One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 530 Nothing can be done

It's like a giant straw hat suspended in the air.

The outer ring is an annular platform like the brim of a hat, and the inner part is a high-bulging, approximately hemispherical part.

This is simply the most fundamentalist flying saucer look.

Although the Bika people have outstanding technology, they have to admit that they have no imagination at all in their design.

Apart from its appearance, the most eye-catching thing is of course the dense muzzles on the flying saucer.

Brett could feel that many of them were already aimed at him.

However, it's still too slow.

Brett held his breath, his body turned into lightning, and he started flying through the clouds and mist.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Several shellings came one after another, but each shelling did not even have a chance to touch Brett. Each shelling was severely thrown far away by Bright at the moment it was triggered.

In just a few seconds, Brett was extremely close to the flying saucer.

The closer I got, the more I was amazed by the hugeness of this thing. It was like an island floating in the sky, and its size was not inferior to the terrifying three-masted sailboat of that guy from Moria.

Brett was as small as an ant in front of this thing.

At the moment of getting closer, Brett took a deep breath again, and then, with the inertia from then on, lightning burst out from Brett's body, and then he flew up with a kick!

With Brett's current strength, a full-strength kick can instantly penetrate even a mountain standing in front of him, and even an island can be directly kicked into pieces.

However, just when Brett's kick was about to land on the surface of this thing, a blue light mask suddenly appeared.

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Brett kicked the light mask covering the flying saucer, twisting the light mask with his kick. Circles of ripples rippled on the light mask.

However, the mask was not broken after all, and Brett did not touch the outer shell of the flying saucer.

The energy technology of the Bika people?

Brett wasn't surprised.

If this thing was really that fragile, then Qiao Yin Boyin wouldn't have had such a headache back then.

Such a huge floating ship flying in the sky is simply Pluto's best target. If the defensive capabilities of this thing are not up to standard, then I am afraid that it would have been bombarded by Pluto as early as 800 years ago.

In fact, what is terrifying about this flying saucer is not only its indestructible firepower, but also its indestructible defense.

It's just a pity that there is no way to test using the other's spear to attack the other's shield.

Therefore, Brett was not frustrated at all when he failed to achieve success in one blow.

It would be strange if he could defeat this ultimate weapon by himself.

The next moment, Brett moved his direction to avoid the bombardment falling from above.

He kept moving in the sky like lightning, and from time to time he struck the protective cover of the flying saucer with his kicks and punches. Although it did not cause any damage, it also greatly hindered the progress of the flying saucer.

Bright's power is no joke. Even if it cannot cause damage, the spread of power also hinders the movement of the flying saucer.

“So annoying!!”

Inside the flying saucer, Yin Mu sounded angrily, "Ouranos has become unreachable! But -"

His voice became a little more solemn again, "What's this guy's power about!"

Much better than it was half a month ago!

It can even be said that it is not at the same level as before!

In this short period of time, this guy actually made such progress?

After a long absence, a sense of urgency arose in Yin Mu's heart.

If Brett is given more time, will he become more powerful?

No, we can't let this guy grow wild!

A large number of blue light spots were released from the huge flying saucer in the next moment.

For a flying saucer as huge as this island, it is just a small light point, but for Brett, these are almost adult-sized spheres.

These spheres glowed with blue light and moved rapidly across the sky.

Then, light bloomed on all the spheres, and small beams of light blasted towards Bright from all directions.

What floating cannon.

The next moment, even if Yinmu pulled out a Gundam from his crotch, Bright didn't think he would be surprised.

He licked his lips, "Thunder!!"

The Lord of Thunder and Lightning was angry.

His anger turned into thunder.

The next moment, silver snakes were dancing in the sky!

In an instant, the entire sky was filled with brilliant lightning, and the vast sky even seemed cramped at this moment.

The flying lightning directly exploded all the artillery bombardment pouring towards Bright, and there were a series of explosions in the sky.

Well, the Thunder's intensity has also increased a lot.

Brett secretly admired in his heart that he could already produce thunder that was far superior to that of Enel's genuine Thunder Fruit user.

Then, among the explosions that filled the sky, a black shadow suddenly tore through the explosion and rushed forward.

Brett threw a punch.

boom! !

Thunder exploded in the sky again.

The clouds and fog covering the flying saucer were torn apart at this moment.

Faster than the clouds dispersing, two figures retreated.

Brett flew some distance and then wrapped himself in the clouds.

Opposite him, Yin Mu, who was covered in black robes, had also stopped flying backwards.

"Well, Brett,"

In the gradually dissipating smoke, Yin Mu's voice floated in the wind, "Have you used your magical enhancement technique?"

"You can take a guess."

Brett shook his hand.

It hurts.

In terms of physical function, he has been able to keep up, but the gap in domineering is still not small.

"Rather than guessing, I prefer to verify with my own hands!"

Yin Mu has already fired again.

Is this a moonwalk?

How can proficiency be so high?

His flexibility in the air is actually no less than his own.

Brett sighed in his heart.


"too slow."

Yin Mu's fist almost deformed Brett's face in an instant.

But at this moment, Brett's body was already retreating rapidly.

As the electric current surged, Brett appeared directly at the other end of the sky.

"Tsk, exaggerated speed."

Yinmu clicked his tongue in displeasure.

"That's it for today, Yin Mu."

Brett said calmly.

Shanks and his friends have been led away by Ouranos, and Yin Mu can no longer pursue them. So, there is no need to continue fighting this guy.

Fighting against Yin Mu and his ultimate weapon at the same time, Brett felt that he was not crazy yet, how could he do such a stupid thing?

"The next time we meet should be on the real final battlefield."

Brett curled his lips and said, "Finally, enjoy your power."

"You are,"

Yin Mu knew that he couldn't stop Brett, so he just replied calmly, "Enjoy the last part of your life."

Brett smiled brightly, and his body turned into lightning and disappeared directly into the sky.

It wasn't until he disappeared for a long time that Yin Mu sighed quietly.

"It seems that there is absolutely nothing we can do against this guy."

That guy Brett has a huge advantage in speed.

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