Chapter 545 Collapse

Brett never thought Im would do such a thing.

In any case, Mariejoia is also the center of the world government and the gathering place for the Celestial Dragons.

Even if he had to pick his head off, Bright would not have guessed that one day Im would decide to abandon Mary Joa without hesitation and launch an attack on Fish-Man Island.

Fishman Island is located at a depth of 10,000 meters under the sea. Even with the terrifying firepower of the ultimate weapon, it is difficult to directly damage this island.

The deep water will greatly reduce the attacks from above the sea to a large extent.

Not to mention that Fish-Man Island is still hidden in the big hollow under the Red Earth Continent.

However, when Im was willing to give up Mary Joa, everything changed.

This bastard is going to blow up the Red Earth Continent, and then bury Fish-Man Island directly in this deep sea.

Even if it can withstand this wave of attacks, after the Red Earth Continent is gone, can this deep sea alone really be able to completely withstand the attack from Im?

Even if he just bombards the sea surface wildly, the turbulent eddies that follow are enough to turn Fish-Man Island into a desperate situation that is difficult to survive, right?

Now is indeed the worst case scenario!

Fishman Island is directly under the greatest threat!

What should we do now?

If nothing is done, the entire Fish-Man Island will be buried alive!

Blake's mind flashed with thoughts, and he quickly came up with an idea.

The most important thing now is to ensure that Fishman Island is not directly buried in the subsequent collapse of the Red Earth Continent.

There is only one person on Fish-Man Island who can do this.

Brat ran through the deep sea like lightning, and soon arrived at his destination.

Dragon Palace City.

As soon as Bright arrived at Dragon Palace City, the Neptunes hurried over to greet him.

"What's going on Brett now? Is it an earthquake?"

The crown on Neptune's head was crooked, and he said anxiously, "If it was an earthquake, it would be too strong. The rock walls of the large hollow above are collapsing! A palace was smashed just now!" "

"It's Im!"

Bright answered his doubts in the shortest words, and then he said anxiously, "There is no time to talk about this now, I want to go find Shirahoshi! Now I can only rely on her power!"

Before Neptune could tell him where White Star was, Bright had already rushed into Dragon Palace City like lightning.

Of course, he had already determined the position of White Star.

With sparks and lightning all the way, Bright came directly to the room where the little princess was.

"Brother Brett!"

As soon as the little princess saw Bright, she said anxiously, "The Neptunes are warning me!"

"The situation is indeed critical now, Little White Star, it's time for you to show your strength!" Bright said directly.

There is no time to hesitate now.

Im's bombing continues.

A huge gap has been blasted out of the Red Earth Continent. The land near the fish-man island has begun to collapse, and large rocks have begun to fall downwards.

"I see!"

The little princess clenched her two little fists in front of her chest and said with a serious face, "Then Brother Bright, what should I do?"

Bright spoke quickly, "Let the Sea Kings stop the rocks that are collapsing at this time!"

"I see!"

Shirahoshi closed his eyes.

At the same time, Bright heard Shirahoshi's heartbeat turn into electric waves and spread in all directions.

The supreme king's order has reached the minds of all the sea kings at this moment.

The nearby Sea Kings have already begun to take action, and they are beginning to gather towards the top of the Fish-Man Island.

"It was a big help Shirahoshi!"

Bright only had time to praise Shirahoshi before his body turned into lightning again, crashing directly through the roof of Ryugu Castle and rushing into the deep sea above.

It will take some time for the Neptunes to gather. During this time, someone must stand up to protect the island.

Then of course this person can only be yourself.

Brett thought so.

Floating above the Fish-Man Island, Bright had transformed into a huge red dragon.

He directly entered the awakening state. In this state, he transformed into a dragon form, and his body size more than doubled than before.

At this time, Bright was already a true behemoth of the deep sea.

He tilted his head and looked up at the scene above.

The eyes cannot see very clearly, but the ears can hear clearly.

That was the sound of the rock wall shattering, and the thick cracks had spread far, far away.

Under the constant bombardment from Yim above, the nearby red earth continent has completely collapsed from top to bottom.

At this moment, an astronomical number of rocks have begun to fall downwards.

Brett took a deep breath.

The next moment, the clouds were spreading around him with him as the center.

Bright has never unleashed the flames with such full force as at this moment.

The density of clouds is overwhelming, like a sea of ​​clouds.

This huge sea of ​​clouds spread directly over the Fish-Man Island.

Just a few circles of flame clouds are enough to lift an island into the sky.

And now Bright has created a sea of ​​flame clouds!

Even Bright himself has never tested the terrifying power this ocean can exert.

He only knew that he would never be able to achieve this level without awakening.

The falling rocks from above have arrived.

The first thing that came into Bright's sight was a huge rock with a diameter of more than one thousand meters.

Even in this deep sea, the speed at which it fell was quite astonishing.

Then the stone fell on the sea of ​​clouds.

After the sea of ​​clouds trembled slightly, it was caught firmly.

But this is far from over, more rocks are still falling!

Bright worked hard to maintain the sea of ​​clouds and constantly catch the falling stones.

At first, this was very simple. Bright could easily catch even huge boulders with a diameter of over a kilometer, but as the number gradually increased, the sea of ​​clouds began to tremble.

How many stones fell from the collapsed red earth continent? This is a problem that is simply impossible to calculate.

The height of the Red Earth Continent is not lower than the depth of Fishman Island!

Even though it was only a small section of the red earth continent that crashed towards the Fish-Man Island, it was far from a magnitude comparable to that of ordinary islands!

Not to mention, at this time, at the bottom of the sea, due to the broken rock foundation, rocks all over the sky rolled and swept in around the huge collapsed cavity.

This directly set off a storm in the deep sea, like an avalanche or a tsunami.

Bright gritted his teeth and separated a large cloud of flames that spread in all directions to block the torrent of rocks coming from the surroundings.

Breathing began to become rapid, and even Bright began to gradually become stretched.

He could hear clearly the exclamations coming from the Fish-Man Island.

The compatriots on the island are also aware of the coming crisis.

Fortunately, at this time, support came.

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