Time is still passing quietly, and the construction of the new Fishman Island is gradually advancing. After the construction of the initial simple houses is completed, the residents begin to decorate their new homes, making the entire island more and more lively. .

During this period, Brett's daily routine was to accompany Charlie around and occasionally take her to the sky to appreciate the beautiful scenery above.

Other than that is the battle with the Seraphs.

The Seraphs' progress was frighteningly fast. They absorbed the experience given to them by Bright and others like a sponge absorbing water.

In just a few days, their combat experience has advanced by leaps and bounds, and even Brett can hardly suppress them with pure boxing and kicking skills.

They have even awakened their domineering power, and their strength has been further improved.

Although these children are huge in size, their strength is improving every day and they are becoming stronger every day.

Of course Brett was very happy about this.

The forces on their side are getting stronger.

Then, one day after that.

The second good news came.

Pluto, finally finished.

It was Frankie who came to report the news to Brett excitedly. He was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

"Britt! It's finally completed! The most powerful ship in the world! Our final masterpiece is finally completed!"

When he heard the news, Brett was stunned at first, and then became ecstatic.

The moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived.

The construction project of Hades has been going on for a long time, even Vegapunk has been involved in it for a long time, and now, it is finally completed!

In Brett's heart, joy surged uncontrollably.

Finally finished!

In this case, all preparations for the war have been completed!

Finally, we can launch the final battle against that guy Yoon Mu! Then take the whole world from his hands!

Brett happily followed Franky to the shipyard.

Vegapunk and Shanks Rayleigh had already arrived one step ahead. After all, they were supposed to be training Seraph today.

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Vegapunk's base and shipyard are next to each other, so of course they can get there as quickly as possible.

"Oh! Brett?"

Reilly greeted Brett with a smile, "It seems that the moment you have been waiting for has finally arrived."

Brett nodded slightly.

Now I am very excited.

"Let's go and see our final battleship now!"

Vegapunk took the lead with a smile.

Although he did not do as much as Tom and his apprentices, Vegapunk was also a participant in this project and even played an important role in it.

Everyone entered the shipyard, and then, the behemoth appeared in front of them.

"Although it's not the first time I've seen it, but..."

Shanks rubbed his chin, looked at the battleship in front of him, and then said with some emotion, "This is the first time I have seen a ship of this style."

What was displayed in front of everyone was indeed no ordinary battleship.

The Pluto that Brett brought back from Wano was special enough, but the one in front of him was even more special.

The Pluto's ship controlled by Pluto was indeed very different from the warships on the sea, but it was actually very close to the warships of Brett's previous life. It was actually very appropriate to call it a warship.

And now the ship that appeared in front of Brett no longer knew whether it could be called a ship.

It is much flatter than Pluto.

Although it was also pitch black, compared to the slender and more shuttle-shaped Pluto, this guy looked more like a flying bird with spread wings.

Yes, this ship has wings.

And it's not just a pair, there's a pair of big wings in the front, a pair of small wings in the back, and something like a tail fin standing upright in the middle of the butt.

Rather than saying this thing is a boat, Brett prefers to call it an airplane.

In fact, it was not like this at the beginning. Master Tom and his two apprentices built it strictly according to the drawings.

If nothing else happens, when the Pluto is completed, it should look exactly like Pluto.

However, when the guy Bejia Punk joined the project, everything changed.

When the old man saw the roughly formed Pluto, he said with disdain that it would be too boring to build a ship to sail on the sea in this era.

He decided to build a ship that could fly in the sky.

That's why Brett said that this thing should be called an airplane rather than a boat.

"Hahaha, how is it?"

The old man shook his head excitedly, "Using the large and small jets installed at the tail and various parts of the hull, plus wings that can control the airflow, this ship can fly into the sky!"

"Oh, that sounds really good!"

Shanks' eyes lit up, "That means he can fight alongside Ouranos in the sky, right?"

"Although it may not be flexible enough, its speed and firepower are top-notch!"

The old man said proudly, "It definitely has the ability to compete with the thing in Yin Mu's hand for supremacy in the sky!"

"I am looking forward."

Brett's lips curled up.

Yes, there is no doubt that Pluto has very strong firepower, but its biggest shortcoming is that its defense is not as good as its opponent, it cannot fly, and its speed is also very slow.

Without help, there was no way he could confront the thing in Yin Mu's hand.

But the ship modified by the old man is different.

It can really fly, and it looks like it won't be slow at all.

"Master Tom, have you given it a name?"

Brett quietly stared at this large ship that could not be called a ship, and asked Master Tom.

If there is only one Pluto, then you can indeed call him that directly.

But since Pluto is already here, it might be easy to get confused by calling him this way.

"You come and get it, Brett."

Master Tom said with a smile, "I'm not particularly good at this anymore, and..."

"You are more qualified to name him than me."

I am just the person who was entrusted with it, and you are the one who really wants to use it to change the world.

Brett did not refuse. He thought for a moment and then said, "Then let's call it Hades."

Weird isn't it?

The king of heaven is called Uranus, the king of the sea is called Poseidon, but the king of Hades is called Pluto.

Although they are homologous to different myths, they are no longer part of the same system.

Now that the new Pluto has appeared, let's call him by this name.


A calm voice said, "I understand, this is my name from today on."

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