One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 528 The Passion of Red Hair

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger.

Only when you master the move of Wisdom Killing can you come up with a way to break this move, right?

"Kill on sight?"

Rayleigh raised his eyebrows, "It seems that we have encountered an unimaginable opponent."

"In short, I don't want to fight him at all."

Brett sighed helplessly, "But we have to be our enemy."

"Hahahaha, the world always makes people unable to control themselves."

Reilly laughed loudly, "But as for killing by sight, to be honest, I've only seen it in Roger. I haven't mastered this technique myself, let alone teach you."

He said seriously, "All I can do is give some suggestions based on what Roger said."

"It's enough to be able to provide some guidance."

Brett said, "It's better than fumbling forward without knowing anything."

"That's good."

Reilly nodded slightly, and then he looked at Brett suspiciously, "But Brett, why do I feel that your aura has become a bit exaggerated?"

Bright smiled slightly, "I just completed the awakening of the devil fruit ability."

Rayleigh was startled for a moment, then laughed loudly, "It turns out that you haven't awakened yet, I thought you had already awakened!"

You were already so strong before you awakened, so what happens now after you awaken?

This boy's strength has completely exceeded ordinary people's imagination.

Roger, there's no doubt that Brett is the guy we're waiting for.

Only he has the ability to fight that monster.

"Anyway, let's wait until we get to Fish-Man Island to talk about the rest."

Rayleigh stood up and stretched, "Besides, Garp and the others must also be on Fish-Man Island now, haha. It's been many years since we fought side by side with that old bastard!"

The last time they fought side by side was more than thirty years ago, when they fought Rocks in the Valley of the Gods. At that time, Roger Reilly and Garp of the Navy defeated the strongest evil army in the world at that time.

"But they are so busy now that they probably don't have time to catch up with you."

Brett smiled.

"That's best. I don't want to deal with that old bastard."

Xia Qi said with some disgust.

Back then, she was also a famous pirate who sailed the sea, but it was a pity that she later met a navy named Iron Fist Garp. After being hunted, she simply gave up her career as a pirate, washed her hands in the golden basin, and withdrew from the world.

"Anyway, let's go back to Fish-Man Island first."

Brett said.

"Okay, then I'll go clean it up first."

Xia Qi still said with some emotion.

She looked around at this empty tavern. Although there had never been any business, this was the place where she had devoted her efforts for decades.

He just left like that, feeling a little reluctant in his heart.

I just don’t know that it won’t be cheap to open another tavern like this on Fish-Man Island.

"Pack it up? No need to tidy it up."

Brett smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to move the whole house together?"

Xia Qi was stunned for a moment.

"Hahahahaha, Xia Qi, are you looking down on Bright a little too much?"

Reilly laughed loudly, "If he is willing now, even if he moves the entire Shampoo Islands, it probably won't be a difficult thing."

Brett shrugged.

For him who has awakened, this is indeed not something he cannot do.

Once upon a time, what Senior Golden Lion could do with Piaopiao Fruit was now able to move the island, but now Bright can do it with clouds.

"You just need to wait inside for a while."

Brett strode out of the bar.

Then the next moment, a fiery red dragon rose into the sky.

There was no need to activate Awakening at all, Bright directly released the clouds, and together with the hills below, directly dragged the tavern into the sky.

After letting the tavern fly into the sky, he took the tavern and flew to the coast of the Chambord Islands.

A huge bubble was released that covered the entire tavern, and then Bright took him and plunged into the sea.

"I never thought that one day I would be able to coat a house."

Before she entered the complete deep sea area and there was still light around her, Xia Qi leaned towards the window and looked out at the seabed scene outside. She smiled and said, "Old Lei, you seem to have taught someone better than you." What a great coating master.”

One thing to say is that Bright is indeed much better than Rayleigh in terms of coating. After all, he can directly release bubbles at will.

"The best is better than the old. This is what every teacher hopes for."

Reilly didn't care.

Isn’t it natural for a disciple to surpass his teacher?

The disciples you teach are not as good as yourself. This is something you should reflect on.

The bar gradually entered the deep sea, and the surrounding light gradually disappeared. Xia Qi lit the candle, and in the dim candlelight, Bright stepped into the door.

"Bright, is it really okay if you don't control it from outside?"

Xia Qi asked in surprise.

"No need,"

Brett shook his head, "It'll be fine if you just observe the surroundings with your sense of knowledge."

He was very familiar with this section of the road, and the only trouble he might encounter was that sea monsters like sea kings, who didn't know the heights and depths of the sky, might bump into him.

That's okay, you just need to use your overlord color to persuade them to retreat when they are about to approach.

"As expected of Brett."

Xia Qi smiled.

When Brett was about to say something, the phone bug's voice suddenly rang.


Bright's words were interrupted by the shrill voice of a telephone bug.

He frowned slightly, took out his phone and connected it.

Which good friend is in trouble?

As soon as the phone was connected, an urgent voice came from the other side.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but we're in big trouble now, Brett!"

"This voice is-"

Brett was stunned, what a coincidence?


Rayleigh had already put his head directly over.

"Huh? Is it Mr. Raleigh? Brett, are you and Mr. Raleigh together?"

The man on the other end of the phone, Shanks said in surprise.

"Yes, we are preparing to take Rayleigh back to Fish-Man Island. As you know, the current situation is very unsafe,"

Bright explained, and then asked solemnly, "So Shanks, can you tell me what happened to you?"

"Huh-yes, there's more business to do!"

The red-haired guy seemed to have just remembered, and said quickly, "We are being chased by that guy Im!"


Brett frowned, "Is it okay?"

"It should be fine for a while. Uranus and I are together! But Uranus's speed seems to be unable to escape the pursuit of that thing!"

King, are you being targeted?

Must go there.

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