One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 548 The End of the Song

Chambord Islands.

This island, which is the true end of the first half of the great route, suffered a catastrophe today.

Or it should be said that this island has disappeared from this world starting from today.

The sudden bombing initially brought strong earthquakes to the Chambord Islands.

Then the tsunami that rushed in could be said to have the power to destroy everyone.

And at the end, just after experiencing the baptism of the tsunami, something even more terrifying happened.

A gap was opened in the Red Earth Continent.

For the Shampoo Islands, this is obviously a disastrous fact.

You know, strictly speaking, the Chambord Islands are not a real island.

This archipelago appeared because the sap secreted by the huge mangroves adhered to debris floating in the sea. After countless years of accumulation, the Shampoo Islands were finally formed.

However, the roots of the huge mangroves are rooted in the red soil continent. When the part of the red soil continent that they relied on was shattered by red soil, the Shampoo Islands naturally became rootless duckweeds.

Huge mangroves collapsed one after another, and the entire Shampoo Islands collapsed in an instant.

Only a few lucky people survived this disaster.

At this time, we should really thank the huge mangroves that formed the Shampoo Islands in the long years before this.

Once again they have become a refuge for these lucky souls.

These huge trees could barely float on the sea. The surviving people clung to these big trees and barely survived the wave of tsunamis.

But this luck soon came to an end.

"What the hell is that!!"

Someone was screaming at the top of their lungs.

The object of his scream was the huge floating battleship in the distant sky that was clearly visible even in the Shampoo Islands.

Everyone saw it, it was that thing that exploded the Red Earth Continent, it was that thing that brought destruction to this island.

Their family, friends, and partners have all sunk into the cold seabed because of that thing.

But what they didn't know was that the real destruction would officially come next.

Even from such a distance, it was clearly visible that the two beams of light collided together.

The huge sun appeared in the sky in an instant.

Then, the wind picked up.

The loud noise like thunder finally reached everyone's ears after the sun had expanded to its limit and even began to disappear.

As fast as the sound was the rapidly expanding storm.

This devastating shock wave brought about huge waves that shook the world.

Huge waves more than 100 meters high left no chance for anyone to survive.

The tsunami hit everything in this sea area at this moment.


All the unlucky people can leave behind is an unwilling curse.

Then everything became noisy.

Of course, Brett had no time to care about what was happening to the Chambord Islands in the distance.

All his energy now is spent on the confrontation with Yin Mu.

Pluto is also equipped with an energy shield system designed by the Bika people.

So the explosion just made Pluto roll over on the sea surface and almost sank to the bottom of the sea, but it did not cause any substantial damage to it.

"The most terrifying thing about that thing is not its destructive power!"

Pluto explained beside Bright, "Although it represents the highest technological level of the Bika people in terms of weapons, the original purpose of this ship is transportation!"

"This was created by the Bika people in order to migrate their entire race from the moon to Qinghai!"

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"The top priority is safety! In order to resist the invasion of any force from the universe or the Qinghai Sea, Bika designed the strongest defense system for him!"

Pluto's voice became deeper, "The shield system on my body is far beyond it!"

"Although there is not much difference in firepower, at that time, even Uranus and I could barely contain it!"

"Because it's difficult to penetrate its shield and cause substantial damage to it!"

Brett nodded slightly.

In the end, the most troublesome thing is not the attack power but the defense power?

It's no wonder that I couldn't penetrate it at that time. Even Pluto and the King of Heaven were helpless against the shield. It was strange that I could penetrate it easily.

In other words, it should be said that his attack was really extraordinary when he was able to cause such huge fluctuations in the shield.

"There's only one way to break through that guy's shield!"

Pluto said, "That gives me the opportunity to bombard continuously at the same place on the shield!"

This is probably a very difficult thing.

Although this thing is indeed quite huge and it is very difficult to avoid attacks, this ship has more gun ports than Pluto.

Coupled with its precise bombardment ability, it is very difficult for Pluto's attacks to land on him, let alone the opportunity for continuous bombardment.

But if there were two Plutos, wouldn't the situation be different?

When Brett thought this.

"Britt, last time you said that we would meet again on the final battlefield, so let's fulfill your promise now."

Yin Mu's voice was filled with laughter, "die here."

As long as Brett dies here, then this meeting will indeed be the final battle between them.

Below the floating battleship, dazzling light groups began to flash.

"Pluto, can you handle it?"

Brett couldn't take his eyes away. This time he could only try his best to break his promise.


Pluto said solemnly, "This attack is nothing!"

The muzzles of each gun were raised high, and the dazzling light also began to flicker on the Pluto ship.

Boom boom boom! !

The light cannons began to blast!

Huge suns began to bloom in mid-air.

The powerful shock wave forced the sea water to spread in all directions, and waves of shocking waves surged up.

Brett worked hard to roll up Pluto with clouds, so that it would not be blown directly into the seabed by the fluctuations caused by the explosion.

Pluto was working hard to hold up the shield to prevent Brett from being affected by the explosion.

"I miss you so much,"

In the sky, Yin Mu sighed, "The confrontation with Pluto again is really like going back to eight hundred years ago, when we were enemies with that guy Qiao Yin Boyin."

The bombardment continues.

Pluto really wasn't bragging. In terms of firepower, the gap between the two sides was minimal.

However, due to its size advantage, the floating warship obviously has many more gun ports than Pluto, and more beams are shed.

Fortunately, Pluto also has a size advantage, and Brett is using clouds to drag it around to avoid attacks.

Pluto is huge and of course very heavy, but this size and weight are of course nothing to the awakened Brett. He can even drag Pluto around quickly on the sea.

"Mr. Brett, the cooperation between us is really great!"

Pluto couldn't help but sigh.

Brett's lips curled up slightly.

If Yin Mu's side has firepower plus defense, then this side has firepower plus mobility!

The scene was a little stalemate.

But it didn't last long.

"Mr. Brett,"

Pluto suddenly said, "Received a communication from Dr. Vegapunk. Everyone has boarded the ship. The Sea Kings have dragged Noah and started to leave the Fish-Man Island."


Brett nodded slightly, and their mission was completed.

Next, it’s time to think about how to get out of the battlefield.

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