One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 551 Preparations

The dark deep sea was illuminated, and the artificial sun floating above Noah released strong light and heat, bringing light and warmth to this deep sea that had never welcomed the sun in the long years before.

The most important thing is that it brings light and warmth to the compatriots who are staying in Pluto's cabin at this time, so that they will not lose their way and feel the cold in this dark and cold deep sea.

Brett did not stay at the base, but returned to Noah.

Anyway, Yanyun can be controlled remotely, so there is no need to worry that he will fall into the deep sea again when he is no longer at the base.

Bulat found Neptune and Jinbe, and then it was time to discuss the future path of Fish-Man Island.

"If we were to find an inhabited island for such a large-scale collective relocation, I'm afraid it would be exposed immediately,"

Brett said, "If Yin Mu knows our whereabouts, then it goes without saying that there will definitely be a new round of bombings soon."

"So my idea is that we should be like the Navy and the NEo Navy and look for an unknown desert island as a temporary place to live."

"As mentioned before, the logistics force will transport the supplies for us."

In fact, all logistics teams have been dispersed now.

If nothing unexpected happens, then they will bring a steady stream of material support to the relocated fish and mermaids, so that the wanderers who are far away from their homeland will not suffer from hunger and cold.

"So Brett, have you chosen the place?"

Jinbei asked solemnly.

Brett nodded slightly, "I consulted Mr. Zefa and he gave a good suggestion."

"There is a desert island that meets the requirements in the sea not far from their current base. I am going to go to that place."

Brett said.

Both Jinbe and Neptune breathed a long sigh of relief.

It's good to have a goal, but I'm afraid that I will wander meaninglessly on the sea.

"But the real trouble starts now."

Brett said seriously, "With the large-scale relocation of an entire race, it is inevitable that there will be people with ulterior motives. If they take this opportunity to cause trouble, they will cause a big mess."

"I know,"

King Neptune said in a deep voice, "Our tribe has reached its most critical moment, and we will never allow any black sheep to come out to disrupt the situation!"

"I will put the military on heightened alert. Once we find anyone with evil intentions, we will never show mercy!"

Brett nodded slightly. The more critical the situation, the more thunderous means should be used.

"I will also ask Brother Aaron to help. He is professional in the field of intelligence."

Brett continued, "But it's still not enough."

"In addition to civil strife, what we should be worried about is world government."

"We have millions of fish and merfolk here, plus a large number of humans. Who can guarantee that there are no government spies among them?"

Brett really wanted to believe his compatriots, but he had no choice. Among millions of people, you couldn't expect everyone to have their hearts set on Fish-Man Island.

Jinbei and Neptune looked grave at the same time.

We were on Fishman Island before, so we didn’t have to worry about spies at all. After all, it was a dangerous place and it was difficult for the government to interfere.

Even if Fishman Island was attacked this time, it was based on Mariejoia disappearing one step ahead of time.

But it will be different after this.

If the position is exposed again after that, there is no doubt that Yin Mu will call directly.

This does not match the strategic goals of Fish-Man Island at this time.

After all, the King of Heaven is not fully mature yet, so he cannot cooperate with Pluto like he did eight hundred years ago to directly control Yin Mu's ultimate weapon.

"Well Brett, what should we do next?"

Neptune asked quickly.

He no longer knew what to do.

"I can only rely on Princess Otohime."

Brett said.

Even if he could read minds, the number of millions of people was too huge, and it was impossible for him to accurately listen to everyone's voices and judge their positions.

But Princess Otohime is different.

In addition to having the same ability to listen to other people's voices as Brett, this woman also has the ability to instill her own voice into others.

She even made a celestial being change his ways.

In this case, why can't she use his ability to make those guys with ulterior motives be honest?


Neptune pursed his lips, "Is she really okay?"

Of course Neptune believed in his wife, but he had no choice but to do so. This matter was really of great importance.

It is related to the continuation of the entire race of fish people and mermaids, and it is also related to the future direction of the entire world.

“That’s all we can do now.”

Brett said, "But apart from that, I will ask Dr. Vegapunk to find a way to isolate the phone bug between us and the outside world."

"If Shirahoshi calls on the Neptunes to seal off the surrounding sea area, it will be difficult for the news to leak out."

"It's temporary anyway. Just wait until Pluto is finally completed." Brett said, "Let the compatriots overcome it temporarily."

"good idea!"

Jinbei nodded in agreement.

Even if someone really has evil intentions, as long as they can block the news, they have nothing to do.

"That's it for now."

Brett slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "Anyway, let's work hard together."

The most critical moment has been reached.

This should be the last trouble before the final war.

As long as this trouble is overcome, only the last difficulty will remain.


Jinbe and Neptune nodded in unison.

After a brief meeting, Otohime quickly took action under Neptune's persuasion.

Of course she was very reluctant to use such abilities on her compatriots.

It's okay to let your compatriots understand you, but is it too much to forcefully change their will?

But after Neptune carefully explained the problems they would face next, Otohime finally compromised.

When it comes to the continuation of the entire race and the future direction of the world, there is nothing to hesitate about.

She began holding briefings throughout the cabin.

At the same time that Otohime started taking action, the troops on Fishman Island also began to strengthen their vigilance, patrolling the cabin day and night alternately to prevent any accidents from happening.

At the same time, the spy agency commanded by Brother Aaron also began to take action, secretly searching for all possible enemies.

Vegapunk, who received Bright's commission, also hurriedly started taking action. Fortunately, things like signal blockers were really a piece of cake for him.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

Even if Brett added a requirement to allow specific phone bugs to communicate with the outside world, he could easily handle it.

In this case, there should be no problem for the time being.

It wasn't until this moment that Brett breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, it’s time to head to your new home.

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