One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 538: Practice Begins

With Yamato and her cadres reluctant to leave, Brett took Pluto and left the country of Wano.

This country has just been founded, and everything is still in ruins. I am afraid that General Yamato will lose his hair severely.

In order to return to Fish-Man Island as quickly as possible and avoid any problems along the way, Blake directly entered the awakening state, released clouds to wrap around Pluto, and dragged him flying across the sky.

"What an amazing ability!"

Pluto's projection appeared on the deck. He looked at Brett's back flying in front and couldn't help but sigh, "Is this the devil fruit ability? After eight hundred years of development, he actually has such a power. Power!"

At the time of Pluto and Joey Boyin, Devil Fruits had just been invented.

The first batch of people who ate Devil Fruits turned their prayers into power, and the first batch of Devil Fruits had just shown their power on the sea.

The Devil Fruit at that time did not have the terrifying power that Bright shows now.

"Even Mr. Qiaoyin Boyin can't compare to Mr. Bright in terms of strength."

Pluto sighed and said, "This is what Mr. Qiao Yin Boyin expected. The latecomers will eventually have more power than the predecessors, and then they will shoulder that history and challenge Yin Mu!"

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

This is inheritance.

Of course Brett could hear Pluto's words, but he didn't really care.

So what if I am better than Qiao Yin Boyin? Eight hundred years have passed, and the villain, Yoon Mu, has become more powerful.

Since everyone has become stronger, doesn't that mean that no one has become stronger?

Moving forward at full speed, Brett soon brought Pluto to the entrance to the new world, and the next step was to head to the deep sea.

"No need to worry from my side,"

After being put on the sea by Brett, Pluto said with a smile, "Pluto can completely seal the internal and external passages, so there is no problem even if he goes to the deep sea."

Brett was not surprised at all by this. If the sealing could not be completely guaranteed, then Qiaoyin Boyin would have lost his mind before throwing Pluto into the magma, and it would have taken eight hundred years for him to throw it away.

Then there is nothing to hesitate, just rush into the bottom of the sea with Pluto, and then fly all the way down.

Soon Pluto was placed in the center of the coral jungle by Brett.

"It's been a long time since I've been to Fish-Man Island."

Pluto's figure condensed on the deck again, and he looked around with great nostalgia. Of course, Brett was sure that he was definitely not observing the surroundings through the eyes and ears of the phantom.

"The last time I came here was when Mr. Qiaoyin Boyin came to deliver a letter of apology to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

"That stone is now placed deep in the jungle."

Brett said casually, "If you feel nostalgic, you can go and have a look."

"I miss the good old days, but they are gone."

Pluto replied, "Mr. Qiaoyin Boyin prefers me to explore the future."

"That's exactly what we're going to do next!"

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

"Oh oh oh! Could it be that this is Hades from eight hundred years ago?"

Such a large ship was sent over by Brett, and the movement it brought was certainly not small, and people were quickly attracted to it.

It was the old man, jumping up and down in the open space below with an excited look on his face.

This was the closest place to his laboratory, so of course he ran over as quickly as possible.

"Hello, sir."

Pluto's phantom condensed around him. This big ship from eight hundred years ago greeted Vegapunk with a smile, "Looking at your attire, I know you must be an amazing scientist, right?"

"In our time, scientists, like adventurers, were the most popular professions on the sea."


The old man was indeed knowledgeable. He could see something was wrong with Pluto at a glance, "Is it possible that you are the artificial intelligence of this ship? What an amazing technology!"

"Pluto is the battleship Hades from eight hundred years ago."

Brett smiled and said, "Although it's just a ship, he knows a lot about things that happened eight hundred years ago."

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Quick, quick, quick! Talk to me!"

Dr. Vegapunk is indeed very interested in the era eight hundred years ago, especially the people and technology of that era.

He immediately got in front of Pluto and started asking questions.

Pluto's character is very gentle, and there is no trace of him being the legendary ancient weapon that can destroy the world.

It was at this time that the belated people also came.

First Rayleigh and Shanks, then the Marines.

"Could this be—"

Reilly looked at Brett.

Brett nodded slightly, "In this case, we have gathered the three legendary ancient weapons."


Lieutenant General He lost his temper again.

Did the last ancient weapon finally appear at this time?

With so much power gathered, no matter what kind of opponent he is, he can defeat him, right?

"People in ancient times really had unimaginable technology."

The red-haired man looked up at Pluto's huge ship and sighed, "The most powerful battleship in history has finally revealed its true appearance."

"It needs to be sorted out carefully next."

Brett said, "In the past eight hundred years, the years have covered him with too much dust."

At the very least, the traces left by the magma should be cleaned up.

"And in the meantime,"

Brett turned to look at Rayleigh, "Rayleigh, it's time to start practicing."

"Speaking of this-"

A strange look appeared on Rayleigh's face, "Britt, I had a chat with Shanks before, and I got an unexpected result."


Brett looked at the redhead in surprise.

The red-haired man smiled maliciously, "Hey, Brett, if you want to practice the practice of seeing, hearing and killing, then I might just be able to help."

Bright's lips curled up, "You didn't say you knew this move, did you?"

"A ruler is shorter and an inch is longer, isn't it?"

The redhead grinned proudly, "How about it, Brett, I still have some experience in this area, do you want me to teach you?"


Brett didn't hesitate and said directly, "I'll leave it to you Shanks."

If you want to defeat that guy Yoon Mu, you must have the ability to kill by sight.

Even if you can't crack that guy's knowledge killing, you definitely can't let him take advantage in this regard.

The red-haired man nodded, and his expression was no longer frivolous, but said seriously, "Then, leave it to me."

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