One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 560: Moon Landing

Since it was made using Pluto's design, of course Hades also has the functions that Pluto possesses.

In addition to being equipped with the same level of firepower and defense systems as Pluto, Hades is also equipped with the same artificial intelligence system.

After all, it is not easy to control such a large ship with human power.

Like Pluto, Hades fights on his own.

But of course, Pluto is actually a fusion of artificial intelligence technology and ship elves. His wisdom is no different from humans, and it is not comparable to the newly born Hades.

But it is enough. Even if it is not smart enough, if it is used in war, then of course it is completely enough. After all, the same is true for Pluto who was just born that year.

I just don’t know if Hades can give birth to its own ship elves.

Now that the name has been chosen, of course, it’s time to experiment.

After spending so long, Hades, the king of Hades, who was finally created, should certainly test its power.

What if there are still some undiscovered omissions in some corner?

Rather than suddenly leading to a catastrophic outcome due to a previously undiscovered problem in the final war, it is of course much better to check for leaks and fill in the gaps in advance now.

So Brett first used clouds to lift Hades above the sea.

Although Hades, like Pluto, is almost completely enclosed, there will be no problem even if soaked in the deep sea.

But if it is allowed to take off from the bottom of the sea, the bubble covering the base may be destroyed.

Then everyone got on the ship, or rather entered the cabin of the plane.

Although the appearance has changed dramatically compared to Pluto, the actual internal structure difference is not too big.

At least when Brett and others came to Hades' control cabin, he found that there was basically no difference from Pluto's.

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They are all in the same room, with a pillar standing there.

The only difference is probably that there are seats arranged in the control room here, and they are thoughtfully equipped with seat belts.

There was light gathering in the room, and finally it condensed into a human shape that resembled a lake.

It's Hades's artificial intelligence, but it seems that he hasn't decided what he looks like yet.

"Everyone, please sit tight."

As Hades's voice sounded, everyone chose their seats and sat down, buckling their seat belts.

Then, the fuselage began to vibrate.

The energy system from the Bika people eight hundred years ago began to operate, and flames began to spurt out of the jets at the tail of Hades.

Then, it started to move.

It wasn't very fast at first, just gliding on the sea surface, but after just a few breaths, the speed began to increase sharply.

The powerful pushing force even pressed everyone to the seats.



The huge steel boat rushed into the sky.

Scenes began to appear on the cylindrical walls of the room.

This is the surrounding scene transmitted by the camera system installed around the ship. This is so that people in the cabin can clearly see the scene outside.

certainly. The more important function of this photography system is to serve as the eyes of Hades.

If he can't observe the surrounding scene, Hades can't give feedback on the things around him.

The steel bird with spread wings has already flown into the sky, and the flames spitting from its tail have made its speed soar to the limit.

Brett observed the external situation with his sense of sight and estimated Hades's speed.

Vegapunk was indeed not bragging, Hades' speed was shockingly fast.

At least Brett heard it clearly. It wasn't until long after Hades had passed through the sky that the roar it brought gradually spread.

This is a speed far above the speed of sound.

Brett didn't know how fast the fourth- and fifth-generation fighter jets in his previous life were flying, but he thought that with the speed shown by Hades at this time, it shouldn't be much inferior, or even faster.

After all, Hades's power system is quite terrifying. It can support Hades to launch light cannons that destroy the world at will.

The steel bird soared wantonly in the sky, constantly turning, sometimes downward, sometimes upward, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right, sometimes rotating, and sometimes tumbling.

It makes everyone sitting in the cabin feel a little dizzy.

"At least in terms of speed, it's really amazing!"

Reilly said in amazement.

Being able to fly and possessing such speed, apart from Kizaru and Brett, there is nothing on the sea that can catch up with Hades, right?

Even the ultimate weapon controlled by that guy Yin Mu is far inferior to this flying ship in terms of speed, right?

"Of course! As I said, Hades's speed is extraordinary!"

The old man said proudly, "The speed has been demonstrated, now let's test the firepower!"


Brett suddenly said at this time, "Direct experiments would be too easy to expose."

The attack power of the ancient weapon level is so amazing that one can clearly see the movement here even from dozens or hundreds of sea miles away.

Even if the position is not exposed, I'm afraid it will make that guy Yin Mu alert.

"Go to the higher sky." Brett said.


Shanks said in surprise, "It's flying very high now, Brett."

We have reached an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and we can almost see the stars outside the world.

"It's because since we've reached such a high place, why not go to a higher place to see it?"

Brett smiled, "The ship driven by that guy Yin Mu can take the Bika people from the moon to Qinghai, so why can't Hades take us to the moon?"


Franky's eyes widened, "Hey! Is this serious?"

"Oh! That sounds really good!"

The red-haired eyes suddenly lit up, "No one has ever been to the moon before, right?"

"Adventure above the moon? Hahaha, come to think of it,"

Rayleigh also laughed loudly, "That guy Roger also said that he really wanted to go to the moon after he arrived at the Final Island and learned the truth about everything!"

"That's it now!"

Brett smiled. He also wanted to see what the ancient city of Bika was like, abandoned by the people of Bika.

"Hades, go up, let's go to the moon! Go and see the place where it all started!"

Before it all ends, let's go see where it began.


As a result, the Iron Bird turned towards the sky and began to climb straight up.

It must be explained that the moon in this world is very close to Qinghai.

It did not take a few days for the Bika people to migrate here.

By the way, there is air in the universe of this world. Otherwise, Enel would not be able to reach the moon, and Dr. Tsukimi's robots would not be able to reach the moon in a balloon.

In short, the journey to the moon has begun.

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