One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 549 People disperse

The exchange of bombardments between the two sides continued, with majestic explosions coming one after another, causing the entire sea to become choppy and almost boiling.

There is almost no gap between the beams and the beams. This is no longer a situation where you can easily leave if you want to.

Especially the large floating ship above, which relied on its size and the numerical advantage of its giant cannons to spread light all over the sky.

In terms of power, Pluto's bombardment is almost the same as it, but there is indeed a gap in quantity. It is no wonder that Ouranos had to be restrained in the war that year.

Fortunately, Brett can now provide Pluto with mobility assistance, allowing him to continuously dodge the bombardment from above. This makes the two sides almost evenly matched.

But that’s about it here, now is not the time to start the final battle.

Pluto alone could not defeat the ultimate weapon in front of him, he had to wait until his brother completed it.

Now that the compatriots from Fish-Man Island have boarded the ship, it's time to leave.

But if you want to leave this situation now, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

At least Brett felt that Lord Yin Mu was not that tolerant.

But there was no choice but to bite the bullet and run away.

Brett took a deep breath.

"Pluto, no need to save energy anymore, just explode with all your strength."

"Understood, Mr. Bright, the next step is to retreat with all strength."

Pluto nodded slightly.

Then the next moment, all the cannon muzzles on the Pluto ship were raised, and like stars in the entire night sky, a large amount of light began to flicker.

What followed was that all the muzzles were fired.

The beams of light rising into the sky were like heavy rain traveling upstream, and they were so dense that there seemed to be no gaps at all.

But in contrast, more beams of light fell from above.

boom! !

Even the surrounding red earth continent began to collapse, and the sea surface even sunk into a huge gap.

The brilliant sun blooming in mid-air made the whole world seem to lose its color.

The moment the explosion occurred, Brett was already at full speed, dragging Pluto and starting to rush toward the center of the shattered red earth continent. His goal was the new world.

However, Yinmu above also noticed Brett's movements.

"Want to run away again? Brett!"

There was a rare hint of anger in Lord Yin Mu's voice.

How many times had that bastard Brett escaped from him!

Every time I say I want to completely eliminate this guy, but every time I can only watch him escape!

This time, I will never give him this opportunity again!

The huge floating warship began to accelerate, chasing after Bright. At the same time, more bombardments began to fire, constantly shrouding Pluto who was fleeing.

Brett manipulated the clouds and simply asked Pluto to turn the ship around so that it was facing the rear. This way Pluto could more easily launch an attack against Yin Mu.

Bratt took Pluto through the gap opened by the explosion in the Red Earth Continent at high speed, and soon reached the waters of the New World.

Although Yoon Mu was still chasing after him, Bright's advantage in speed came into play again.

The distance between the two sides is gradually widening.

Even if Yin Mu continuously releases light cannons to try to interfere, Pluto can immediately fire back with equally powerful cannons.

"That's why I said we are really the best partners!"

Pluto said sincerely, "If I could have had such speed eight hundred years ago, the war would not have been so difficult to fight."

"Isn't it already there?"

Brett smiled, "As you said, there is no point in reminiscing about the past. What is more important now is to open up the future."


While Brett and Pluto were talking happily while running for their lives, someone chasing after them from behind was already furious.

"damn it!"

Yin Mu's voice was even a little distorted.

Can't catch up!

The distance is getting farther and farther!

Once again, I have to watch this bastard Brett escape!

"What a joke!"

Following Yin Mu's roar, the huge straw hat tilted slightly, pointing its bottom towards the large ship that was speeding forward on the sea in front of it.

Unprecedented dazzling light condensed beneath this flying saucer-like ship.

Brett looked back, "Pluto, the big one seems to be coming!"

"It doesn't matter, we also have such a move!"

As Pluto's voice sounded, the entire Pluto began to tremble slightly.

Then, the gun barrels on the Pluto ship were raised one by one and converged towards the center.

A dazzling ball of light also bloomed below.

Almost in the next second, as if the two parties had agreed, two large-scale light cannons were fired at the same time, and the two beams of light collided with each other.

Brett felt that he could not see anything at all, and his ears were almost deafened by the deafening loud noise.

All he could feel was the oncoming strong wind, which blew the entire Pluto away.

While flying in the air, Brett flipped over and regained his balance, then used the clouds to roll up the big ship under his feet, and his body flew forward again.

Behind, on the other side of the exploding ball of light, the huge floating warship had been pushed backwards by the astonishing fluctuations of the explosion.


Amidst the loud noise, no one could hear Yin Mu's unwilling murmur clearly.

That guy Brett ran away again.

This bastard is getting tougher and tougher.

The combination of him and Pluto is really scary.

Should I also think of ways to improve my mobility?

Yin Mu did not forget that the Pluto just now was left by that guy Qiaoyin Boyin, and the second Pluto was still being built on Fishman Island.

In other words, when the construction of the Pluto is completed, he will have to face four ancient weapons.

"That's a lot of trouble, Brett."

In the gradually disappearing explosion flames, Yin Mu's low sigh came.

At the same time, Brett had already escaped with Pluto, completely away from the sea area where the explosion occurred.

After confirming that Yin Mu had not caught up, he took Pluto and plunged into the bottom of the sea, heading towards the Fish-Man Island.

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After this encounter, the next meeting should be the real final battle.

Brett thought so.

Although his compatriots have already landed on Noah, there are still things that Brett must go to Fish-Man Island to take away in person.

For example, the Vegapunk guy's laboratory, or the Pluto II machine that is under construction.

Without Brett's flame cloud, who could take them away from the bottom of the sea?

And now we should think carefully about where we should move our compatriots next.

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