One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 550 Goodbye Fishman Island

Fish-Man Island, an island that had existed in the deep sea for unknown length of time, became quiet at this time.

The once bustling town streets now became deserted.

Factories and mines with huge output also became quiet.

This Fish-Man Island, known as the most prosperous city in the world, is now only an empty city.

In the Forest of the Sea, on the Promise Boat left behind eight hundred years ago, the super-huge chains connecting the whole body have been grabbed by several thousands-meter-sized Neptunes, and then the entire ship was The boats were towed.

The large ship carrying the five million residents of Fishman Island was floating in the deep sea. Around it, more sea kings were escorting the ark of the oath.

Along with them are the troops from Fishman Island, the ordinary troops belonging to Ryugu Castle, and the sea beast troops from the Immigration and Entry Administration.

Already ready to travel.

It was at this time that Brett and Hades returned.

He first placed Hades on Noah's deck, and then landed on it himself.

Then, Jinbei and Neptune, who were staying on the deck, ran over immediately.

"All preparations have been completed, and we can now set sail!" Jinbei said straightforwardly.

"But here's the thing, Brett,"

King Neptune asked anxiously, "Where should we go next?"

At this time, the people on this big ship who are about to leave their homeland and go to the sea are not just one or two people, but a whole five million people!

Just finding an island to house them is already a difficult task, not to mention the more troublesome supply of supplies later.

Food alone is already a big problem.

This is a total of five million people.

The people fleeing now are carrying only the minimum rations. What will they do once they run out?

Is it possible to force everyone to hunt and fish to make ends meet?

It would be okay if there were only tens of thousands of people, but at this time there is an entire country and an entire nation on this ship.

King Neptune felt helpless and could only listen to Brett's opinion.

\u0026quot;I've chosen a place,\u0026quot;

Brett said, "It shouldn't be a problem just to make ends meet temporarily."

"After all, the Fish-Man Island Logistics Company is not paralyzed yet. They can still continuously deliver supplies to us from all over the world!"

At this time, the importance of logistics companies is reflected.

Fishman Island Logistics Company can quickly travel to and from all over the world through deep sea currents.

Even if it is to provide basic survival materials for the entire country and the entire ethnic group, it is by no means difficult for them.

At least there should be no problem in a short period of time. After all, although Fishman Island was abandoned, most of the property was still taken away.

Buying supplies to survive for the time being should not be a problem.

Besides, it’s okay even if you don’t buy supplies.

After all, Fish-Man Island still has so many partners. Whether it is the Revolutionary Army or the NEo Navy, they have now grown into behemoths. It is not that difficult to supply a wave of Fish-Man Island in reverse.

So Brett was not too panicked about this.

"I can rest assured that."

Neptune breathed a long sigh of relief. Since Brett said it was no problem, then it must be no problem.

This man has never let him down.

"Let Princess Shirahoshi tell the Neptunes."

Brett said, "Move towards the new world."

No, there may not be any new world in the future. After all, a gap has been opened in the Red Earth Continent, and the first half and second half of the Grand Route have been connected into a whole like never before.

The magnetic fields will be connected together, the ocean currents will be connected with each other, and even the climate will gradually begin to unify.

But at least there should be no problem in calling it that way now.


Neptune nodded and went to find Shirahoshi.

As for Brett, after asking Brother Jinbei to continue to maintain order in the cabin, he plunged headlong towards the Umi Forest.

He went straight to Vegapunk's laboratory located deep in the Forest of the Sea.

It's not just Vegapunk, Tezolo, Rayleigh, Shanks, Master Tom and his apprentices who are waiting here for this matter. They are all gathered here at this time.

"Britt, what's the situation now?"

As soon as he saw Bright arriving, Tezoro couldn't wait to ask, "Did the Red Earth Continent really be destroyed by that guy?"

"A huge gap was opened, so the current situation is that Fishman Island must give up and prepare to go to the new world."

Brett asked, "Is everyone here already?"

Tezolo nodded, "At least everyone on my side has arrived."

"But Brett, Pluto is not officially finished yet!"

Master Tom came over and said loudly, "Is it possible to abandon it in this deep sea?"

As an outstanding shipwright, he would never accept leaving his carefully crafted ship in the deep sea.

Even before it was officially finished.

"How is that possible? Can't you just take it with you?"

This sentence was said by Vegapunk. The old man said with a smile, "Anyway, Brett must have taken this base away directly, right?"


Brett nodded slightly, "Whether it's Pluto or Seraph, plans can never be abandoned."

"Oh! As expected of Brett!"

Master Tom immediately laughed and said, "What a great man!"

"Anyway, if the preparations are completed, let's set off quickly."

Brett flew up, and then large clouds were released from his body, flying directly outside the huge bubble that enveloped the entire base, and then began to spread downwards around the entire base.

The clouds penetrated directly through the rock formations on the sea floor, and then rolled up the entire base with bubbles.

Whether it was Vegapunk's laboratory or the shipyard that Master Tom was responsible for, whether it was the Seraph being cultivated or the Pluto that was about to be completed, all of them were rolled up by Brett at this time.

Next it’s time to officially set off.

Following Bai Xing's order in the cabin, several giant sea kings began to drag Noah slowly towards the dark deep sea ahead.

At the same moment, Brett also took the rolled up base and flew next to Noah and walked side by side with him.

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Brett looked back at Fish-Man Island one last time.

The island is still as beautiful as ever.

It's just a pity that it ends today.

The artificial sun orbiting the Fish-Man Island was floating above Noah, illuminating the deep sea scene for the big ship.

Fishman Island was gradually engulfed by darkness.

Goodbye, my hometown, now I can only keep you in darkness temporarily.

But don't be afraid, we will be back soon.

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