you want to truly gain an advantage in the fight with Im, you must master the moves to crack this ability.

It seemed that it was time to find Mr. Rayleigh to make up for the lesson. Having sailed on the sea with Roger for decades, he should be no stranger to the ability of seeing, hearing and killing.

Cultivation is still not over yet.

Before the final war begins, you must make yourself stronger.

"Hahaha, I really belong to you, Brett!"

The old man ran up to Bright excitedly, "This at least proves that if the ability holder masters awakening, then the copied devil fruit can also awaken!"

"It's just a pity that it's still unclear whether the clone's Devil Fruit can awaken if the esper himself hasn't awakened."

"Take your time, there will be a chance sooner or later."

Bright said calmly, "The premise is that we can win the next war."

"Yeah! Come on!"

The old man gave a thumbs up.

Then let's go to Reilly and ask him in detail about the killing.

As soon as he said it, Bright said goodbye to Dr. Garpunk immediately, and then headed directly to the Shampoo Islands.

This time, in addition to asking Rayleigh for advice on some things he had seen and heard, Bright also hoped to take Rayleigh to Fish-Man Island.

Now that war has been officially declared, it would be too dangerous for Rayleigh to continue to stay in the Chambord Islands.

Today is different from the past. Whenever the world government thinks of him, he will be in trouble.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the Chambord Islands. This place is no different from the past. Even though the war is about to come, pirates are still everywhere on this island.

Bright has found the Final Island, and the era of pirate treasure hunting is over, but the inertia of the Great Pirate Era continues, and most pirates are not aware of it yet.

Brett came outside Xia Qi's bar, where business was as bleak as ever.

After all, Xia Qi is not doing business at all. Whether it is drinks or food, the prices are sky-high. Xia Qi's words of rip-off are not fraudulent at all.

Brett pushed the door open and walked in without any courtesy.

Riley was lying on the bar drinking wine, and he was not surprised by Brett's arrival. "What? Bright, is it time for the decisive battle?"

"In this case, I'll almost get the old guys together."

He had said before that he wanted to meet up with his old friends, but now it seems that the close combat is going quite smoothly.

"No, it will take a while."

Brett shook his head.

The construction of Hades does take some time, and Seraph is not mature yet.

"There are two main purposes for coming here this time. The first purpose is,"

Brett looked at Rayleigh and then at Xia Qi, who was quietly wiping wine glasses behind the bar. "I hope you two will go to Fish-Man Island with me. After all, staying in the Chambord Islands is a bit too much at this juncture." It’s dangerous.”

"Oh, is that so?"

Xia Qi put down her wine glass, "Indeed, even Lao Lei's name can no longer cover the current state of affairs in the entire world."

After all, the war to determine world hegemony is about to break out.

"That's no problem,"

Rayleigh nodded, "Anyway, Fish-Man Island is also very lively."

"So, what is the second purpose?"

"Kill on sight."

Brett said seriously, "Roger once mastered this trick. I hope Rayleigh can help me learn it."

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