One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 534 Founding of the People’s Republic of China

It is not difficult for Brett to find the elephant owner.

With the intelligence systems of Morgans and Tezolo, it is quite simple to find that huge elephant in the new world.

When Brett had just risen from the bottom of the sea to the sky, Morgans had already brought him the latest news about the elephant owner.

It didn't take long for the giant elephant to appear in front of Brett's eyes again.

"hold head high!"

The elephant owner noticed Brett's arrival and raised his head and roared.

Brett could understand what he was saying.

"Britt! You're here!"

The elephant was greeting Brett warmly.

Brett flew directly to the elephant owner's head and landed.

He has lived for too long, and the skin on his body has become rotten, and there is even a little crunch when he steps on the elephant master's head.

"The time has come."

Brett said so.


The Elephant Master was stunned for a moment, and then his excited roar resounded across the sky, "Is it time for the founding of Wano Country?"

"That's right."

Brett nodded slightly, "The time has come to destroy the high wall that isolates Wano and let Pluto, who has been sleeping for eight hundred years, see the light of day again."

"Is war imminent?"

The Elephant Master took another step, and his huge body reversed direction and headed towards the back of the new world.

"Then, let's go and establish the country of Wano now!"

The mission left to him by Qiao Yin Boyin eight hundred years ago has come to be realized today.

Brett sat cross-legged on the head of the elephant owner and made a phone call to Yamato in Wano Country.

This matter is of vital importance to the country of Wano. Of course, it must be communicated with the other side carefully before it is officially implemented.

The call was answered quickly.

Yamato on the other end of the phone was so excited after hearing what Brett said about this, "Has the time finally come? I've been waiting impatiently for a long time!"

"I'm relieved if you think so."

Brett breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that there is no resistance from Wano Country.

"It would be better to say that the entire Wano Country has been waiting for this day."

Yamato said with a smile, "It is the dream of everyone in this country to open up this country."

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

Brett said, "Let everyone get ready, Yamato. A new era in the country of Wano is coming."


Wano Country should indeed be prepared.

After all, after the high wall surrounding the entire country is destroyed, the inland sea will completely disappear, the land from eight hundred years ago will resurface, and the entire country's environment will undergo drastic changes.

"I'm so happy, Qiaoyin Boyin"

The elephant owner strode his long legs while chanting, "The time we agreed is coming, and the world is about to change!"

Yes, whether it's for better or worse, it has to change.

Brett thought so.

In short, just move forward bravely now, whether it is good or not can be discussed after victory.

The Elephant Master's gait frequency is not high, but his body is large enough, and his four legs are as long as pillars supporting the sky. Each time he takes a step, he covers a distance of several kilometers or even more than ten kilometers.

No matter how slow he steps, his speed is still amazing.

In just half a day, Elephant Master had brought Brett across most of the new world and directly arrived at the outer sea of ​​Wano Country.

I can already feel a lot of breath.

Brett stood up from his head.

The next moment, he turned into lightning and flew across the sky. When he stopped, he had landed on the cliff on the edge of Wano Country.

There are many people on this cliff.

"Are you ready?"

Brett said.


Your Excellency, the General of Wano Country, Yamato turned his head with a look on his face, "When did you come?"

It wasn't until Brett spoke that she noticed this guy's arrival!

Is this guy a ghost?

"Mr. Bright!"

Also coming here with Yamato were the retainers of the former Kozuki family. Denjiro, who narrowed his eyes, respected Bright very much.

After all, without Bright, Wano would not be what it is today.

They have already made preparations to fight side by side with Brett in the final war.

"The citizens have been notified,"

Denjiro said, "The army is helping to organize the people and get them to gather in open wilderness areas as much as possible."

Since they were trying to destroy the high wall surrounding Wano Country, there must have been a lot of movement.

It might cause a big earthquake or something, and then we can no longer stay in the house.

"We're ready, Brett,"

Hesong said solemnly, "Just do what you want, Brett! Let this country be founded!"

He bent towards Brett.


Ashura Doji, Denjiro, and even the Duke of Inarashi and the Cat Viper all bent down at the same time.

Letting this country be founded is not only the wish of the people of Wano, but also the lifelong wish of their lord, Kozuki Oden.

"Let this country be founded, Brett."

Yamato also looked at Brett. The carefree woman said solemnly, "Let's realize the dream that the people of this country have had for hundreds of years!"

Brett nodded slightly, "In that case, then——"

He turned his head and looked into the distance, where the elephant owner was slowly approaching, "Let's begin, elephant owner! It's time to carry out your mission."

"hold head high!!"

The giant elephant is roaring.

Only Brett could hear it. There was excitement, excitement, and long-term expectation in this roar.

The Elephant Master came closer, his huge nose raised high, and then it hit the steep wall on the edge of Wano Country like a sky pillar.

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It was like thunder exploding.

The towering and steep cliff instantly shattered, and as thick cracks spread, the water from the inland sea sloped out.

Large swaths of rock formations collapsed, and the entire ground trembled.

"Has it started yet?"

Yamato's face was filled with joy.

"Go to heaven and see."

Brett entered the dragon-like state and released a cloud of flames that swept everyone up and flew into the sky.

The elephant owner became even more wanton. He strode forward and hit the cliff directly.

Large swathes of rock walls collapsed.

The elephant owner pushed forward along the rock wall like a train.

How amazing is his size? Even the high walls that have been built here for eight hundred years can't stop him at all.

Like a broken bamboo, the Elephant Lord moved forward, blocking the country of Wano for 800 years, and the high wall that had protected the country of Wano for 800 years began to collapse.

The seawater in the inland sea was pouring out at an alarming speed, and the water level was dropping rapidly, exposing large tracts of land that were originally submerged by seawater.

This was the founding of the country of Wano.

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