One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 535 Pluto Appears

Amidst the earthquake, the huge elephant kept moving forward. He moved around the country of Wano, smashing the high walls surrounding the country along the way.

The seawater in the inland sea has almost completely been discharged into the sea, leaving only silted land and residual pools of various sizes.

In addition to the mud and pools, you can also see many dilapidated ancient buildings.

"Is that the building of Wano Country eight hundred years ago?"

Yamato's eyesight was very good. When Brett took them flying over the sky, she could see the buildings on the ground that were almost covered with deflated mud.

"Eight hundred years ago, Wano Country did not have a high wall surrounding the entire country, nor did it have an inland sea far above the sea,"

Brett said, "This country is no different from other countries on the sea. People live on the vast plains of the islands."

"But then the wall was built, and the country was blocked from communicating with the outside world, right?"

Yamato asked with a smile.

Brett nodded gently, "And all of this is for something hidden in the Country of Peace. The purpose of sealing this country is to prevent that thing from being discovered."

"You actually did it to this extent?"

Hesong asked in surprise, "What on earth is that?"

Brett didn't hesitate much. He said bluntly, "That is a gift left by Qiao Yin Boyin to the later generations. It is a weapon that exists to change the world!"

"That is one of the three legendary ancient weapons, Pluto."

The warriors of Wano are also allies here. The matter has reached this point, so there is no need to hide this matter from them.


Inuarashi and Neko Viper were shocked.

Even though they live on the back of an elephant all year round, they still know very well what Pluto means.

That is the legendary weapon that can destroy the world!

"Hades? What is that?"

However, a few people who grew up in Wano Country seriously lacked the concept of this. Ashura Doji, Kawamatsu, and Denjiro were all confused.

Even Yamato was at a loss.

Of course, the Wano Country she leads is no longer as closed as it was during the Beast Pirates' occupation, but the geographical constraints make it really difficult for this country to receive news from the outside world.

Previously, when the public opinion war between the World Government and Brett was raging and the whole world was watching the show, only the country of Wano remained independent.

"You just understand it as a weapon that can blow away a country with one shot!"

Duke Inuarashi explained briefly, and then he looked at Brett in shock, "Britt, is Hades really in this country?"

"In fact, this is probably why Kaido insists on occupying Wano Country."

Brett said, "That's what I need. If I want to defeat my final opponent, if I want to win this war, Pluto's power is absolutely indispensable!"


Inuarashi and Neko Viper licked their lips.

In this case, I'm afraid it won't be a simple war.

"Is this a weapon that your bastard dad also covets?"

Yamato chuckled, "I really can't wait to see it!"

"You can see it soon."

Brett said.

The Elephant Lord's destruction has come to an end, and the entire wall surrounding Wano has been destroyed by him.

But it wasn't over yet. The elephant owner plunged his nose into the water, took a deep breath of water, and then started spraying water towards the new land of Wano Country, which was covered with mud.

Washed away by the huge amount of water, the silt was washed away one after another, and the land of Wano 800 years ago began to gradually reveal its true appearance.

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If the elephant owner doesn't take action, it will be very troublesome for the people of Wano to clean up the mud.

"It has completely changed!"

Looking down at the country from the sky, Yamato couldn't help but cheer.

It was only now that the truth came to light and it was discovered that the land where the people of Wano originally lived was actually only land reclaimed on the mountainside of the mountain in the center of the island.

The area is only a fraction of the actual land of Wano Country.

The original plateau island has finally become normal, with a wide plain extending almost to the coast, and Wano Country finally has a normal coastline.

"Leave the rest to the Elephant Master. I'll take out Hades first."

Brett said.

"Eh? Brett?"

Yamato asked in surprise, "Do you know where Pluto is buried?"


Brett had already shot out like lightning.

You have even touched Pluto with your own hands, okay?

Pluto exists in the lava space deep underground in the Flower City. Back then, Bright could easily reach it, let alone the current super-enhanced version of Bright.

Originally, Qiao Yin Boyin put Pluto there probably thinking that after the founding of Wano, the Elephant Master could extinguish the lava and then take out Pluto.

But Brett felt that there was no need to make it so troublesome. He could bring out Hades himself without the Elephant Master.

First, get your bearings a little bit.

With Brett's current level of knowledge, even if he unleashed his full power close to the coast, it was still easy to feel the huge power buried deep underground.

After confirming the location, you need to find a place that is convenient to enter.

This is not difficult. If there is no way, just carve out a way yourself.

Brett, who transformed into a dragon, breathed flames from his mouth, wrapping his body like a flame armor, and then he plunged into the land of Wano.

The soil and rocks blocking his path melted in an instant, and Bright opened up a wide road.

Brett just walked diagonally downwards, and in a short time he came to the lava space that he had been to once before.

Follow the direction perceived by the sight, sound, and color and fly forward.

When Brett stopped, he was sure that Hades was at his feet.

After taking a slight breath, Yanyun was released.

Dancing clouds penetrate directly into the lava.

Then, as the clouds exerted force, the already turbulent magma lake became even more turbulent.

Something huge was slowly pulled up from the bottom of the lava lake.

The hot lava was continuously rolling down, and Brett had gradually seen the true face of that thing clearly.

That's a ship.

A large black metal ship.

Even after being soaked in magma for eight hundred years, there was no change at all.

The thick metal barrels are still only ferocious.

Is this Pluto?

Brett raised his lips.

Just by listening to the sound, you can already hear its surging power.

So, the next question is, how to take it out of the class?

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