One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 531: Gathering at Fishman Island

Brett's speed had reached the limit, and he had disappeared from the end of the sky in the blink of an eye, directly throwing Yin Mu and his final weapon to an invisible distance.

After awakening, it is indeed extraordinary.

While going to meet the red-haired man, Brett sighed in his heart.

The speed was already so fast that Yin Mu was helpless.

In this case, we will already be able to take considerable initiative on the final battlefield.

Brett still underestimated his speed. When he moved forward at full speed, it didn't take him too long to catch up with the king who had left early and the red-haired pirates he was leading. .

There is no need to go to Deros Rosa to meet up as previously agreed.

The huge monster flapped its wings and flew in the sky, but from Bretus's perspective, the speed did seem a bit too slow.

One second he was far away, and the next second Bright had reappeared on the deck of the red-haired pirates.


The red-haired man noticed that when Mollet appeared, the electric light surrounding Brett had dissipated.

"You guy!"

The redhead couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The speed was so amazing, I didn't even notice how he appeared!

It wasn't until his ears heard the sound of jumping electric current and his skin felt the numbness caused by the electric light that he realized that this guy actually appeared next to him again!

It's simply too strong!

Even I was caught off guard by his arrival!

Originally, I thought that although Brett was powerful, he could still be touched. But now, this guy is like the sky, so close yet so far out of reach.

It's really amazing.

"It's probably too late to catch up,"

Brett released his ability and said calmly, "You can change the course to avoid it."

"Oh! Amazing!"

The red-haired man said in amazement, "I actually stopped that thing by myself."

"It's just a delay,"

Brett smiled, "It's not that big of a deal."

"No, no, no, that's already amazing."

Jesus said with admiration on his face, "That thing is not something that just anyone can deal with."

At the very least, if it was them, they would have been blasted into nothingness by a cannon, which meant that Ouranos could take them to escape.

In this world, this man is the only one who has the strength to compete with that thing and Yin Mu.

Beckman looked at Brett and thought to himself.

"So, how did you get targeted?"

Brett asked the redhead.

"It's unlucky to say the least,"

The red-haired man sighed, "After the whereabouts were exposed, this guy came to the door himself. He wanted to ask about the whereabouts of Uranus."

He paused, "As for why they are looking for me, it's because the government probably thinks that Captain Roger is the most likely to entrust Ouranos to me. After all, you know, Brett, our family's mission in this era."

Brett nodded slightly.

The redhead is no ordinary person.

This guy also has the blood of gods, he is a descendant of the Celestial Dragons.

For the past eight hundred years, Ouranos has been supported by the Celestial Dragons as a symbol of the world government.

So it is certainly not strange that there is a group of Celestial Dragons whose mission is to take care of the Celestial King.

In the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the Tianlong people who were attacked were from this clan.

And Shanks is the descendant of the Celestial Dragons who died in the attack at that time.

In other words, their family is a Bi Mawen-like existence that has been passed down from generation to generation, so it is only natural to speculate that Roger will entrust the king of heaven to his care.

After all, this is indeed the case.

"Then Ouranos was exposed,"

The red-haired man spread his hands, "Of course, in the end, we have no choice but to flee."

It’s impossible to have a head-on confrontation with Yin Mu, right?

Back then, Qiao Yin Boyin assembled three ancient weapons but could not defeat the Lunarians who had mastered the aeroplane. How could the King of Heaven alone win?

"So, what are your plans next?"

Brett asked, "If his whereabouts are exposed next, I'm afraid he will be punished mercilessly by Yin Mu right away."

That Lord Yin Mu would probably never allow the King of Heaven to wander outside.

Even if this generation of kings becomes rebellious, it doesn't matter. After he lays eggs, won't the new kings return to the hands of the government?

"Yeah, it seems like there really is nowhere to go?"

The redhead sighed sadly.

For him, who longed for freedom and wandered around the sea all day long, losing his freedom was simply more uncomfortable than death.

"Then, come back to Fish-Man Island with me."

Brett said, "It's not long before the final war. Before that, just be patient for a while."

The redhead thought for a while, then finally nodded, "Okay."

Since there's nowhere else to go, let's go to Fish-Man Island with Brett.

“It doesn’t seem bad to have an underwater adventure once in a while!”

The red hair said with a smile.

"Then let's go."

Brett said this.

So, the King of Heaven turned and flew towards the direction of the Fish-Man Island.

So, it’s about time to dig out the Hades buried in the ground of Wano Country, right?

Now that Yin Mu and his ultimate weapon are no longer hidden and are already showing off on the sea, does he have to gather all three ancient weapons on his side?

On the way back, Brett thought so in his mind.

You have to be ready for war at any time.

Who knows when Yinmu will make a surprise attack on Fish-Man Island.

The sea is a reliable barrier, but it is not invincible. Who knows what other hidden methods Yin Mu has.

You have to be prepared first.

So it was decided that after taking Red Hair and the others to Fish-Man Island, they would go to Wano Country to dig out Hades.

You can also contact other partners by the way.

Get them ready too.

The flying speed of King of Heaven is not very fast, but this is relative to Bright's flying speed.

No matter how slow it is, it is still flying.

The flying speed of the King of Heaven is also unmatched by most creatures on the sea.

Soon the Red Earth Continent appeared in sight.

Then, it’s time to go deep into the sea.

"Can the King of Heaven swim?"

Brett asked.

"I can swim, but I'm afraid I can't dive."

The red hair spread his hands.

Then we can only make a foaming coating for Tianwang.

Fortunately, this is not difficult. Although the size of the King is huge, it is only a few hundred meters in size, which is still within the range that Bright's bubble can handle.

After coating the King of Heaven, this guy was flying in the sky in a strange way. He only dived into the bottom of the sea after Hong made a sound to urge him.

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Then, soon, Fishman Island arrived.

The arrival of the King of Heaven naturally caused a sensation.

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