One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 558: Knights of God

The brief battle was over.

Brett led everyone and the Seraphs back to Vegapunk's laboratory.

"What an amazing power!"

Shanks was full of praise for the power displayed by Seraphs, "It's hard to imagine that such powerful guys were actually created artificially."

Seraphs are powerful enough in their own right, and they even possess powerful Devil Fruit abilities.


What Vegapunk calls his most technologically advanced creation is indeed extraordinary.

Although Brett seemed to be unscathed, the red-haired man thought to himself that he definitely did not have the power to defeat these eight Seraphs.

No, let alone eight. Even if there were a few less, the battle would be very difficult.

There's no doubt that Vegapunk provided a huge amount of support.

"It's truly remarkable."

Brett nodded slightly, and he was in a good mood, "But it's still too immature."

Seraphs are a combination of mechanical engineering and biotechnology. They are not the same as pacifists. They are not robots. They have bodies and a certain amount of intelligence.

They can grow through learning, through instilling experience.

"Hehe, I have to rely on you for this, Brett."

Lilith smiled and pressed her elbow against Brett's thigh. To be honest, it was difficult for her to do this due to her height. "Seraph's hardware is mature enough, but it's like what you said about Brett." , they are still too immature in terms of experience and still need to grow up!”

There is a saying that the various abilities of the Seraphs are very outstanding. Even if they search the entire sea, only the powerful ones at the level of pirate emperor and navy admiral can overwhelm them.

Even the emperor's deputies like Marco Beckmann were not their opponents in head-on combat.

But there is only one shortcoming: they are really lacking in experience.

Like a child wielding a weapon, although his body is indestructible, he is actually still quite immature.

"The next step is to rely on your help Brett,"

Sakyamuni put his hands in his pockets, with a chic look, "By fighting with them, I will instill in them fighting skills and experience, so that they can grow up quickly."

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A large part of Seraphs are mechanical structures, and their learning ability is not comparable to that of humans.

They can even learn knowledge directly through computers.

"Of course there's no problem with that."

Brett nodded slightly.

The practice of seeing and hearing the haki is almost done, and all that is left is the armed color.

As the body broke through the shackles after awakening, the shackles that limited the strength of the domineering force were also released, and Bright's armament became more powerful.

It's not bad to sparring with Seraphs. Although the strength of a single Seraph is just that, if the number increases, there will really be no sparring opponents stronger than them in the sea.

Just enough to hone your weapon colors.

"Then let's help too."

Reilly laughed, "Britt's experience alone is a bit too monotonous, isn't it?"

"Not bad,"

The red-haired man nodded slightly, "Blett's training has come to an end. It's not good to do nothing all day long. It's better to do something serious."

"In this case, we can try to teach the Seraphs some domineering skills." Bright's lips curled up slightly.

The Seraphs are also living creatures, and even possess a certain amount of intelligence. They are even copies of Kaido, so of course they have the possibility of mastering Haki.

"That would be perfect!"

Shakya was very happy, "Although time is running out, please believe in the learning ability of the Seraphs, they will never let us down!"

"That's really something I'm looking forward to,"

Rayleigh smiled, "After they have learned enough experience and mastered Haki, what kind of power will they have!"

I'm afraid that by that time, even a single Seraph will have power close to that of the emperors, right?

It's terrible.

Isn't it terrible?

Tezoro even began to sigh.

He is the weakest among the combatants here. After watching the battle between Seraphs and Brett, even if he is unwilling to admit it, he has to feel ashamed in his heart, because he knows that he himself may not be able to defeat even one. Seraph's.

If it's a home game with enough gold, you might be able to stalemate with these guys, but if it's a sudden encounter, how can you win?

There is simply no way to defeat them.

It's impossible to severely damage Seraphs with such formidable defenses simply by relying on internally destructive weapons.

What a shame.

Mr. Tezolo sighed in his heart.

Brett raised his hand and patted his shoulder.

The world is very unfair.

It doesn't mean that you can become better than anyone by working out hard.

The shackles called talents bind people, not to mention that even among Devil Fruits, there are differences between them.

Tezoro rolled his eyes and opened Brett's hand.

He was not cowardly enough to need Brett to comfort him.

All in all, everything is moving in a good direction.

The construction of Pluto No. 2 has also reached its final moments, and only the last minute details are left before completion.

It's going to be fast, this time it's really going to be fast.

At almost the same moment, above a certain patch of sky over the sea.

The huge floating battleship is floating here quietly, somewhere inside it.

The Five Old Stars were talking to several people in white robes.

Although they are also white robes, they are not CP0. The white robes on these guys are much more exquisite, decorated with brilliant gold threads and dotted with various gems.

They did not wear masks and showed their faces frankly.

The leader was an old man with gray hair who seemed to be of the same age as the older ones among the Five Old Stars.

Behind him were several younger men in white robes, all about forty or fifty years old.

"You have to go all out next."

The knife-wielding Wulaoxing raised his hand and patted the old man in white robe on the shoulder, and said instructing.

"Of course."

The white-haired old man nodded slightly, "For the glory of the Celestial Dragons and us! In the next war, the rebels must feel the wrath of the gods!"


The bearded Wulaoxing sighed, "However, I never thought before that that one day the situation would be so serious that you would need to take action."

"We, Lord Yinmu's knights, are waiting for this moment."

The white-haired old man said in a deep voice, "Let our generation fulfill the responsibilities passed down from generation to generation."


The sword-wielding five old star nodded solemnly, "Then get ready to fight,"

"Knights of God!"

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