One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 547: Confrontation!

Now is no longer the time when Yin Mu drives up the ultimate weapon and bombards you from behind, and you can only choose to run away in embarrassment!

Pluto is already in his hands. After a short rest, this legendary ancient battleship is qualified to enter the battlefield again!

It's a competition of firepower, right? Then let's compare again.

The dark ship was already rising high in the deep sea, enveloped by Brett's flame cloud, and moving quickly towards the surface of the sea.

Brett stood on the bow of the ship, and the phantom condensed by Hades stood side by side with him.

"Eight hundred years ago, during the war with the Lunarians, although they were said to be fighting three ancient weapons at the same time, in fact the only ones actually fighting them were Uranus and me."

Pluto's words were very dull, but Brett could hear a strong sense of confidence in them.

The intelligence level of Pluto is indeed no different from ordinary people. It is not an exaggeration to say that a person's soul is attached to this ship.

"Although the mermaid princess' ability to control the power of the sea kings is terrifying, on the frontal battlefield, in the confrontation with the ultimate weapon, it does not have much effect."

Pluto said, "The war at that time was always about Ouranos dealing with that thing in the sky, and I was supporting it with artillery fire from below."

"So, there is no need to worry, Mr. Bright, at least in terms of firepower, we are not inferior to him!"

"Then I'll be relieved."

Brett's lips curled up.

Pluto, like the ultimate weapon controlled by Yin Mu, is the pinnacle creation of the Bika people.

Even if the former is the work of the remaining Bika scientists after Bika's death, it is not as good as the Ark of Hope built by gathering the power of the entire race, but the two sides are still at the same level in terms of technology.

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That ship can't crush Hades!

Even in terms of firepower, the gap between the two sides is negligible.

At least Brett, what he hopes to do now is to temporarily stop Yim's indiscriminate bombardment, and Pluto assures him that he can definitely do it.

Supported by Brett's flame cloud, the ship was moving upwards rapidly.

Fortunately, there are almost no stones falling down at this time, and Pluto can ascend unimpeded.

To say it is unobstructed is actually wrong.

The bombing continued, and the water became more turbulent the further up we went.

Even after floating for a long time, the flames of the explosion were clearly visible, and Brett could even feel a strong shock wave spreading based on the sea water.

It made his body feel a little numb.

"We are almost within the bombing range."

Brett said.

"I'm ready, Mr. Bright."

Pluto said calmly, "I can give that guy Yin Mu a big surprise at any time."

"That's it, get on!!"

The sea surface is boiling, white light pillars are constantly falling on the sea surface, and huge explosions make the entire sea gallop endlessly.

Huge holes were being blown out one after another in the azure sea, and there was no time to close them before new shelling soon arrived.

This is a scene like a natural disaster.

Yoon Mu stood on the edge of the straw hat-shaped floating ship, looking at the vast sea in the distance.

On both sides of his sight, there were two large broken walls.

At that time, a huge gap was opened in the Red Earth Continent.

The sea area that Yin Mu could see was called the New World.

"It seems like I did something great."

Yoon Mu said to himself.

Starting from today, the first half and the second half of the Grand Line will be completely connected.

People who want to travel between these two seas can reach their destination directly without going through Mariejoia or Fish-Man Island.

Well, perhaps it would be difficult to go to Marijoa or Fish-Man Island now.

Mariejoia has been completely wiped out, and now it seems that Fish-Man Island is only one step away from destruction.

If you want to find these two islands again, you probably have to go to heaven or hell.

"Then what are you going to do next, Brett?"

Yin Mu tilted his head slightly. Although the change in his expression could not be clearly seen under the black cloak, it was probably possible to tell that he was looking down at the turbulent sea below.

Fishman Island probably couldn't stay any longer. Even if the island was not directly destroyed, it was already exposed within its own range.

So what will Brett do next?

To be honest, Yin Mu was very curious about this.

However, the answer to this question came quickly.

The already boiling sea exploded again, and a dazzling white light suddenly shot up from the sea surface, and then directly hit the bottom of the big ship at Yin Mu's feet.


Yin Mu let out a surprised sound.

The speed of the light was so fast that even though he had seen it before, with the size of the floating battleship under his feet, he had no time to avoid it.

This huge ship has the same outline as a straw hat, but its size is not smaller than Noah's.

A huge explosion occurred instantly, and the spreading fireworks almost covered the entire floating ship.

Then, in the clouds and smoke of the explosion, a huge black shadow emerged from above.

It's a floating battleship.

Even from a bombardment of this magnitude, it remained mostly intact.

Invisible ripples enveloped the entire ship, and the translucent protective cover tightly protected the ship, keeping it intact even under such an attack.

Yin Mu still stood on the edge of his ultimate weapon with his old spirit, but his voice was no longer calm, "This bombardment, haha, it is such a nostalgic sight!!"

Soon, on the sea below, a large ship broke through the water, and then landed heavily on the turbulent sea.

Looking at the dark ship below, Yin Mu's laughter became even more wanton, "We haven't seen each other for many years, Pluto!"

"I don't miss it at all."

Pluto and Brett stood on the bow of the ship together, and his voice rose loudly from the entire Pluto, "I have only one purpose for surviving till now."

"That is to inherit Mr. Qiaoyin Boyin's will. Yinmu, I will completely destroy you!!"

"What a coincidence, that's what I thought too."

Yin Mu said leisurely, "Whether it's you, Qiao Yin Boyin, or Brett, as long as you guys still exist in this sea, I can't sleep peacefully."

"Don't worry,"

Brett took a step forward and bared his teeth, "You will soon enter eternal sleep."


Yin Mu laughed loudly, "Then-"

“Just come and give it a try!”

The next moment, dazzling light began to condense below the floating ship.

At the same moment, almost the same light began to condense on Pluto's muzzle platform.

boom! !

The main guns of both sides fired simultaneously.

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