The starry sky is incredibly vast.

In the endless black space, countless stars are shining with either dim or bright brilliance.

"This is the starry sky?"

Brett and his team have arrived on the outer deck of Hades. Although Hades' flying speed is astonishingly fast, Brett can release clouds to immobilize everyone and support the domineering shield. The shield blocked the oncoming wind from ahead.

Shanks smiled like a child, and he stretched out his hand towards the starry sky, as if he wanted to catch all the stars in the sky, "It is really a beautiful scenery that I have never seen before."

"It's completely different from what I saw in Qinghai."

Being caught up in Bright's clouds, Master Tom's good disciple, Espagu, was very moved, "It's really, really beautiful!"

Endless, boundless.

Really, mysterious and great.

Brett also felt relaxed and happy for the first time in a long time.

Starry sky, only when we come here can human beings know how insignificant they are.

So what if we become the king and hegemon in Qinghai?

For this vast starry sky, everything is just a passing cloud.

"Even more amazing things are about to come."

Reilly laughed. He raised his right hand and pointed into the distance, "The moon is coming."

Indeed, in the distant void, a huge pale white ball was quietly suspended there.

It's really close. The distance between this moon and Qinghai is much closer than the distance between the earth and the moon in Brett's previous life.

Although Hades's speed is indeed astonishing, he hasn't been flying for long at all, and he is already almost there.

Who would have thought that interstellar travel could be so easy?

"The moon,"

Franky was very excited, "We are really going to land on the moon! Today is really a super SU——pER day!!"

It was getting closer and closer, and the huge celestial body had almost blocked the scene in front of it. Hades was as small as an ant in front of a giant elephant.

But it's not big enough.

Brett looked at the moon in front of him.

I can't tell how big it is exactly, but the diameter of the moon in the previous life was more than 3,000 kilometers, so it must be much larger than the one in front of me.

Yes, it is such a close distance, but the size of the moon seen in Qinghai is not much different from the previous life, so of course the size of this moon is much smaller.

Hades has been captured by the moon's gravity.

It has to be said that although the size of the moon is much smaller than that of the previous life, its gravity is very strong. At least Brett's personal feeling is that it is not much smaller than Qinghai.

I don’t know what the principle of this is, but I can only say that our pirate world has its own bounds. The weather and magnetic fields of the Grand Route can be disrupted without warning. What’s wrong with the planets in the starry sky having weird gravity?

Hades was already hovering above the moon's surface.

Everyone craned their necks to look down.

"Is this the moon?"

Shanks blinked, "It's a desolate place."

There seemed to be nothing on the endless land, only dry, sandy ground without a trace of life.

"That's why the Bika people gave up their hometown and moved to Qinghai."

Vegapunk sighed.

There is no life in such a barren land, and it is simply not a place where life can survive.

"Anyway, now you can experiment with Hades's power here."

Brett smiled.

"Oh! That's right!"

The old man suddenly became interested and laughed loudly, "Then Hades, let's start!"


A hazy humanoid object appeared in front of Brett and the others.

Then, a hole opened in the head of the steel flying boat, and a thick muzzle extended out.

At the same time, there are muzzles protruding from the lower part of the fuselage and the front and lower ends of the steel wings.

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth, would this really not affect the flight?

Perhaps Hades can fly into the sky purely by the power of his jets, and his wings are just embellishments?

Forget it, I don’t know much about black technology.

Brett shook his head. Next, let's watch Hades' performance.

The light on the largest barrel at the front of the airship began to flicker.

Then, a huge beam of light roared down, landing on the ground in front of him almost in the next moment.

Then came the light, an extremely dazzling white light that directly and violently covered everything in front of everyone's eyes.

After Hades circled in the sky, the flames and smoke of the explosion gradually dissipated, and the scene below finally appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Oh! How amazing!"

Rayleigh sighed.

On the barren land below, thick smoke was rising from an extremely huge pit.

The size of the pothole is even comparable to that of a small island, and the depth is even deeper.

"This kind of power is worthy of the legendary Pluto who can sink an island with one shot!"

Shanks was also amazed.

This is really no joke at all.

What this cannon demonstrated was the power that could truly destroy an island with one strike!

"It's not over yet!"

Dr. Vegapunk laughed.

Then, the full cannon fires.

Dazzling beams of light fell down.

Then, balls of light bloomed on the ground below.

The wind in the sky became violent and hot, causing everyone's hair to fly.

In just an instant, the land below was completely enveloped by a series of explosions.

"Such an attack—"

Master Tom smacked his lips, "Even a big country like Alabasta will be destroyed in an instant, right?"

The destructive power of a scattered attack may not be enough to sink the entire island, but the coverage area is greatly increased, and all life on an island can be completely destroyed in an instant.

This is the power of ancient weapons!

It was so shocking that Master Tom didn’t even mention his oral habit.

Although he is the creator, the power of Hades is too exaggerated.

"Hahahaha, how about Brett!"

Dr. Vegapunk laughed, "This is the power of Hades!"

"How's the battery life?"

Brett asked.

"Hey, you'll know after you try it."

The corners of Vegapunk's lips curled up, "Hades, show him."

As a result, light continued to shine on the steel airship. As Hades continued to fly forward, flame flowers continued to bloom on the ground below.

If you stand in the universe and look at the moon, you can clearly see that the light balls on the moon are constantly appearing, eventually forming a thick white line.

This is the power of Hades.

Facts have proved that there is no need to say much about Hades' endurance. As he bombs all the way forward, there is no sign of any decrease in power or speed.

[To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. It can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

The energy technology of the Bika people is really amazing.

Brett sighed sincerely.

However, speaking of Bika——

"Wait, Hades!"

Brett suddenly said loudly.

"Mr. Bright?"

The shelling suddenly stopped.

"Bika is here."

Brett smiled.

On the ground in the distance, although it was covered by dust, a little head still popped out tenaciously. It was the trace of the building, or in other words, the ruins.

The remains of Bika.

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