The place agreed upon by Vice Admiral Garp and the other vice admirals was an unnamed desert island in the New World.

After all, I have seen the terrifying power of the final weapon in Yin Mu's hand. If its location is exposed, I am afraid that it will soon be blasted directly into the sky like Malinfando.

So of course the navy can only find a hidden place to hide, just like the NEo navy, and wait for the final battle to begin.

When Brett brought the navy men here, what he saw was that simple wooden houses had been built on the desert island, and tens of thousands of different voices could be heard from the island. the sound of.

"Mr. Karp! Granny Crane!"

Because they didn't deliberately hide their whereabouts, people on the island soon noticed the arrival of Brett and his team.

Several men and women, still wearing navy uniforms and holding the rank of lieutenant general, walked out of the room and waved to Bright and his group above.

Of course, the main thing is to attack Lieutenant General Garp and the others.

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Lieutenant General Garp jumped directly from Bright's cloud.

The expression on the gray-haired old hero's face was very complicated.

There is relief, regret, frustration and joy.

The people they once loyal to have betrayed them, the navy that was once so powerful has now been divided, and the old friends who once led the navy forward have now been sacrificed.

But fortunately, there is still a group of strong and upright warriors who are willing to follow them and follow true justice.

"Already know what kind of enemy we will face next, right?"

Lieutenant General He also jumped down, and the navy's brain asked calmly.


One of the navy vice-admirals replied solemnly, "Even if it is the world government that we once protected, as long as they stand on the opposite side of justice, then they are our enemies!"

"Since the government is not just, then let us create a new order that is truly just!"

A female vice-admiral with black hair spoke loudly.

"That's right!"

Miss Gion responded loudly, "It's time to pursue true justice!"


An overwhelming response came from the entire island.

Although they have been following the World Government and honestly have done a lot of bad things, who can deny the navy's persistent pursuit of justice?

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

Although they have suffered heavy losses and are now even divided, the navy gathered here alone at this time is already a quite powerful force.

Doesn't this look pretty good?

Brett smiled and said to Lieutenant General Garp, "Mr. Garp, I'll leave first."

"I have memorized the location, and the logistics team will deliver the supplies to you next."

"Are you so anxious?"

Lieutenant General Garp frowned slightly. He sent them over with his front foot and then left with his second foot. Was he a little too anxious?


Brett looked at the marines and said, "After all, I'm probably not particularly popular."

Lieutenant General Garp was silent for a moment.

Also, although they are now partners in the same camp, what Brett did to the navy in the past made the navy here not have a good impression of him.

They have already recognized Brett as a partner, but as for the navy here who have no contact with Brett, their views on this man have not changed.

"Anyway, let's work hard together in the next war."

Brett smiled and said, "Everything else doesn't matter, except in this war, we must win, right?"


Lieutenant General Garp nodded heavily.

"So, goodbye."

Brett left without any regrets.

He doesn't need to worry about the navy's affairs. This is something Lieutenant General Garp and Lieutenant General He should worry about.

The most important thing for Brett now is to quickly master the technique of witnessing and killing, and then reversely crack this move in order to gain an advantage in the battle with Yin Mu.

"Mr. Karp——"

After seeing Brett leave, the female lieutenant general who just spoke lowered her voice and asked softly, "Is that man, Brett, really trustworthy?"

No matter what, there is hatred between that man and the navy.

Having been enemies for a long time, it was a bit too hard to accept that he was suddenly called a partner.

"There is no one more trustworthy than him."

However, before Lieutenant General Garp could speak, Lieutenant General He said in a deep voice, "No one is more determined than him to fight against the World Government, defeat that guy Yinmu, and establish a new order!"

"At least in this war, he is our most trustworthy partner!"


The chief staff officer of the Navy was silent for a moment, and then she said, "Looking back now, the conflicts between us and him are all caused by the World Government."


Miss Gion also sighed, "Everything is because of the Sun Pirates and the actions of that man named Fisher Tiger."

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"Did he really do something wrong?"

The expressions of the marines became a little complicated.

There is no doubt that from the current perspective, Tiger is a well-deserved hero.

But the man died in the navy, and Brett was arrested for this.

If we had to talk about the origin of everything, it was probably something wrong with the navy, which was still taking orders from the World Government at that time, right?

The vice admirals were somewhat silent.

"No need to doubt Brett,"

Lieutenant General Garp also said solemnly at this time, "Without him, we would never be able to defeat that guy Yin Mu and win this war."


The vice admirals nodded solemnly.

Now that these two have said this, they have nothing to hesitate.

Next, start preparing for war with all your strength!

Only by winning the next war can they truly implement justice!

Brett soon returned to Fishman Island and continued his practice.

The power gathered around him has become increasingly huge.

Another Pluto is almost completed, and the cultivation of the Seraphs is also nearing completion.

It is becoming increasingly possible to see the dawn of victory.

It's coming soon, the war we've been waiting for, the victory we've been looking forward to!

The time for change is very close! !

Brett's heart couldn't help but become excited.

But the more exciting the moment, the more you should calm down.

Excitement will only blind people and make them unable to see the road in front of them.

All that should be done now is to continue to accumulate strength and continue to practice silently.

Then, the practice was quickly successful.

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