One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 557 The Power of Seraph

The Seraph Plan finally achieved initial results.

When the eight young Kaidos walked out of the training warehouse naked and wet, Brett admitted that although this scene was very eye-catching, it was indeed shocking enough.

Joining him to witness the wonderful moment when Seraphs came out of the warehouse were good brothers Tezoro and Jinbei, King Neptune, teacher Old Thunderhead, and sparring stake redhead.

"Oh! This is really a scary sight!"

Rayleigh looked at the eight Kaidos standing in a row in front and couldn't help but tugged on his beard and smacked his lips.

Although Kaido was not as famous as he was when they were crossing the sea, there is no doubt about that guy's power.

Even back then, the Rocks Pirates were undoubtedly outstanding when monsters appeared frequently.

Such an unusual Kaido was actually copied eight times at once!

"Is this the power of science? It's amazing!"

The red-haired man couldn't help but praise repeatedly. The eight Kaidos were indeed terrifying, but if the eight Kaidos were on his side, it would be too reliable, wouldn't it?

"But what about the wings on their backs and the flames on the back of their heads?"

The red-haired man pursed his lips, "Could it be——"

He had a terrible guess.

"That's right!"

Vegapunk snapped his fingers triumphantly, "In addition to inheriting Kaido's blood factor, I also added the Lunaria blood to them!"


Even the well-informed Rayleigh and Shanks couldn't help but take a breath at this time.

Kaido's bloodline alone is scary enough, but he also added the Lunaria clan?

They knew the truth of everything early on, and of course they knew what terrifying racial talents the Lunaria had!

If the two are combined, the physical talents of these Kaido clones may even exceed Kaido himself! !

Did this guy Vegapunk actually make such a terrible thing?


"Very good!"

Jinbe couldn't help but smile brightly, "In this case, we will be even more certain of winning in the subsequent war!"

The redhead and Rayleigh couldn't help but nod in agreement.

Since he is on his side, of course the more powerful the better.

"How's it going, Brett?"

Lilith, the evil clone of Vegapunk with a voluptuous figure and cute face, looked at Brett with a smile, "Want to test their power?"

"That's not bad."

Brett nodded slightly.

Finally, the finished products have come out. Of course, we need to check their quality.

Although I believe in Vegapunk's strength, what if?

Wouldn’t it be so annoying if after so much effort, the result is not satisfactory?


To be honest, Lilith's smile looked a little unbeatable. She seemed to be eager for Brett to make a fool of herself, "Let you see the power of our best masterpiece!"

Brett shrugged, "Let's go to heaven."

Of course, it is impossible to go to the New Fishman Island to fight. The construction there has finally begun to take shape. If there is a commotion there, then everything will be reset to zero in an instant.

We still have to go to heaven.

Later, in the sky, Bright once again used the flame cloud to create a temporary cloud platform.

All the spectators came together.

"Then let's open our eyes!"

Rayleigh smiled and looked at Bright, who was confronting eight Kaidos not far away, "What will the thing created by the strongest scientific power look like!"

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

"The strongest scientific force?"

Vegapunk shook his head, "I'm still far away. In the past eight hundred years, too many technologies have disappeared in the long river of history."

The usually aloof old man sighed very sadly at this time, "At least now I can't make anything like Hades or the weapons in Yin Mu's hands."

"This is why we must win this war."

Shakya said calmly.

The technology spread by the Bika people eight hundred years ago is far superior to the sea today.

However, these technologies have almost disappeared with the establishment of the world government by Yoon Mu and the blank hundred years.

That was supposed to be a technology that could benefit the world and make the world a much better place than it is now.

It is precisely because of this that it is necessary to defeat Yin Mu and completely defeat his world government.

"Don't talk about such commonplace things now,"

Tezoro chuckled enthusiastically, "Don't you think it's interesting that the strongest man of our time is facing off against the strongest technology of our time?"

In a sense, this is also the pinnacle battle.

Not far away, Brett's lips curled up slightly.

Eight young Kaidos stood in front of him in a row. To be honest, it was quite visually impressive.

Not one to one, but one to eight.

Even Lilith didn't think that a single Seraph had power over Bright, so that was the current situation.

"I'm ready, Doctor,"

Brett twisted his neck and said, "Let them take action."

"as you wish."

Shakya nodded slightly.

Then the next moment, eight Seraphs raised their heads at the same time.

Then, as if they moved instantly, they appeared directly around Brett's body, surrounding Brett.

Then eight pitch black maces were smashed towards Brett at the same time.

Since it is a clone of Kaido, of course it uses a mace as a weapon like Kaido.

"So fast!!"

Tezoro was stunned.

Even he can't keep up with this speed!

How exaggeratedly powerful are these guys on the physical level!


"A little slow."

The chuckle came from the sky.

Brett didn't know when he had jumped into the air and easily avoided Kaido's powerful iron rod attack.

"It's too fast."

Rayleigh couldn't help but sigh.

What his disciple is best at is not attack or defense, his speed is the most amazing thing about him.

"Then let's speed up here too!!"

Lilith yelled.

Almost at the same time, the flames on the backs of Kaido's heads extinguished at the same time, and then their wings flapped.

Then he appeared in front of Brett again.

"It's so fast!"

This time even the red hair had to sigh, "Is this the talent of the Lunaria tribe?"

When the flame goes out, the indestructible defense will disappear and be replaced by the speed of chasing wind and lightning!

"Then try your strength."

Brett grinned and stood still, defensive.


The next moment, the clouds below were penetrated, and a huge wave bloomed on the sea below.

Brett was knocked into the bottom of the sea.



Accompanied by the sound of electric currents, the waves had just started to build up, and the next second Brett had appeared in the sky again.

It was only then that the onlookers felt the strong wind coming towards them.

"not bad,"

Brett commented leisurely, "This power is not much worse than the real Kaido!!"

Of course, it's just the body.

However, there is no doubt that even so, these Seraphs already possess power that surpasses most of the Shichibukai simply by virtue of their strength and speed!


Brett chuckled and appeared in front of a Blazing Sky.

He raised his fist.

Seraph is wise. A look of panic appeared on his face, and the fire on the back of his head quickly ignited.

Then Brett's fist landed on his chest.


This Kaido flew out.

Then soon he flapped his wings and flew back.

"...Amazing defense!"

Brett sighed sincerely.

He used a domineering punch in that punch just now. Although he didn't go all out, he definitely couldn't hit it with anyone.

But Seraph, who was in a defensive state, was almost unscathed!

It is no exaggeration to say that these guys even surpass the original Kaido and Zetsu in terms of defense.

Compared with that woman Charlotte Lingling, she is not inferior or even better, right?


How amazing!

I'm afraid each of these eight Seraphs has the power to kill the Shichibukai except Hawkeye!

Although they are not domineering, but——

"Don't think this is the end, Brett!!"

Lilith shouted unwillingly, "The true power of the Seraphs hasn't been revealed yet!"

"Baby, use your abilities!"

Yes, every Seraph is an ability user.

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