One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 540: Navy Actions

While the World Government began to take action, Brett was not idle either.

He also took the time to contact his good friends.

Especially those good friends from the Minority Alliance.

Almost none of these countries are members of the World Government, and of course they are eager for change.

So when Brett contacted them, they chose to side with Brett without much hesitation.

The public opinion propaganda of the World Government has really done a good job in promoting Brett, highlighting how terrifying Brett is, with many allies, strong strength, and even mastering ancient weapons.

Such propaganda certainly frightens the kings of the countries that have joined the World Government, so they have to follow the World Government more unitedly, but at the same time, it also gives more confidence to people with rebellious intentions.

Everyone knows that the World Government is afraid of Brett and his companions, believing that they have the power to change everything.

If this is the case, it certainly means that as long as you follow Bright, you can overthrow the world government together.

Minorities who have been discriminated against for hundreds of years are of course eager for change.

Since Brett has no chance of winning, and even has a high chance of winning, why can't he take a gamble?

Just like that, of course, new forces joined Brett's side.

However, among these minorities, one is the most important.

"Hahahaha! I've finally waited for this moment!"

From the other end of the phone came the heroic laughter of my good friend, "This is the moment we Elbaf have been waiting for eight hundred years ago!"

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"Go ahead and attack, Brett! The world's strongest warrior group is right behind you!"

"That would be great."

The smile on Brett's face was uncontrollable.

Sure enough, the giants are very reliable allies.

The giants were also allies of Qiao Yin Boyin eight hundred years ago. After the failure of the war that year, they had been waiting for the time when the war would start again.

As for the question of why the giants were still able to survive even though the war failed.

It can only be said that Master Yin Mu is still too confident.

He didn't even eliminate the remnants of the Bika people, and even the Lunarians were still lingering in the corner of the world.

He only got rid of Qiao Yin Boyin's close allies, and then the other guys didn't pay much attention.

Probably because he felt that no one could threaten him anymore.

But the fact seems to be true. The bereaved dogs who failed in the war alone cannot threaten Yin Mu's rule.

In the end, we have to rely on the treasure left by that guy Qiaoyin Boyin.

But even so, the giants are still a powerful force.

While communicating with friends, Brett was also practicing hard.

After Mr. Shanks taught Bright a lesson, he went off to play by himself. After all, there was not much content in the lesson.

In the final analysis, Wisdom Killing is a special way of using Wisdom Color Haki. The level of difficulty is the level of internal destruction of Armed Color Haki, which is not even comparable to Overlord Color Coil.

Based on Brett's intensity of knowledge, his practice is progressing very quickly, and he should be able to master this move in a short time.

While Brett has steadily achieved steady development in strength and power, the navies living on Sojourn and Fish-Man Island have also achieved some results after this period of hard work.

"It's time to say goodbye."

The navy came to say goodbye to Brett. Lieutenant General He said, "After this period of contact, a considerable number of naval soldiers are willing to believe in us and continue to follow us."

"Next we have to bring them together and form a new navy."

"We have agreed on a meeting place with the branch lieutenant generals of several G-series bases in the New World. They have been hiding since the initial incident. With their help, the new navy will soon be formed. .”


Brett nodded slightly.

This is certainly good news.

Although in Brett's view, among the remaining navy, even those that still follow the World Government, the only ones who can really be considered capable of fighting are the few guys in front of him.

But don't forget, the navy has been protecting the world for eight hundred years, and they have a huge reputation around the world.

If a new navy is formed, it may play a huge role in rebuilding the world order after victory.

"I'll take you there."

Brett said, "By the way, Fishman Island's logistics team can also provide you with material support."

The navy today is different from the past. Without the support of the world government and half of the countries in the world, the top navy officials in front of them probably don't have much money, let alone raising an army again.

The NEo Navy still has support from a bunch of non-franchising countries.

As an ally, Brett was of course bound to shoulder the heavy responsibility of providing material support for the new navy.

Just think of it as a favor investment. After all, the current top brass of the Navy are all very upright people.

Not to mention Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant General He, even the three people who are careless, Kizaru, Green Ox, Tea Dolphin, have their own strong points in their hearts.

"If so, thank you very much, Brett."

Lieutenant General Karp did not refuse, and he solemnly expressed his gratitude to Brett.

It can only be said that things in the world are really wonderful. A few years ago, they never thought that one day they would stand with Brett and sincerely thank this man.

Just before this world meeting, for the navy, Brett was still the biggest enemy.

So Brett temporarily interrupted his training and left the Fish-Man Island with the navy, heading towards the new world.

The Navy has set up many G-series bases around the world. They are the Navy's highest-standard bases except for Malinfando.

There are several such bases in the new century alone, and the G-14 base among them has even penetrated deep into the back of the new world, almost completely out of the waters controlled by the world government.

The stationed lieutenant generals responsible for guarding such an important base must of course be the ones most trusted by the navy's top brass.

Therefore, after breaking with the World Government, these lieutenant generals stationed there are the most supportive and trustworthy Lieutenant General Garp.

At the first moment, these lieutenant generals had taken their troops away from the sea area where they were stationed and hid. Now it was time to wait for Lieutenant General Garp and the others to come over and receive them.

A new navy will be born soon.

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