One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 542 The World Government Takes Action

Brett's power of knowledge is very powerful.

Seeing and hearing Haki is the type of Haki he is best at.

There is nothing special about his Overlord Color Haki and Armed Color Haki. Apart from being very strong, there is no difference between the Overlord Color or Armed Color of other people in the sea.

But Brett's experience was different.

It was so different from the moment I woke up.

Even Roger's experience in the world of listening is definitely not as good as his own, Brett was very sure.

There were just too many sounds that he could hear.

No matter in terms of quality or quantity, Brett felt that his domineering power of knowledge and color should be unparalleled in the world, well, if Yin Mu was excluded first.

With such a foundation, it is really not that difficult to practice the skills of seeing, hearing and killing.

The fact that it took so many days is enough to illustrate the extraordinary nature of this technique.

But in the end, the training was completed naturally, and Brett has mastered this move skillfully.

He couldn't wait to verify it.

So he went to find the most knowledgeable person on the island besides him——

Princess Otohime.

The red-haired guy and Rayleigh-sensei are certainly strong enough, but compared to Princess Otohime's ability to see through people's minds easily and even brainwash others, there is probably still a bit of a gap.

Princess Otohime readily agreed to Brett's request for help.

“Is it enough to just listen to your heart?”

Princess Otohime smiled.

Although the war is about to begin, Her Royal Highness the Princess, who is the leader of the peace faction, is inevitably a little depressed.

But it’s actually not that unacceptable, right?

After all, almost half the world's power is standing on the side of Fish-Man Island at this time.

As long as this war can be won, Princess Otohime's dream can also be realized, and humans and Fish-Man Island can coexist harmoniously.

An unprecedented beautiful era will also come.

After figuring this out, Princess Otohime certainly has nothing to be disappointed about.

"Yes, you just need to listen to my heart."

Brett nodded.

As long as it can interfere with Princess Otohime's prying into her heart, it is enough to show that the practice of seeing, hearing and killing has been successful.

"Then, here I come!"

Princess Otohime was full of energy, waving her little fists excitedly, and then her Haki of Wisdom and Information was activated.

This woman is not good at fighting at all, and her control of Haki is not as accurate as the strong men on the sea.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

But she is a natural awakener of overlord, knowledge, color and domineering energy, and she has mastered this ability to the extent that she can use her fingers like an arm.

The ability to easily peer into people's minds and change other people's thoughts has been successfully activated at this moment.

At the same moment, Brett's color of knowledge was also activated.

He did not listen to Princess Otohime's voice, nor did he peek into the future.

He just consolidated the domineering energy of seeing and hearing into his body, and then interfered with his own aura.



Princess Otohime tilted her head in surprise, "I can't hear you!"

The corners of Brett's mouth were already curled up, so that means it was successful, right?

"Britt, what on earth did you do?"

Princess Otohime asked very curiously, "This is the first time I have encountered this situation!"

"It's just a special skill."

Brett smiled so brightly, "Anyway, Your Royal Highness, thank you very much this time."

"It's nothing, it would be great if I could help you."

Her Royal Highness the Princess had no intention of getting to the bottom of it. She said with a smile, "Let's work hard in the next war!"


Brett nodded slightly, "We will definitely win!"


The princess excitedly waved her fist again, "If it were Brett, you would definitely lead us to victory!"

"Thank you for believing me."

After bidding farewell to Her Royal Highness the Princess, Brett felt that it was time for him to enter the second stage.

Now that you have completed the practice of seeing, hearing and killing, it is time to think carefully about how to crack this technique.

The Haki of knowledge and information works by sensing the breath of others, while the principle of knowledge and killing is to disrupt one's own breath, thus interfering with the other party's perception.

After understanding this principle, Brett felt that he already had some ideas.

Since the sight and color can disrupt the breath, can we use the other person's sight and color to trace the source and find out his original appearance from the chaotic breath?

If it were someone else, it would definitely not be possible. After all, who could spare the time to do such a troublesome thing in the midst of an extremely tense and fierce battle?

But Brett guessed that he might be different.

His domineering attitude is inherently special.

Brett could hear many, many sounds, from animals, dead things, and even someone's attack or someone's thoughts.

He could even hear his domineering voice.

In this case, if you work hard, you should be able to listen to the Haki of Insight and Information used by Yoon Mu to disrupt your own aura in the chaotic aura, right?

After all, now I have mastered the technique of witnessing and killing, and I know how the knowledge and color domineering power works in this situation.

It is not difficult to find information that can provide information among the noisy and disorderly information.

It's certainly worth a try.

Then we have to go to the red-haired guy for help.

Princess Otohime is not good at the skill of witnessing and killing, so there is no way she can serve as a target for Bright to practice.

When Brett was practicing hard to overcome the murder of seeing, hearing, and killing, Mary Joa.

"Lord Yinmu!"

The five old stars once again knelt before the throne of the supreme Lord Yin Mu, "The preparations have been completed!"

"We have gathered all the forces we can muster, and the cultivation of undersea forces has come to an end."

"There is no reason to wait any longer."


The figure leaning on the throne slowly raised his head, and a calm voice came from under the black robe into the ears of the five old stars, "Is the boring time finally over? It's finally It’s time to do something fun.”

"So, what are you going to do?"

Although Wulaoxing didn't even dare to raise his head at all, they could still feel a gaze sweeping across their bodies.

The bearded Wulaoxing said respectfully, "We are going to let the undersea troops take action first!"

"Each of them has extraordinary power, and they already have the qualifications to interfere with Fish-Man Island!"

"That would be so boring."

Lord Yin Mu said without interest, "I thought you had some interesting ideas, but is this all the result?"

"Sorry, Lord Yinmu!"

The heads of the five old men hit the hard floor immediately.

"The plan to destroy Eve and bring Fish-Man Island to the sea failed, so let's find another way."

An interested voice said, "Get ready for Mary Joa to move."

The five old stars' eyes widened.

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