One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 545 The Great Migration

Chapter 546 The Great Migration

"Long wait! Partner!"

Accompanied by laughter that only Bright could hear, huge monsters came quickly from the surrounding dark sea.

Swimming at the front is Bright's good friend, the proud deep-sea warrior Alexander.

The warrior shrimp swung its long tail and smashed several large falling rocks directly into the air.

"Leave the rest to us, partner!!"

The deep-sea warrior laughed loudly and said, "Respect my king's order, and it is up to us to save Fish-Man Island!"

"It helped a lot!"

Brett breathed a sigh of relief.

With the help of the Neptunes, his task would be much easier.

The entire deep sea was covered in dark shadows.

No matter which direction Bright looked, all he could see were huge sea kings.

One thousand, two thousand, or more?

Probably all the sea kings in the nearby sea area, including the windless zone, have arrived.

It was difficult for Bright to estimate the specific number at the moment, but he knew that with the help of these guys, this crisis could probably be passed safely.

The sea kings made long calls.

They possess wisdom that is not inferior to humans, and they quickly judged the current situation.

Then, the Neptunes were divided into several parts.

Some of them came up to Bright's side, and together they resisted the falling rocks.

Others scattered around the Fish-Man Island to resist the torrent of rocks.

The minimum body size of the Neptune species is over a hundred meters, and among the Neptune species rushing here to help at this time, it is not uncommon for those with a size of several thousand meters.

It was a simple matter for them to resist those falling rocks.

Relying on the advantage in numbers and size, he directly used his body as a shield to knock away all the rocks falling towards Fisherman Island.

Even the few fish that slip through the net can be caught by Bright's clouds.

The threat from above was instantly greatly reduced.

I would also like to thank Yim a little here, because he made the rock formations gradually collapse and fall through constant bombing.

The Red Earth Continent didn’t just fall all at once, so no one could catch it.

In the current situation, the Neptunes were able to gradually eliminate the falling stones, and coupled with Bright's checking and filling in the gaps, no stone could successfully fall onto the Fish-Man Island.

Then there was a torrent of rocks rushing around, and the Neptunes simply stacked together and blocked the front of the torrent with their bodies.

The huge and powerful wave was blocked.

After all, when the Neptunes are stacked together, it becomes a huge mountain range surrounding Fish-Man Island!

Bright's clouds are also helping, at least filling in a lot of gaps.

In this way, the crisis that could destroy Fish-Man Island was temporarily calmed down.

But Bright knew it wasn't over yet. Im and his ultimate weapon were still floating in the sky!

Fishman Island is no longer safe!

Although it is a pity, this is the only way to do it now.

Give up Fishman Island!

Give up this hometown of fish people and mermaids, give up this prosperous island that was built with great difficulty.

Now is not the time to hesitate. For the sake of safety, we can only make this decision!

If that guy Im can give up on Mary Joa, then of course he can also give up on his own!

Brett transformed into his draconian form and took out the phone bug.

He made a phone call.

"Bright! So what's going on now!"

Neptune's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's okay for the time being, but the red earth continent above was destroyed by Im!"

Bright said directly, "I hate to say this, but Fish-Man Island is no longer safe!"


Neptune froze.

"Don't hesitate, this is all we can do now!"

Bright shouted, "Let Princess Otohime deliver the island-wide speech!"

"There isn't much time left! It's time to make use of the ark that was promised eight hundred years ago!"

"Let all our compatriots go to the Forest of the Sea and go to Noah!"

"Then let Shirahoshi ask the Neptunes to take everyone away!"

Neptune was silent for a moment.

Then he finally said, "I understand!"

"Just leave everything on the island to me!"


Brett nodded and hung up the phone.

This is a heart-wrenching decision.

It took a lot of effort to build the Fish-Man Island to this extent. If we leave in a hurry now, how much can we take with us?

But that's all it can do now.

Brett sighed.

The entire Fish-Man Island became agitated at this time.

We must abandon the place where we have lived for generations, and we must abandon the family property that we have accumulated over the years.

This kind of thing is somewhat difficult to accept.

It can only be left to Princess Otohime.

Now is when her power of knowledge and color comes in handy.

"... Fellow compatriots! I know this sudden decision is difficult for everyone to accept!"

Bright could already hear the speeches coming from below through the speakers, "But now Fish-Man Island has reached its most dangerous time!"

"The enemy destroyed the red earth continent above, the sky collapsed, and now Bright is still on top, resisting the falling rocks!"

"The red earth continent that protected Fishman Island has been shattered, and this deep sea may no longer be able to protect us!"

"If we continue to stay here, then what awaits us may be the end of destruction!"

Princess Otohime's voice even sounded like she was crying, and even Bright felt a little sour in her heart. She was indeed fully capable, "So, please abandon our hometown!"

"Let's start a new journey to a new home!"

"Go above the sea to find the sunshine and sea breeze we dream of!"

The entire Fishman Island fell silent for a moment.


"If that's the case, there's nothing we can do!"

"If you will die if you stay, then of course you have to find a new home!"

"And it just so happens that we can move to the sea now. I have never seen real sunshine in my life!"

"We can't help Brother Bright much, but at least we can't hold him back!"

"Sorry, Fishman Island, we have to leave next!"

Brett heard many sounds that pleased him.

At least in terms of unity, his countrymen did not disappoint him.

The entire Fishman Island started to take action.

The compatriots began to pack their luggage quickly, and then gathered in the direction of the Sea Forest.

Next they have to board the ship promised eight hundred years ago.

But this time it wasn't Joey Boy who came to fulfill his promise.

In any case, a vigorous great migration has begun.

Happy New Year! !

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