One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 532 Pirates and Navy

In order not to cause a sensation, the King did not go to the main island of Fish-Man Island. Instead, Brett took him to the depths of the Forest of the Sea, close to the Vegapunk Laboratory.

But even so, this also brought a huge shock to many people.

"Oh oh oh oh!! Is this the King of Heaven?"

For example, an old man who should be busy working on the Seraph project at this time.

"Is this the blood factor creation of the Bika people back then?"

He is obviously already a gray-haired old man, and most of his head has been cut off, but at this time, Vegapunk is as flexible as a monkey, crawling around on the king's body excitedly, touching around. Look west.

It was almost like a child entering the playground for the first time.

"Amazing! It's amazing! Did the idea for the animal-type demon story come from this guy? You can feel the powerful power contained in his body just by looking at it!"

Vegapunk is almost obsessed.

It's no wonder that none of the three ancient weapons were born this way. In fact, the three ancient weapons are all products of technology.

Even the most original Neptune Mermaid Princess has the power to command all Neptunes with the blessing of Bika people's technology.

Not to mention Pluto and Uranus, these two were simply designed and manufactured by Bika's scientists.

The difference is that Pluto is the pinnacle of mechanical creation, while Uranus is the ultimate creation of biotechnology.

The King of Heaven is the most powerful artificial creature created by Bika's scientists using blood factors.

Considered by Qiao Yin Boyin to be the prototype of the animal devil fruit.

It is the original phantom beast.

"It's so energetic."

The red-haired man looked at Vegapunk's actions and didn't care. He laughed and said, "I originally thought Dr. Vegapunk would be a more serious person."

"Then you're completely wrong."

Brett smiled.

The old man has nothing to do with seriousness.

"You did a great job raising Ouranos, Shanks!"

Another laugh broke out.

Shanks turned around in surprise and said, "Mr. Rayleigh! I haven't seen you for a while, right?"

At the corner of the Coral Jungle, Lei Li and his wife came over smiling.

Brett arranged for them to stay here.


Noticing Rayleigh's appearance, the king shouted happily and brought his huge head over, as if he wanted to rub Rayleigh's body a few times.

"Oh oh oh, Ouranos, you are no longer a child."

Rayleigh quickly reached out and held down the king's head.

Even he wouldn't be able to bear it if a giant creature several hundred meters long rubbed against him like a puppy.


The huge monster looked a little disappointed.

"Haha, Ouranos, you have grown up,"

Shanks laughed and walked over, patting the king's paw, "You can't play with Mr. Rayleigh like you did when you were a child."


The king was very disappointed and whimpered like a puppy.

"Good boy, good boy."

Charlie stepped forward and stroked the scales of the King of Heaven, smiling as if he were stroking a grandson.

The king seemed to be enjoying himself.

"Leili and Xia Qi, you and the King seem to have a good relationship, right?"

Brett rubbed his chin.


Xia Qi said with a smile, "I watched this child come out of the egg with my own eyes. It's not an exaggeration for him to say that he is my child."

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The King of Heaven stretched out his huge tongue at the right time and licked Xia Qi's body, licking her saliva all over.

"Ah, it's really annoying, little Ouranos, I told you not to do this."

Xia Qi raised her right hand with a smile.


The huge king immediately fell to the ground and held his head in his hands, his body trembling.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth, what kind of treatment did he experience when he was a child, Uranus.

"The last time we met was when you returned to the New World from the East China Sea, right?"

Rayleigh looked at Shanks with some nostalgia.

It was at that time that he entrusted Uranus to Shanks as a child.

Fast forward ten years, and Ouranos has grown up.

"It would be great to see Mr. Reilly still healthy."

The red-haired face was also full of sighing smile.

This uncle has watched him grow up since he was a child.

"It's just a pity——"

Riley remembered something.

The red-haired man understood instantly, and he sighed, "Yes, it's just a pity that it's too late."

The big secret treasure has been found by Brett, and the final war is about to begin.

Luffy, it seems you can't keep up.

what a pity.

The target was clearly the Pirate King, but before he even had time to start taking action, the target had already disappeared.

"If you want to reminisce about old times, how about joining one of us?"

There was another sound.

It's a green cow.

It was obvious that neither the red-haired person nor Rayleigh had ever interacted with him before, but he still came over with a smile.

"Oh! Pluto Rayleigh and Red-haired Shanks! They are both big shots among big shots!"

"Haha, you are the Green Bull General, right?"

Rayleigh was not afraid of strangers either, and greeted him with a smile, "Sure enough, he is as powerful as a monster!"

Xia Qi on the side curled her lips.

"Hahaha, I don't dare call myself a monster in front of you."

Green Bull waved his hands repeatedly, and then he looked at the King of Heaven who was lying on the ground in surprise, "So, this is -"

He didn't know Ouranos, but that didn't stop him from realizing how powerful this dragon was.

"Have you grown this big already?"

A dull voice sounded, and Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant General He came hand in hand. Behind them were Kizaru Fujitora and Peach Rabbit Tea Dolphin.

The chief naval officer looked at the king, and then focused his eyes on Rayleigh, "You finally hatched it."

"It's a great decision, isn't it?"

Brett smiled and said, "If there were no Roger, no Rayleigh, and no Shanks, the fact we would have to face today would probably be that in addition to the ultimate weapon, we would also have to be the enemy of the King of Heaven. "

Lieutenant General He was silent.

Even though she was a former enemy, she had to admit at this time that Roger had indeed done a great thing in the Valley of the Gods more than thirty years ago.

"Yo, old mad dog!"

Reilly smiled and raised his hand to greet Lieutenant General Garp, "I never thought before that one day we would be able to fight side by side again."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Lieutenant General Garp didn't care too much.

After all, we have already cooperated.

"O King of Heaven."

Fujitora cannot see the eyes and can only perceive the existence of the King through sight, hearing and color. Therefore, he understands the power of this monster better than anyone else. He couldn't help but smile, "With so much power gathered, Victory , I’m afraid it’s not that far away from us.”

"It's so close."

"As long as we are united, this war," Brett reminded,

"We will definitely win!"

Is victory guaranteed?

Everyone's faces were involuntarily filled with a look of anticipation.

Pirates and navy were getting along well at this time.

After all, we are all comrades who will fight side by side next.

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