Chapter 544 Big Bombing

On Fish-Man Island, everything is still peaceful.

After experiencing the destruction of Yangshu Eve, the atmosphere on the entire Fish-Man Island became a little serious.

After all, everyone knows that war is not far away.

Everyone is inevitably a little nervous.

But Director Bright said that he could just leave this war to him, and that this was not something that most of his compatriots should worry about.

I will try my best to prevent the war from spreading to Fish-Man Island.

This is what Bright said to his compatriots on Fishman Island.

Although my compatriots all wanted to help, when I thought about it carefully, it seemed that they really couldn't help much.

If it comes to fighting, the number of troops on Fish-Man Island is almost saturated. With these well-trained warriors, ordinary citizens basically have no chance to go to the battlefield.

Even though Fish-Man Island does not have enough troops, Director Bright still has a large number of allies with extraordinary strength and power.

If all the ordinary residents of Fish-Man Island were to go to war, they would probably be at the end of their rope. No matter how hard they tried, they probably wouldn't be able to help.

Therefore, the people of Fish-Man Island understand that all they can do is to work hard to do what they are doing, use their ordinary workers to make Fish-Man Island more prosperous, and serve the soldiers who are about to fight on the front line. Provide adequate logistical support.

So even though the war is just around the corner, Fish-Man Island is still very peaceful, but it's so peaceful that it doesn't look like a war for world hegemony is just around the corner.

The people of Fish-Man Island perform their duties, and the military is also working hard to train in order to perform better in the war.

Bright is also practicing, and his thinking is correct. The next thing to do is to perfect this technique step by step.

But just when all this was developing peacefully, above Fish-Man Island, in Mariejoia, a major relocation had begun.

The world government officials in Pangu City and the Tianlong people in White Town all packed up their luggage and left the place where they had been living.

This is them heading deeper into the Red Earth Continent.

Fortunately, the number of people was not large. The army stationed in Mariejoia had already built temporary settlements in the distance in advance, which was enough for them to live temporarily.

Not after everyone left Mali Bridge, the white town at the top of the world turned into an empty city. From the sky, a giant thing slowly descended.

The slender figure shrouded in black robes stood on the edge of the straw hat-like ship, looking down at the white town below.

"Then let me light up the smoke."

Lord Im raised his right hand, and the huge thing suspended in the sky began to move slowly.

A strange big ship with the same shape as a straw hat flew to the side of the red continent. Im looked down at the giant red snake that surrounded the whole world, "Bright, here comes the surprise."

Underneath the ship, light began to gather.



The dazzling light turned into an invincible sword that tore through the sky, and the blazing beam of light fell directly on the lower end of the Red Earth Continent, where the land and the sea meet.

boom! !

The majestic sun bloomed above the sea, and a large amount of seawater was evaporated. The hot steam directly turned into a heavy fog that enveloped the entire sea area, and was then dispersed by the strong wind in the next moment.

The huge wave directly rolled up hundreds of meters, rumbling and spreading in all directions with a momentum of destroying everything.

At the current distance, the Shampoo Islands would probably be engulfed by this tsunami.

The bombardment of the behemoth continued, and the beams of light fell one after another, constantly bombarding the red land that had stood on this sea for who knows how many years.

The indestructible high walls were shattering and cracking, and huge chunks of rock had been completely evaporated by successive explosions before they even had time to hit the sea.

This piece of red earth continent has completely collapsed, and it is still crumbling downwards.

The white town Mariejoia, located at the top of the world, has been completely wiped out. Even the ruins left after the collapse have been completely evaporated by the powerful explosion.

Even the red earth continent that has surrounded the world since ancient times and divided the entire sea into two cannot withstand the continuous bombardment of this ultimate weapon from outside the world.

The sea water is boiling, and while the walls above the sea surface are collapsing, the parts below the sea surface are also being shattered.

From top to bottom, a huge gap was blown out of the Red Earth Continent.

And directly below Mariejoia, directly below the red land, about a few kilometers below the sea, there is a huge hole in the high red wall.

And in this hollow, there is an island, and the name of the island is Fishman Island.

Time goes back to earlier, on Fishman Island, somewhere in the Forest of the Sea.

Brett is practicing with the help of red hair.

The red-haired man used all his strength to isolate his own aura by using the knowledge-killing technique, and then Bright tried hard to use his own knowledge-color to track the red-haired man's knowledge-color, and listen to the red-haired voice in the midst of the noise.

This kind of news has been going on for quite some time. During this period of time, from the initial difficulty in adapting, Bright has evolved to the point where he has gradually become familiar with it.

I have almost overcome the skill of seeing, hearing and killing.

Then, that's when.

Brett, who was exerting all his strength to activate his cognition, suddenly raised his head.

After a brief moment of silence, Brett's expression changed drastically.

"Bright? What's wrong?"

The redhead asked curiously.

There's something wrong with Brett's reaction.

problem occurs!

The redhead realized this immediately.

boom! !

Even before Bright had time to speak, a loud noise that was clearly audible even in the deep sea came from above.

Then, the sound was followed by a violent vibration.

The entire deep sea was shaking, a large amount of dust was raised, and the deep sea became turbid!

Above the Fishman Island, the rock wall below the cave cracked directly, and large rocks began to fall downwards.

"What the hell is this-"

The redhead's eyes widened.

"Practice is temporarily suspended."

Bright directly entered the dragon-like state, flying upward like lightning.

The sight and sound had already gone up along the chaotic sea water, allowing Bright to directly hear the sounds above the sea at this time.

That bastard Im is so willing!

Isn't Mariejoia completely wiped out now?

But as a price, Fish-Man Island is now facing its greatest crisis!

Something must be done now!

Otherwise, among other things, Fish-Man Island would be directly crushed to pieces by the red earth continent collapsing from above!

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