One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 556 The moment of spreading wings

Chapter 557 The moment of spreading wings

There is a cloud floating quietly in the sky of the island.

But this is not an ordinary cloud, but an artificial cloud that people can step on and move around freely.

Of course it was the flame cloud released by Bright.

It's easy to lift an island, let alone a few people standing on it.

Now above this artificial cloud, there are two people moving around.

The one-armed red-haired man held a knife in his hand and kept attacking the opponent in front of him.

The sword blade danced in brilliant moon-shaped trajectories. The astonishing speed and sharp arc made it obvious at a glance that the power of each slash was probably extraordinary.

However, even in the face of such an attack, his opponent had his eyes closed.

The dragon man, whose body was covered with fiery red scales, was constantly dodging the sharp slashes.

His body is unusually large, but he is also unusually agile.

No matter how swift and precise the slash was, it was difficult to land on him.

However, of course he couldn't dodge all the attacks. Occasionally, there would be times when he couldn't dodge. At that time, the sharp sword edge would hit him hard, splitting all the scales, leaving a shallow line. Shallow opening.

Then, before being hit again, the scales grow back again.

"Hey, hey, except for the lack of dominance, I've almost given it my all. You guys are too tough, right?"

The man holding the sword complained loudly, "When I cut you, it was like cutting me on the sea tower stone. My hands were so shocked that they were numb."

Dragon Man, Bright's closed eyes opened, and he said, "Otherwise, you can use all your strength."

"Huh? Are you serious? Brett?"

The red-haired person raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Even if you face my all-out attack without any defense, you probably won't end up with a good outcome, right?"

Of course Brett knew this.

After awakening, Bright's strength, defense, endurance, and speed have increased exponentially, but this does not mean that he can run rampant with this body alone.

Shanks may not be outstanding in terms of strength, but his domineering achievements are truly extraordinary.

If you go all out, you can easily break through the defense, and Brett knows this very well.


"That's it."

Bright curled his lips, "Only in a crisis can greater progress be made!"

"Furthermore," he chuckled, "Shanks, as I am now, even if you don't deliberately defend yourself, it may not be easy for you to kill me."

The man known as the Pirate Emperor immediately twitched his lips, "Really? Then I'll give it a try!"

You're looking down on people too much, Brett!

You are indeed very strong, and I admit that I can't beat you at all now, but it's too much to say that I can't even kill you if you stand there and let me cut you!

Shanks decided to go all out.

He wanted to respect Brett's decision.

As a result, the two-color domineering energy began to wrap around the blade.

Brett closed his eyes again.

Now we are not talking about training defense, but practicing the skills to crack the news and kill, right?

There's no need to use your body to carry it, wouldn't it be fine as long as you can dodge Shanks' attack?

Bright's Haki of Knowledge was already in full swing.

He began to work hard to find Shanks' clues that disturbed his aura, and then used this to peek into the red-haired guy's heart.

This idea has been proven to be feasible. Although he has not yet reached the point where he is always on target, he does have the ability to peer into the red-haired heart beyond the skills of seeing, hearing and killing.

He has even begun to vaguely foresee the future of red hair.

And this probability is gradually increasing, becoming more common as proficiency increases.

It is estimated that in a few days at most, I will be able to completely ignore Hong Fang's knowledge and listen to his voice and pry into his future.

Although there is a huge gap between the strength of Red Hair and Im, and there is definitely a huge difference in their intensity of witnessing and killing, at least they are no longer blind in front of Im.

Time is passing slowly.

The development of the new Fishman Island has gradually been on the right track. The first batch of temporary residences did not even take a few days to complete. After all, it is not that troublesome to build some simple houses out of wood and rocks, especially It is for the fish people who are born with amazing strength.

The logistics team also successfully delivered the first batch of supplies to the new Fishman Island. With sufficient supply of supplies, the fishmen and mermaids finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the remaining panic in their hearts was completely dissipated. go.

As a result, the entire island became a lively scene.

This guy Tezzolo even occasionally organized his company's idols to hold concerts on the island, which greatly enriched everyone's spiritual life.

During this period, the entire world fell into an eerie calm.

Although the two sides who had previously criticized each other in newspapers and seemed to be starting a war at any time have not stopped the public opinion war, in fact, the two sides have stopped taking actual actions.

People around the world were surprised to find that whether it was the World Government or the alliance formed by the NEO Navy Revolutionary Army of Fish-Man Island, both of them had almost disappeared.

No one could even find where they were.

Mariejoia disappeared with the collapse of the Red Earth Continent, and Fishman Island has been reduced to a dead city.

The people from both sides who are about to start a war have gone to nowhere at this critical moment?

People on the sea are inevitably a little uneasy.

If you want to fight, just start fighting. If you don't go up or down, it will make people feel uneasy.

And it was at this time that the new Fishman Island came.

Not far away from the already built island, there is a small island on the seabed under the deep water.

No, it shouldn't be said to be an island, but a base, a base that was moved from Fish-Man Island.

It is the experimental base of Vegapunk.

Today, in this base, a project was finally completed.

"Is this the finished product?"

In Vegapunk's experimental base, Bright looked at the glass pillars in front of him in surprise.

There is a figure immersed in each glass pillar.

Tall and strong.

Has thick black hair and a pair of wanton horns.

"This is the limit for now!"

Next to Bright, a Vegapunk clone wearing a helmet, Shakya said, "Each one has different abilities, but they all inherit Kaido's extraordinary power."

Seraphs, it’s finally time to spread your wings!

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