One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 577 The ability to change the situation of the battle!

Chapter 578 The ability to change the situation of the battle!

To be honest, the five old stars are a little confused now.

Katakuri's request was very reasonable. After all, the battlefield was indeed extremely dangerous now.

Any shelling from ancient weapons would be a devastating disaster for these guys who originally dominated the sea.

Therefore, it is very understandable that Katakuri would make such a request. After all, theoretically, they are now allies of the government and are certainly eligible to seek asylum from the government.

The tangled place for the Five Old Stars is——

"These guys are of no use now, right?"

The voice of the knife-wielding Five Old Stars was very cold, "Can they help Lord Im defeat that guy Bright, or can they be used in this war of ancient weapons against bombs?"

The purpose of gathering these guys was to deal with the powerful fighting force gathered by Bright.

But now the war has fast forwarded to the final stage, and the monsters gathered around Bright have not appeared at all. What use can these bastards be used for?

The other five old stars also nodded slightly, and of course they agreed with his idea.

There is no need to pay attention to these guys at all, and then all you have to do is blast away all the enemies in one go.

But at this time, Katakuri, who had already flown higher into the sky using Moon Steps, so that the Five Old Stars could almost see his expression clearly, spoke again.

"I have a way to defeat my enemies!"

Katakuri's voice reached the ears of the Five Old Stars again.

The five old stars were indeed stunned for a moment.

Five old men, look at me and I look at you.


The blond Wulaoxing spoke tentatively.

To be honest, their side does not have an advantage now. Even if they really continue to fight, the situation will be very anxious.

What if Katakuri really has a way to turn the tide of the war?

It's okay to trust him even once, right?

"Then let them come up!"

The bearded Wulao Xingdao.

Below, Katakuri was slowly falling, landing on the island again, next to Hawkeye and his sister.

But at this time, the corners of his mouth were already curled up.

Next to him, Hawkeye couldn't help but curl his eyes. It seemed that this friend had seen a very good future.

Almost at the next moment, the huge floating ship above released a beam of light.

But this time it was not a light cannon used for attack.

After the light enveloped Katakuri and the others, their bodies began to float upward.

"It's amazing!"

Hawkeye tried to move his body in this weightless state, but the result was that he kept spinning in the air like a top. "This is the reason why such a huge steel ship can float in the sky." ? What an amazing technology!"

He had a bright smile on his face, but more people's faces were filled with despair.

Represented by the King of Evil, Katarina and others.

After seeing the strength of both parties participating in the war, they did not want to get involved in the upcoming war at all.

If you are not careful, you will die without even a trace.

Damn Katakuri!

They could only curse silently in their hearts.

Soon the group passed through the protective shield covering the entire huge floating ship, and officially entered the interior of the ship of destruction through the passage under the ship.

This is an empty, closed room with nothing in it, just like a prison.

"So, Katakuri, what is the method you are talking about?"

The voices of the Five Old Stars came from all directions. It was obvious that the five old men did not completely believe them and had no intention of appearing in front of them.

Katakuri paused for a moment, then he said, "It is undoubtedly very difficult to defeat those ancient weapons, but if the goal is to defeat the person who controls the weapons, it may be much easier."

"What are you talking about? If you don't destroy those weapons, how can you defeat the people inside the weapons?"

Wu Laoxing's voice became a little impatient, but this impatience lasted for a short period of time. Soon, the old man over there reacted, "Wait! What do you mean!"

A slight smile appeared on Katakuri's lips, "My sister, Bree."

He put his hand on the shoulder of his sister Bree, who was standing next to him. A proud smile appeared on the ugly sister's face, and she couldn't help but straighten her chest and raise her head.

"She is a superhuman mirror fruit user!"

Katakuri said, "She can freely travel through the mirror space that connects the real world. As long as there is a mirror, she can reach any place in the world!"

"Of course!"

The voice of Wulaoxing who came from nowhere has become extremely excited, "After all, even polished metal can be used as a mirror, right?"

“There is even glass, which although it is transparent, also has the ability to reflect light!”

Wouldn't it be possible to use it as a mirror?

"In this way, we can directly attack the inside of Pluto and the iron bird in the sky,"

Katakuri said, "Even with such a powerful weapon, it is difficult to resist attacks from within."

"Great! Katakuri! You did a great job!!"

Somewhere in this floating ship, the excitement of the five old stars has reached its peak again.

If it weren't for the fact that they were still in a state of war, they would probably have started dancing at this time.

"We will send people to meet you immediately, and then you will use your sister's ability to enter the interior of Pluto. Even if you cannot kill all the enemies, you will still completely destroy Pluto!"

"I know, of course,"

Katakuri nodded slightly, "But now, Bree still needs a mirror."

"I'll bring it to you right away!"

Then everyone felt that the room began to rise. Although the shaking feeling was very weak, who among the people gathered here was not a famous figure on the sea? They all felt it very clearly.

When the shaking disappeared, the smooth wall in front suddenly cracked open and turned into two doors separated on both sides.

As soon as everyone walked out of the door, before they could see clearly what was in front of them, white figures appeared in front of them.


Katakuri looked at the group of guys wearing white robes and masks coming from the left.

This guy in the lead is so powerful. Is the strongest shield personally going out?

But what’s even more incredible is——

Katakuri looked to the other side.

Coming over from here was a group of guys also wearing white robes, but not wearing masks.

This is the strongest combat power of the Celestial Dragons, the Knights of God, right?

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