One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 572 Let the war begin!

Chapter 573 War begins!

The figure floating in the sky was shrouded in a dark robe, with a tall, shabby-looking crown on its head.

There is no doubt that this guy is the one called Im, the ultimate opponent that Bright identifies.

He actually appeared so quickly. Could it be that this guy was not far away from here from the beginning?

However, he actually appeared in front of him without any scruples?

Was he really full of confidence, or did he just come over without even noticing anything?

Brett didn't know the specific reason, but he knew that now was indeed the best opportunity.


The expressions of the Evil King and others became strange.

When heading here from Impel City, the CP0s who escorted them gave them a brief introduction to the current situation of the world government.

This mysterious man in black robe is the legendary monster who has ruled the world for eight hundred years, the guy called Im, right?

Isn't this guy Brett's biggest opponent?

The leaders of both sides are now on the stage, so what will happen next?

The evil king quietly backed up.

Brett is a monster without a doubt, so this Im whom he regards as his ultimate powerful enemy cannot be a simple existence!

When these two guys meet, there is no doubt that thunder will set fire to the earth. If a war really breaks out, it will definitely not be possible for his small body to participate!

It's better to retreat a little more honestly.

"Sorry, Brett, for keeping you waiting."

In the sky, Im slowly landed on the ground, with a smile in his voice, "However, after knowing the news, I rushed over non-stop, and it shouldn't take too long, right? "

Brett also smiled, "It came just in time."

No matter whether he comes late or early, as long as Im appears here, he has arrived just in time.

Whether he is truly ignorant or prepared, there is no point anyway. What follows is the final war.

"So Brett,"

Im's voice suddenly became calmer, "You shouldn't choose to run away in the middle of the fight this time?"

Brett smiled and nodded, "Of course, now is the time for the decisive battle. Neither you nor I can leave this battlefield until we defeat the other party."

No way!

The expressions of the Evil King and others have become extremely ugly.

Such unlucky encounter, are they about to fight the final battle?

The self-confidence and high-spiritedness he had just after he was released from prison, after Bright showed his strength, had completely disappeared like a sand sculpture on the coast, washed away by the sea water.

What they know very well is that if they are really involved in this war, what awaits them will probably not be a good ending.

Although they are said to be very strong, how come they are so strong?

Damn it, what should I do now?

"I guess so."

Im nodded slightly, "In this case, I am relieved. The endless tug-of-war has finally come to an end."


Brett sighed with deep understanding, "This long night has finally come to an end."

It has been too long, the years for the world government to rule this world.

Now it's finally time to end it all.

Bree's expression became a little strange.

These two guys, who should be enemies of life and death, are now chatting like old friends?

Shouldn't we start a fight the first time we meet?

I really don't understand what they are thinking.

Of course Brett heard what Bree was thinking, and if he really had to answer, he would probably say it was recognition.

It's not a recognition of Im's style of behavior and past actions, but a recognition of his strength.

He has become too powerful. Apart from Im, no other person in this world can keep pace with him.

The same is probably true for Im. Apart from himself, there is no other person in the world who can make him talk calmly.

But this wave of recognition only ends there.

"So, going to war? Brett, here now?"

Im asking for Brett's opinion.


Brett nodded, "Come on."

Everyone held their breath at this moment. There was obviously no momentum escaping from the two of them, but it gave people the illusion that time and space seemed to have condensed.

Then, the two figures disappeared in an instant.

boom! !

An explosion that devoured everything erupted the moment the two fists collided in the air.

At almost the same moment, somewhere in the deep sea, a dark warship was slowly sneaking through the water.

"Im appears!"

In the control room of the battleship, light began to gather, and finally it condensed into a figure, and a somewhat urgent voice rang out, "He has already started a battle with Mr. Bright!"

"Has it finally begun!"

In the control room, Black-Wanded Zefa waved his fist vigorously, "Then hurry up and move towards that direction!"


The figure formed by the condensed light, this ship spirit of Hades Pluto, Pluto nodded heavily.

"Then, notify everyone!"

Dorag, who was also in the control room, could not hide his excitement, "Now that Im has appeared, then the war on other battlefields should also begin!!"

Although the main battlefield of this war is centered around Bright and Im, the battlefield is actually extremely vast, and the entire world will be swept away!

The signal to start the war instantly spread throughout the world through the radio waves of the telephone bug!

Then all over the world, in the deep sea, countless black shadows began to slowly rise.

"That! What is that!!"

A certain naval branch that was still loyal to the government, and the naval soldiers patrolling the coast saw a scene that terrified them.

There is a huge thing under the sea surface quickly rushing out of the sea.

That is--


Giants, fishmen, mermaids, little people, fur people, long-hand people, long-legged people, snake-necked people, and humans!

The battle begins at this time for people transferred from the New World to all over the world!

Within the borders of many countries, people gathered together and took up arms.

"The time has come for war! From now on, let us change the entire world!!"

"The end of world government has arrived!"

Soldiers poured out from everywhere in an instant, plunging many countries on the sea into chaos.

People surround them, people follow behind them, and people charge in front of them!

They are the revolutionary army. They have been working hard for a long time, and today is the moment when the flowers bloom!

The flames of war swept the entire world in an instant, and an unprecedented war began at this moment!

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