One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 539 Government Actions

"...Although it sounds awesome, it's actually not such a great skill,"

In a temporary open space somewhere in the Forest of the Sea, temporary teacher Shanks was giving Bright a tutoring lesson. This man who always seemed to be carefree suddenly became serious at this time. It’s just a technique to use.”

"Britt, your knowledge is much better than mine. You simply don't understand this technique."

Brett rolled his eyes, "There's no need to talk about the unnecessary nonsense, right? Let's get straight to the point."

"What an impatient guy."

The red-haired man scratched his head and muttered, "This is my first time as a teacher. I really don't give you any face."

"Okay, okay, since the students are so anxious, of course teachers can't deliberately show off."

The red-haired man coughed twice, and then said seriously, "Actually, it's very simple. The technique of seeing and killing is the opposite of our usual technique of using seeing and color haki."

"Usually when we use the color of knowledge, no matter how high the state is or how great the skill is, we are releasing the color of knowledge to the outside world and observing the atmosphere of the outside world."

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"But seeing and killing is different."

Brett was already deep in thought.

The red-haired man continued, "This technique is to converge the Jianjingshe, disrupt one's own aura, and interfere with other people's Jianjianse observation, so as to achieve the purpose of being invisible to the other party's breath."

"It's easy to understand."

Brett nodded slightly. The principle is not that difficult to understand, but it is just one outward and one inward. "So, how to do it specifically?"

The principle is not difficult to understand, but the technique is the most critical.

"I don't know much about the cultivation methods, techniques, or anything like that."

The red-haired man said, "I also mastered this technique by chance. I can only tell you what it feels like when I use this technique, and how my Haki of Knowledge and Information works."


Brett nodded slightly.

It's much better than asking Rayleigh to help before.

Next, the red-haired teacher started his class.

He told Brett in detail what it was like when he used the Wisdom Killer.

Brett listened carefully.

He also hoped that after he learned how to kill by sight, he would be able to crack that guy Yin Mu's kill by sight.

At almost the same moment, directly above Fish-Man Island, Marie Joa appeared.

The Five Old Stars once again gathered in their offices for a small meeting.

Although Yin Mu has officially come to the stage now, he is the one who makes the final decision.

But this adult doesn't have the idea of ​​​​doing everything himself. Most things are still handled by the Five Old Stars.

"Although Caesar was taken away, fortunately Lord Yin Mu took action to save the undersea troops. Their cultivation is almost completed, and the operation against Fish-Man Island will begin soon."

The bearded Wulaoxing said, "The armies of the participating countries have almost been gathered."

"But it's not enough,"

The blond Wulaoxing shook his head, "Now even those bastards Garp are siding with Brett, we need more power!"

"The basic troops are indeed sufficient, but the advanced combat power is still insufficient. The combination of the Knights of God and CP0 is still not enough."

"Aren't there a few more Shichibukai?"

The bald Five Old Star said, "Snake Lady, Hawkeye, and Moria, these guys are pretty good."

"Even that Katakuri guy,"

The sword-wielding Wulaoxing interjected, "Don't forget, he is also our ally."

The other five old stars nodded slowly.

Although the location of the final island has been exposed, and the era of pirate treasure hunting has almost come to an end, at least for now, Katakuri still has the title of Pirate Emperor. This is because he has changed from his bad temper. It was taken from my mother.

The relationship between him and Brett wasn't very good either.

"Then it's decided."

The bearded Wulaoxing nodded and said, "Gather them together. Although they are not worthy of attention to Lord Yin Mu, they are still some valuable combat power."

The combat power currently available to the World Government is indeed somewhat stretched.

It is no longer as heroic as it used to be.

After all, even the navy no longer belongs to them.

It can only be said that today is different from the past.

Fortunately, there are still people on their side in the world.

"By the way, if even that guy Katakuri can do it,"

The bearded Wulaoxing stroked his beard, and suddenly his eyes lit up and he made a suggestion, "Then other guys may not be able to do it."

"What do you mean?"

The five old stars holding the sword looked at him sideways.

"Impel City."

The bearded Wulaoxing sneered, "It just so happens that Magellan became dishonest because of the navy, so let's just put the prisoners imprisoned there to some use again."


The bearded Wulaoxing narrowed his eyes, and then said thoughtfully, "There are indeed many monsters imprisoned in the city."

"Yes, although it is impossible for everyone to be of use to us, it is enough as long as some are willing to become our strength."

The bearded Wulaoxing said with a smile, "That is already a considerable force."

There are many monsters imprisoned on the sixth floor of the Impel City.

There are even super monsters that are as good as the Admiral and the Pirate Emperor!

Can't all of these guys be dismissive of the government's solicitation, right?

There is no cost anyway, even if you just recruit one person, you will make a profit.

The world government takes action.

Just like Brett, they also began to gather all the power they could gather.


"Oh? Did the government finally find you?"

As soon as the government started taking action, Bright knew about this matter immediately. "It's not a strange thing. After all, there is really not much power they can still fight for on the sea."

"It's a pity that the government still took precautions against me and did not let us go directly to Mariejoia."

The person on the other end of the phone said regretfully.

"This is enough. It would be too dangerous for you to go deep into Mariejoia to face that guy Yin Mu."

Brett smiled and said, "Then it's up to you, Katakuri, to give the government a hard blow from within during the war."

"give it to me."

My good friend said calmly, "It's time for the world to change its color."

"Hahaha, that's it."

Brett curled his lips and said, "But you are not alone."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

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