One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 536 Inside Pluto

Pluto is not small.

As the legendary most powerful warship that can blast away an island with one shot, although this big ship is not as big as an island, it is by no means as big as a small sailboat.

The captain is about three to four hundred meters long, and he is definitely considered a behemoth.

If it is on the sea or the ground, then it is of course a very simple task for Brett to carry it. He can carry it with physical strength alone, let alone using Yanyun.

But the problem is that it is now in a closed space underground, and it may not be that easy to move it out.

Moving out itself is not difficult. For Brett, it is not impossible to create a passage underground that can accommodate the passage of the ship.

Or on the contrary, it is very simple.

The trouble is where to make a way.

This place is deep underground. If you are not careful, you may cause huge damage to the rock formations, and it may bring a disaster to the ground.

So you have to be careful.

The domineering energy spread out again, and Brett carefully observed the surrounding rock formations.

Since that guy Qiao Yin Boyin dared to put Hades here and arranged for the Elephant Master to dig it out, he must have been prepared.

Brett did not believe that Qiaoyin Boyin would use the most brutal method, even if it cost Wano Country a huge price.

Sure enough, it didn't take him too long to find a suitable direction.

It seems that a passage has been dug out in advance, but it was simply sealed.

A quick scan of the passage reveals that this passage is quite wide, probably to make it easier for the elephant owner to stick his trunk in and then Pluto to take it out.

Now, it just makes Brett's movements easier.

Turning around, Brett quickly headed straight towards the direction he had discovered.

It was an ordinary-looking wall, but after hitting it, a huge hole was immediately broken.

This is a wide passage, and there seems to be some monster hidden in the deep darkness.

Brett flew in with Hades, and then flew all the way up the passage.

It didn't take long before I encountered another wall and bumped into it as usual.

The final darkness disappeared, and the clear sky appeared in front of Brett's eyes.

He had already flown out of the ground with Hades, and now arrived in the sky somewhere in Wano Country.

After a little judgment of the location, this should be the area originally submerged by the inland sea. The specific location should be close to the direction behind the bell.

According to the normal process, this country must be founded first before Pluto can see the light of day again.

But Brett estimated that if he hadn't called the Elephant Master before coming, it wouldn't be a troublesome matter to dig out Hades directly.

What does seawater mean to him?

Brett looked back, and under the sunlight, the appearance of Pluto was more clearly displayed in front of him.

The slender hull still has a lot of obsidian left after the magma solidified, making the ship's appearance look a bit uneven.

But it’s not hard to see what it originally looked like.

The slender and dark hull, each with huge and intimidating gun barrels.

Just looking at it makes people look forward to what kind of extraordinary power it possesses.


But now Pluto should not be able to join the war immediately.

At least it still needs some preparation work.

When that guy Qiao Yin Boyin threw this ship into the magma, he didn't think about it. Will the various pipes of this ship be blocked by lava in the past few hundred years?

Even though Pluto's material is extraordinary and can withstand the erosion of magma for hundreds of years, the ship must be properly cleaned before it can be put to use.

Otherwise, what should I do if the barrel explodes when firing due to clogging?

Brett thought this, and then took Hades to fly in the direction of Yamato and the others.

Since Yamato said he wanted to see what Hades looked like, let her take a look.

Even though he was towing such a huge ship, Brett's speed was still extraordinary.

It didn't take long to cross the entire country of Wano, looking for the aura of Yamato and the others, and moving closer to their direction.

The elephant owner continued to spray water, which continued to wash over the entire country.

Yamato and others are exploring a ruins that just emerged from the sea.

The place where the people of Wano lived eight hundred years ago is still very attractive to them.


The sudden shadow made Yamato raise his head subconsciously.

Then she saw the huge black ship floating in the sky.

I also saw the figure floating next to the big ship, which looked extremely petite in comparison.


Yamato jumped up and jumped hundreds of meters into the air, "Is this Pluto? He looks really amazing!!"

Brett caught her with the clouds, then slowly descended with the ship, and gently placed the ship on the ground outside the ruins.

Even though the silt has been washed away, eight hundred years of seawater immersion still makes the ground extremely soft.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

When Pluto was placed on the ground, the ground was dented directly.

Then Brett placed Yamato on the Pluto deck, and he landed on it.

"After being soaked in magma for eight hundred years, it has become slightly unrecognizable."

Brett said, "But you should still be able to see the original appearance, right?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Yamato nodded repeatedly, "It feels like a super handsome ship!"

"Want to see what it's like inside?"

Brett curled his lips.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Yamato's head almost had an afterimage.

"Then, let's go."

Brett looked aside.

Although it was blocked by stones, it was not difficult to see that that was the entrance to Pluto's ship, and a heavy metal door was there.

Brett released a random roll of Yanyun, directly crushing the stone, and then Yunduo opened the door.

Surprisingly, Brett didn't smell anything rotten when he walked to the front door.

The air coming out of the door was even fresh.

It is hard to imagine that this ship has been thrown under the magma and sealed for eight hundred years.

When Denbleck stepped into the door, the originally dark interior of the ship suddenly lit up.

"Welcome, latecomer."

A gentle voice sounded.


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