One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 573 Fierce Fight

Chapter 574 Fierce Fight

East China Sea, Kingdom of Goya.

This country, known as the cleanest country in the East China Sea, is facing a huge cholera epidemic today.

The sudden rebellion caused the high wall that separated the inside and outside of the city to fall instantly. The soldiers of the revolutionary army rushed into the royal city with the angry citizens.

Although the king is not here, his wife, daughter and son-in-law are fleeing towards the port together.

"Damn it! It's the Revolutionary Army! That bastard Dorag!!"

The fat Queen's facial features have become distorted, "She actually did such a thing in her hometown!!"

This country, the Goa Kingdom, is the hometown of that guy Dorag!

But fortunately, the port is already in front of us. As long as we can get on the ship, as long as we can leave this country, we can still make a comeback——

The hasty flight stopped.

There was no way not to stop.

Everyone was stunned, everyone looked desperate.

In the port not far away, all the ships were completely destroyed in an instant.

Because, a sky-high monster raised its head from the bottom of the sea, and was only affected by the waves in the process. However, at this time, all the ships docked on the coast had been engulfed by the huge waves.

But now, the monster turned its head towards them.

"Sea - sea -"

The country's prince-consort, a man with a mushroom head, Staley fought with each other, "A sea king type!!!"

somewhere in the world.

"What? Neptune type?"

Inside the huge aircraft, the Five Old Stars received a piece of news that surprised them.

"Giant tribe, little human tribe, fur tribe, long-hand tribe, long-legged tribe, snake-neck tribe, and the coalition of mermaids and humans??"

The bearded Wulaoxing's forehead was covered with sweat, "Even a large number of Neptunes appeared!"

It's simply terrifying news.

Are Bright and his gang going to start a war with them to determine world hegemony?

Moreover, the outcome of the war is already determined!

The combination of the giants and the sea beasts and sea kings alone is already irresistible to all the government-affiliated countries on the sea.

"damn it!!"

The five old stars all gnashed their teeth.

But all they could do was grit their teeth.

They are completely powerless to change the current situation.

In other battlefields in this world, I am afraid that the winner will be completely determined in a very short period of time.

However, it doesn’t matter even if the other battlefields are completely defeated.

As long as, as long as this battlefield here can be won, as long as Lord Im can defeat Bright, then this world will still belong to them!

The five old stars let out a long sigh of relief.

Everything depends on the next stop.

On the other side, over the dilapidated naval base.

Two figures were colliding back and forth.

Bright has entered the form of a dragon, and his body is wrapped with violent lightning. In the dazzling light, he looks like the God of Thunder!

In comparison, Im seems quite ordinary, wearing an ordinary black robe and shaking his fists in an ordinary way.

However, even so, in the constant collision, Bright did not gain any upper hand.

"What an exaggeration!"

After being knocked back again, Brett licked his lips.

Such a slender body can actually explode with such amazing power!

What's going on with this guy's body!

He is obviously not a person with abilities, just pure physical strength and domineering.

"Give it your all, Brett,"

Im waved his hand, just such a light movement, but in an instant, the strong wind had swept across the sky, "What are you still hesitating about?"

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't be anxious, isn't this coming?"

I originally wanted to try to see if I could compete with Im with the upgraded domineering power alone, but now it seems that I am still a little behind.

Then, there’s no need to hesitate anymore, right?

Brett took a deep breath.

Then, the body suddenly started to change!

The claws became sharper, the horns grew loudly, and a steam streamer wrapped around Bright's body.

Wake up!

"Hey, hey, hey, what's going on with this breath that people can't understand at all?"

Below, on the ground, Catalina Dai Peng felt her body weakening, staggering backwards, and finally leaned against a ruined wall, "It's too exaggerated!"

Just using her visual sense to spy on Brett's breath at this moment made her feel almost breathless.

Is the strength shown just now just the tip of the iceberg?

What kind of monster is this!

Brett twisted his neck, with a bright smile on his face, "It should be okay now, right?"


Im nodded, "Try it."


The electric light from Bright's body almost reached an altitude of 10,000 meters, and he turned into a human-shaped thunderstorm. Then, in the next moment, the thunder suddenly converged, "Here it comes."

A series of white circles suddenly exploded in the air, and long before these circles were born, a black shadow had already flown in front of Im.

It's so fast!

Im sighed in his heart.

It is this unrivaled speed that makes him always helpless against Bright.

However, just being fast doesn't mean you're invincible.

After eight hundred years of training, Im's domineering power has reached a terrifying level, a level that even Bright could never reach.

Seeing, hearing and color is certainly one of them.

Bright's fist came towards him. Im twisted simultaneously to avoid the blow. At the same time, his left fist flew out and hit Bright's waist and abdomen.


Brett raised the corners of his mouth.

After three days of separation, you should look at me with admiration, Im!

Your little tricks no longer work on me!

Listening to the sounds of all things, the color of knowledge climbed up along with Im's color of knowledge, and then, for the first time, he finally successfully heard Im's heartfelt voice.

His left hand struck out like lightning and directly caught Im's fist.


The startled voice had just sounded, and Bright's huge head had already hit him directly.

bump! !

The dark lightning in the sky spread to the end of the sky like a dancing black snake. Higher up in the sky, the clouds were swept away, and the brilliant sun hung high in the sky.


Below, on the island, the King of Evil was blown away. "What is this! It's just the aftermath of the fight——"

I can almost no longer stand still!

What is going on with these two guys! Humanoid ancient weapons?

In the sky, a black shadow fell diagonally downwards, directly hitting the sea in the distance, and a shocking huge wave exploded.

"Hai, the tsunami is coming!!"

On the island, some prisoners screamed.

A huge wave that is far more than 100 meters in size is roaring towards this direction.

The entire island will be submerged in an instant.

But before the tsunami had time to fall, from the sky, Bright took a deep breath, and the four forces of fire, thunder, strong wind, and domineering energy gathered in his mouth at the same time.

Then he breathed out.

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