Chapter 575 Appearance

An extremely dazzling ray fell from the sky and then fell into the sea.

A huge channel was pierced through the deep sea in an instant, and the next second, the ray had already fallen on the dark figure who just raised his head.

The sea began to swell.

The shocking huge waves just now turned into small ripples, and an unreachable mountain range rose up on the sea.

Hawkeye stood on the coast. He looked at the huge water ball in front of him that almost occupied his entire sight. Before he could even say anything, the water ball exploded in the next moment.

The three forces of flames, thunder, and violent wind mixed together and turned into a huge ball of light that spread out, with dark lightning wrapped around the surface.

A violent shock wave came towards us, the island was crumbling, and the dilapidated buildings were completely destroyed. The slightly weak guys who were still on the island at this time were unable to control themselves at all. It blew into the sky.

Then, the huge waves that covered the sky and the sun came towards us.

"It's over!!"

From behind came the almost desperate cry of the King of Evil, "There is nowhere to escape!!"

Hawkeye's hand has already grasped the handle of his favorite knife. Although he can't defeat Brett, he can still try to defeat this huge wave now!

He swung his sword.

In the sky, Bright raised his hand and wiped the remaining flames from his mouth.

After awakening, the flames become more viscous, and the flames that can already entangle domineering energy can now almost condense into a solid state.

The sea in the feature film below is boiling.

Bright estimated that the breath he fired just now should be comparable to, or even slightly better than, the light cannon fired by Im when he controlled the ultimate weapon to chase them down.

In other words, it has the power to completely destroy an island with one strike.

Although it is definitely still not as good as the full-power Pluto and the ultimate weapon, but now I should have touched the edge of ancient weapons, right?

There should be no problem with the aforementioned humanoid ancient weapons.


That guy Im is also at this level.

In the undulating deep sea, a dark shadow shot up into the sky.

It’s Im, of course it can only be Im.

What he did just now was enough to easily blow the abandoned naval base not far away into rubbish. After the breath fell directly on Im, this guy was still alive and kicking.

However, the black robe he had been wearing to conceal his appearance was torn to pieces.

This monster who had ruled the world for eight hundred years hiding in the darkness finally revealed his true appearance in front of Bright for the first time.

how to say.

It's very different from what I imagined.

Brett looked at Lord Im.

First, it's a man.

Although he is very slender and tall, he is indeed a man.

His face is handsome, but he is no longer young, he is about forty or fifty years old, but of course this is nothing to Im, who has lived for more than eight hundred years.

However, now Brett finally figured out why this guy could explode with such amazing power even though he had no muscles on his body.

Clear traces of transformation can be seen on this guy's limbs and body. It has a metallic luster that is incompatible with the human body!

This guy used technology to transform himself!

"It's really annoying, Brett, I don't want my true face to be shown in front of others,"

Lord Im sighed, "Even Joey Boy doesn't know about this."

"That's why he can't understand why you, who is clearly not a combatant, suddenly possess great power!"

Brett smiled.

After Joey Boy officially started fighting with Im, he suddenly discovered that this guy who was obviously only doing conspiracy behind the scenes had extraordinary power.

Although it would not be said to overwhelm him, it is by no means an existence that can be easily defeated by decapitation.

It turns out to be body modification.

"After the Lunarians were overthrown by me, I did not directly destroy them,"

Im opened and clenched his right hand, and the air was squeezed so hard that it made a crackling sound, "They are also a powerful fighting force, and they also possess very good scientific power."

"After Joey Boy possesses Nika's power, his strength has become unstoppable, so I also realized that if I want to ensure my own safety, I must have a certain amount of power."

So he had his own body modified. He is really a ruthless person.

"So, is it possible to survive until now because of the power of transformation?"

Brett asked.

"of course not."

Im shook his head, "The extent of my whole body transformation is not much. Although I have indeed gained extraordinary physical abilities as a result, my brain and internal organs will still age."

In other words, was most of this body's strength really developed during these eight hundred years?

Brett thought in his mind.

At this time, Im's face suddenly showed a smile,

“This is the time to thank Joey Boy.”

"When I was about to hand over my power, I discovered that there is another Devil Fruit in the world called the Surgery Fruit."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth.

So this guy is the original beneficiary of the immortality surgery.

Not that much of a surprise.

"It's really strange to say that the power that was born to fight against me finally brought me immortality."

Im smiled, "If you think about it carefully, Brett, we are really similar."

"Always winning, never losing."

"It's going to be different starting today,"

Brett grinned, "From today on, I am the only one who will always win."


Im also laughed.

Then at this moment, a cannon of light from Hades flew past in the sky.

Im's reaction speed is equally astonishingly fast, probably because he can also peek into the future.

The body shot to one side, directly avoiding Hades's bombardment.

However, Hades, who had not appeared since just now, did not attack randomly and recklessly.

The moment Im dodged, a dazzling white light suddenly rose from the sea below Bright, which had not calmed down from the shocking waves just now, and directly blocked Im's escape trajectory.

Im flew out and ran directly into the light cannon.

Did you make it?

Brett couldn't help but have such thoughts rising in his mind.

Then the next second he couldn't help but be funny.

We have already sighed like this, so how could it be possible to succeed like this?

On the sea below, a large steel ship broke through the waves.

Along with him, a huge creature with flapping wings flew out of the sea. The moment it flew into the sky, the bubbles wrapped around it disappeared.

"hold head high!!"

This is a roar that shakes the sky.

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