One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 529: Fight again

Brett turned into lightning again. After awakening, the current push has been raised to a new level, and the increase that can be provided to him has of course been greatly increased.

The burst of speed at this moment made Brett seem to have turned into real lightning. He was like a serious natural thunder fruit user, and he had already arrived below the king in the blink of an eye.

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The four paws of the King of Heaven are also holding a big ship.

A skull and crossbones flag hangs on the mast of the ship, which is a skull and crossbones pattern with three scars on the left eye.

This is a pirate flag that is familiar to everyone in the New World. It belongs to the Red Haired Pirates.

Brett landed lightly on the mast of the ship.

"Still chasing!"

On the deck below, the obese Lucky Lu waved his chicken legs and screamed, "He just wants to kill us!!"

"What bad luck,"

Ben Beckman stood at the stern of the ship, looking at the huge creature looming in the clouds behind and continuing to pursue him. He sighed and said, "Who would have thought that after his whereabouts were exposed, this guy would come directly to the door with the ultimate weapon? "

"It's too late to regret now."

The red-haired man stood beside Beckman, shaking his head helplessly, "With us, Ouranos has not fully grown up, and its speed has not yet reached its peak. With us, we can't rely on this guy's pursuit."

"Isn't Brett on the way to support?"

Beckman lit a cigarette. At this time, the king flapped his wings and twisted his body to avoid the terrifying bombardment from behind. The whole ship was shaking violently, but for these monsters with extraordinary strength in the red-haired pirate group Of course it's nothing.

"Honestly, I don't know if Brett's support will be effective,"

The red-haired man sighed, "After all, that's the thing that's chasing us."

It was the ultimate weapon used by the Lunaria tribe to conquer the world. Even the collection of three ancient weapons could barely compete with it.

So what if Brett's strength is extraordinary? Didn't I just run away in embarrassment when facing this thing before?

"Really, that's a bit too disrespectful, Shanks."

A dull voice suddenly came from above.

Shanks raised his head in surprise, and then saw the tall figure standing on the mast.

"Britt? When did you come?" Shanks asked in shock.

"Just arrived."

Brett landed lightly on the deck. He raised his finger and pointed upward, "Is this Ouranos? It is indeed extraordinary."

In the original work, the reason why Shanks was still fighting Kaido one day and was able to directly attack Marin Fandu from the back of the new world the next day was probably because of this monster.

"I know this kind of thing without you telling me, but Brett,"

The redhead licked his lips, "Since you have faced this thing before, of course you understand how difficult it is better than me, right? Is there any way?"

"Based on the words of Ouranos who has not yet grown up, there is no way to fight against that thing."

"Just keep your head down and run away."

Brett said, "That thing is not very fast."

"Don't use yourself as the standard!"

The red-haired man said helplessly, "Ouranos is not very fast either!"

After all, it flies with its wings. It is already a miracle that it can hold up such a huge body. Of course, one cannot expect the King of Heaven to have the speed of lightning.

"I mean, I'm going to get that thing right away, and as for you, Shanks,"

Brett said, "Just keep your head down and run forward."


The red-haired man was stunned. It took him a few seconds to react, "Britt, are you serious?"

This man wants to use his own flesh and blood to hold back the ultimate weapon that only three ancient weapons can barely resist?

Brett, are you really—

The redhead felt touched.

"I never do anything I'm not sure about!"

Brett took a deep breath, and scales began to grow on the surface of his body. Sharp horns and a thick tail emerged from his body. Of course, what was more eye-catching was the steam streamer wrapped around him. "I have reached It’s a completely new realm, so you may not be able to deal with that thing.”


Beckman took a deep breath, "Unbelievable, is it an awakening?"

What is unbelievable is not that Bright has mastered awakening, but that Bright has mastered awakening!

In other words, does he already possess such exaggerated strength even without awakening?

I really don’t know what to say.

"Anyway, let's do this for now."

Brett twisted his neck and said, "I can't think of a better way at the moment."


The red-haired man took a deep breath and said, "I understand, I'll be waiting for you above Deros Rosa."

There is no point in refusing now. We cannot live up to Brett's efforts.

"Okay! Rayleigh has also gone to Fish-Man Island. We can have a good time reminiscing about the past!"

After leaving such a sentence, Brett had already flashed out.

"So fast!!"

Lucky Lu couldn't help but rub his eyes, "I didn't realize when Brett disappeared on the deck!"

"...Even I didn't notice it."

Beckman took a deep breath.

This means that if faced with Bright's attack, let alone reacting, it might even be over without even being aware of it.

Brett might really be able to deal with that thing. His power is no longer of another dimension.


From behind, inside the chasing behemoth, a soft cry sounded in the darkness, "Is it this guy again? Instead of running away, he is coming this way? He is really in the way, even the red-haired guy Are you still stuck with me?"

"The three major ancient weapons are on your side, Brett, is it possible that you are really the Qiao Yin Boyin of this era?"

"In that case, go to hell, Brett."

The next moment, a ray of light suddenly lit up on the giant thing hidden in the clouds and mist. The next moment, a huge beam of light broke through the sky and headed towards Breit with the force of thunder.

too slow.

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

What is slow is not the speed of the light cannon, but the speed of firing.

As early as five seconds ago, Brett already knew the trajectory of the bombardment.

With random refractions of his body, Brett had easily avoided the bombardment, and then plunged into the clouds and mist.

It was only at this moment that Brett finally saw clearly for the first time what this incomparable weapon looked like.

how to say?

It's just like,

A straw hat?

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