One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 554 The Disappeared World Government

There was a lively scene on this nameless desert island.

The fishmen and mermaids are excitedly building their new homes.

Those who were willing to live on the ground began to cut down trees and build houses under the organization of soldiers.

Those who still want to live under the sea start digging rocks or collecting corals.

Murlocs are born with more than ten times the strength of humans, and neither of these two tasks is absolutely difficult for them.

After experiencing a huge disaster, everything is moving in the right direction.

However, there are also a group of guys who seem a little out of place on this deserted island.

They gathered on one side of the island, numbering about fifty to sixty thousand.

They are the humans who originally stayed on Fish-Man Island.

There are those who have settled on Fish-Man Island for a long time, and there are also those who are unlucky enough to stay on Fish-Man Island when a disaster occurs.

No matter which one they were, they were all coerced by Fish-Man Island and brought here together.

Then, all contact tools were confiscated and sent to a desert island to support themselves.

"Hey, I don't understand the world anymore."

In the forest, several people sighed while cutting down trees, "We just want to do business, how could we encounter such a thing?"

"It's really hard to imagine that the Red Earth Continent would actually be bombed, and the Fish-Man Island, which was thought to be extremely safe, was even forced to move."

Another person looked very emotional, "Who could have thought of such a thing before this."

"Is that Im manipulating the ultimate weapon that defeated Joey Boy eight hundred years ago?"

Another person spoke, and he said with some fear, "It is indeed an existence that only ancient weapons can fight against after gathering together. It is just like a natural disaster!"

If you can easily destroy the Red Earth Continent and connect it to the New World and Paradise, then how difficult is it to spend a little more time to destroy the entire human civilization and destroy the world at this level?

"However, I still firmly believe,"

The tone of the last person was much firmer. He solemnly said, "Director Bright and the others will win!"

"Donald—you guy?"

The person who spoke before said in surprise, "We are all under house arrest here, and you actually still speak for Bright? You also said that he would win. Didn't you see that he ran away this time?"

"It's just that Director Bright doesn't think it's time to start a war!"

The man named Donald is a businessman and has been doing business with Fish-Man Island a long time ago. He said solemnly, "Didn't you see it? The battleship staying on the deck of that big ship! That's probably the legendary one. Ancient weapons, Pluto!"

"Im has the ultimate weapon, and Director Bright and the others still have ancient weapons! And it's definitely not just Pluto!"

"Isn't the situation of the war the same as it was eight hundred years ago? Then there is nothing to be afraid of! I firmly believe that Director Bright will win!"

Several others were silent for a moment, and then shook their heads helplessly.

This guy talks about being righteous, but in fact he is just too deeply bound to Fish-Man Island. This crisis almost made him bankrupt. Who else could he follow if he didn't follow Fish-Man Island?

However, no matter what, there is nothing I can do now, I can only wait quietly.

While everyone on the desert island was working together on construction, in a corner of the island, on a cliff, Brett was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with three phone bugs in front of him, talking to his friends.

"So, have you settled in for now Brett?"

The voice of an old friend, Mr. Zefa, came from one of the phone bugs.


Bright nodded slightly, "This time I would like to thank Mr. Zefa for your help, otherwise it would not be so easy for me to find such a suitable island."

"It's nothing, I just found it during investigation."

Mr. Zefa smiled, and then sighed, "But it's a pity that Fish-Man Island has developed to where it is today with great difficulty, but in the blink of an eye, everything was reduced to zero."

"Everyone will still have everything after he survives."

Among the other phone bugs, Dorag's voice rang, "It would be better than everyone being buried with Fishman Island."


Brett felt deeply.

Isn't that what you said?

Save people and lose land, and everyone and land will survive; save land and lose people, and everyone and land will be lost.

Make sure you stay alive first, and then think about other things.

"Dorag, you occasionally say some sensible things."

The old man's heroic voice came out from the last phone call.

It's Vice Admiral, Mr. Karp.

No, he should be called the marshal of the new navy now.

After the death of Marshal Sengoku, if he wanted to build a new navy, no one was more prestigious than him.

Not even the three admirals of the navy.

There is no way, Fujitora and Midori have just joined the navy a few years ago, who is willing to let them become the new marshals?

Although Kizaru has enough qualifications, he has always given people an unreliable impression, and he himself has no interest in this matter.

So of course only Lieutenant General Garp could go.

He couldn't refuse at this time. No one in the navy was more prestigious, more powerful, and more qualified than him.

This man, who had never even been a general in his life, directly became the commander-in-chief of the new navy.

"Speaking of which, Dad, I never thought that we would actually fight side by side."

Dorag said with emotion.

In his original calculation, the navy should be the most powerful enemy of their revolutionary army.

His old father will also be one of the most difficult opponents.

But who would have thought that after one operation of the World Government, the navy would become their companion, and his old father would become the most powerful comrade-in-arms.

What a wonderful fate.

"Okay, let's stop talking about old times and let's get down to business.

The voice of a calm old woman came from the phone bug of the New Navy. It was probably Lieutenant General He who took the phone bug away, "Marie Joa has been completely destroyed, but we took the risk of sending people to explore the Red Earth Continent. time, only to find an empty gathering spot.”

"The people from the World Government and the Celestial Dragons have disappeared."

"Are you planning to change your location, or are you talking about-"

Mr. Zefa's tone was a little solemn, "Is that guy Im planning to hide like us?"

"If that's really the case, it would be troublesome."

Dorag was worried, "That thing can fly. All the people in the world government are flying in the sky. We can't determine their location at all."


Bright added, "If our whereabouts are exposed, we will be struck by his thunder immediately."

The situation got a little bad.

"But this may not be an opportunity."

Lieutenant General He said, "If Im really decides to hide temporarily and wait for the opportunity, it means that as long as we are careful, we will have enough time to wait until Hades is completed."

The corners of Bright's mouth also curled up, "When that time comes, the whereabouts will be exposed and Im will attack, which will actually become an advantage for us!"

"Anyway, next,"

Mr. Zefa paused, "Let's all use our strongest strength!"


in unison.

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