One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 555 New Fishman Island

Chapter 556 New Fishman Island

In a certain corner of this world, or rather above a certain patch of sky, a giant creature is quietly suspended here.

This ultimate weapon with the power to destroy the world was as quiet as a mountain suspended in the air, silent, just letting the strong wind blow by.

There were many people cursing on the outer deck of the straw hat-like spaceship, which was also the hat-like brim.

They were wearing white spacesuit-like clothing and glass covers on their heads, so even at such an altitude of 10,000 meters, they didn't feel very cold despite the strong wind blowing.

They are a group known as the Celestial Dragons, and they are well-known as the nobles of the world. As long as they are violated, they will immediately attract the admiral's attack.

Of course, this is a thing of the past. After all, the navy has betrayed the World Government. Now, let alone protecting the Celestial Dragons, the navy may have a more positive attitude towards crusade against them.

The Tianlong people were very unhappy at this time. After all, Marie Joa, who had always lived there, was gone, and their mansions and villas were all gone.

Although they all escaped with their treasures, they finally stayed at the temporary settlement for a while, and were immediately forced to move to the big ship, and then flew into the sky without falling down at all.

The people of Tianlong have always liked to have fun, and the eight hundred years of comfortable life have made them almost lose the ability to endure hardship.

The supply of supplies becomes a problem when it comes to the sky. Although Wulaoxing said that the ship will still land on the sea regularly to replenish supplies, it may not be so easy for the Tianlong people to imagine the squandering they did in the past.

However, all the Tianlong people can do is gather together and complain.

How dare they resist the Im-sama who created the world government and brought them god-like status?

Just be patient for a while, as long as Lord Im cleans up the whole world, they can rule the world again.

At the center of this big ship, there is a Void Throne similar to that in Pangu City.

Im, who still hides his appearance in his robe, is sitting on the throne, with the Five Old Stars kneeling below.

"...In other words, what we will face next are probably four ancient weapons?"

The bearded Five Old Star's expression was a bit bitter.

In addition to getting the design drawings of Hades and starting to make Hades, did that guy Brett actually dig out all the original Hades?

This is really not good news!

800 years ago, wasn't the reason why Lord Im was able to defeat Joey Boy all because he had captured the King of Heaven in advance?

Otherwise, even this ultimate weapon would be hard-pressed to defeat the combined forces of Pluto and Uranus, right?

And now Bright has two pieces of Hades!

How to fight him?

Uncontrollably, sweat broke out on the foreheads of the Five Old Stars.

"Have you lost confidence in me?"

Im looked down at the five old men below, and then spoke calmly.

Overlooking the sea for decades, and for a long time, the five old men, who were called the world's most powerful people by the people at sea, trembled, and then quickly knocked their heads heavily on the ground.

"No, of course not!"

The five old stars almost spoke in unison, and the five old stars holding the sword hurriedly said, "With Lord Im here, of course we can win!"


Im chuckled lightly and had no intention of pursuing it, "Pluto is indeed very troublesome, but it is not too much to handle."

"Not to mention that Ouranos is not fully developed yet and cannot show its true power at all."

"However, it is true that we can no longer let that guy Bright know our whereabouts as easily as in the past."

Im smiled and said, "Let's play hide and seek with him."

"It's interesting to see whether we spotted their figures first or he heard our footsteps first in the dark jungle, isn't it?"

The faces of the five old stars were all solemn.

No matter who discovers the other party's traces first, I'm afraid he can give the other party a thunderous blow in an instant.

The two Plutos are indeed terrifying, but if they are suddenly attacked by this ship, they will probably be completely destroyed in an instant.

However, how can we ensure that the other party did not deliberately sell the flaw at that time?

The Five Old Stars simply didn't dare to express this kind of worry.

"What a formidable opponent, Brett."

Lord Im on the throne was still sighing, "The Joey Boy back then was far from being so troublesome to me."

"Then, Lord Im,"

The blond Wulaoxing knelt respectfully under Im's throne. He asked in a deep voice, "What should we do next?"

"Go find it."

Im smiled and said, "Let all countries take action, go to the four seas, go to the Grand Route, and search for traces of the enemies."

Although the World Government suffered huge losses after the Navy Rebellion, they are still the World Government and still rule most of the world.

Although it relies on coercion, the government can still order its affiliated countries.

When all these participating countries take action, there will be a network that can surround the entire world.


The five old stars answered in unison again.

No matter what, I can only follow this adult's order now, and it is pointless to think about anything else.

The giant floating ship is still floating in the sky, very high in the sky. Even with such a huge size, there is no trace of it on the sea.

Im and his world government have completely disappeared over the sea.

At the same time that he disappeared, the new world, this desert island where the fish people arrived.

This island was named New Fishman Island by Bright and Neptune.

Although it's just a temporary residence, we can't always call it a nameless desert island, right?

Since the fishmen and mermaids are going to live here temporarily, let's call it the New Fishman Island.

Construction here is in full swing.

The natural strength of the fish people showed its use at this time.

A series of slightly crude houses have begun to be built on the island.

Things were going well above the sea, and certainly below.

Various buildings excavated from rocks and made of coral are also gradually taking shape.

While his compatriots were working hard on construction, Bright was not idle either.

He is practicing.

The completion of Pluto is close at hand. Of course, he cannot waste any more time. He must have enough power to defeat Im before the war begins.

The practice of deciphering sight, hearing and killing is non-stop.

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