Chapter 579 Surprise

Knights of God.

Katakuri had heard about this organization in the past. After all, the Charlotte family's intelligence capabilities never needed to be questioned.

According to legend, this is an organization composed of the elites among the Celestial Dragons.

Yes, the elite among the Celestial Dragons.

Even after eight hundred years of corruption, the Tianlong people are not all trash. There are also outstanding people in this ethnic group.

After all, the Five Old Stars are also Celestial Dragons. If they are all useless, then I really don’t know how this ethnic group managed to successfully rule the world for eight hundred years.

There were only nineteen families of the Celestial Dragons in the beginning. After eight hundred years of reproduction, their number has become enough to fill a small city. It is precisely because of this that their existence brings an extremely huge burden to the entire world.

Precisely because of such a number of people, it is not surprising that there are some great people among them.

Among these outstanding talents, those who are good at fighting were deliberately selected and trained, and formed an organization. This is the Knights of God.

This is a knightly order composed of gods, whose purpose is to protect the supreme existence.

Another of their functions is to handle disputes within the Celestial Dragons.

No one in the world can judge the Celestial Dragons except themselves.

No matter how evil the Tianlong people do in the outside world, they will still not be punished in any way, but disputes within the group are different.

We are all Tianlong people. If there is a dispute, someone has to come out and tell right from wrong, right?

The Knights of God are such an existence.

They even have the power to judge the Celestial Dragons.

But of course the more important thing is that they also have extraordinary fighting abilities.

The number of Tianlong people is not large, and even if there are geniuses who are good at fighting, it will be difficult to be more powerful than the ones on the sea.

But the trouble is that the Celestial Dragons rule the entire world, and they have the world's resources.

The most brilliant technique!

The most powerful fruit!

The most outstanding technology!

When all the forces come together, it is not incomprehensible to create the strongest army in the world.

Katakuri couldn't help but feel his body muscles tense up.

Just looking at one or two of them, it's nothing remarkable, but each of these guys has extraordinary strength, and when they are added together, they are already a terrifying force.

Not to mention that the strength of the leading ones among these guys is not at all under the strongest shield of CP0!

Worthy of being the Knights of God, worthy of being the strongest combat power of the Celestial Dragons!

The power of these guys cannot be said to be comparable to that of the Navy Headquarters back then, but compared to the current Revolutionary Army or NEO Navy, I am afraid they are not weak at all, or even worse!

If you add CP0——

That might really be able to surpass the Navy Headquarters in its heyday.

What a terrible world government.

"Is that you? Charlotte Bray!"

The leader of CP0, known as the guy with the strongest shield, respectfully gave way and hid aside when the two parties were about to meet.

The leader of the Heavenly Dragons of the Knights of God, an old man with an old face walked up to Bree.


Bree was a little scared. She lowered her head and didn't dare to look into this man's eyes. She was afraid of revealing her secrets, so she just nodded hard.

"Very good, now it's up to you!"

The Celestial Dragon raised his hand and patted Bray on the shoulder, which made Katakuri next to him tense up.


The man turned around.

A huge mirror was immediately moved over and placed in front of Bree.

"Then, let's go!"

The old man Tianlong turned around and looked at Bree again.

"Okay, okay."

Bree only dared to nod submissively, and then walked directly into the mirror.

Then she poked half of her head out of the mirror, "Okay, you can come in now!"

The Tianlong people did not start immediately. The leading old man turned back and looked at the CP0s who stood respectfully aside.

"Then, let us explore the way for you adults."

Under the leadership of the strongest shield, the CP0s quickly walked into the mirror and entered another space.

"Next, it's your turn."

The old man raised his chin slightly towards Katakuri and Hawkeye.

Really vigilant enough.

Katakuri sighed secretly in his heart, and then stepped into the mirror.

But there is no point in being vigilant now. Ever since they decided to adopt their own suggestions and use Bree's ability, everything was doomed.

Hawkeye smiled and followed, dragging Barrett, who had been severely injured by Bright and fell to the side.

Then there's Moria.

The remaining Evil King and others had no choice but to walk into the mirror while the members of the Knights of God watched eagerly.

As they walked into the mirror, they cursed in their hearts, damn Katakuri, it's all because of you, you bastard!

It was not until everyone entered the mirror that the members of the Knights of God walked into the mirror space under the leadership of the old man.

The second before he stepped into the mirror, the old man's whole body had tensed up, and his fists had even turned black.

But of course nothing happened.

After he walked into the mirror space, what he saw was a somewhat dreamy and wonderful space, with sweet colors like candy all over the land.

Yes, the earth.

It was obviously in the sky outside the space, but after entering the mirror space, it appeared on the ground.

And it's not just the earth, there are raised hills everywhere, or simply mountains that block the sky. These hills and mountains are also very twisted.

Moving his eyes downward, what the old man saw was the assembled CP0 and the mercenaries standing together in a mess.

"So, where are they?"

The old man asked impatiently.

"The orientation and distance in the mirror world are the same as the orientation and distance in the real world."

Bray said cautiously.


The old man nodded, "Then, let's go!"

The group of people started running towards the predetermined direction.

The position of Pluto is constantly changing, but it doesn't matter. The general direction is fine, as long as you find the mirror in this empty space.

This was indeed the case. Not too far ahead, pieces of shining mirrors appeared on the plain ahead.

The old man from Tianlong couldn't help but show an expectant smile on his face.

But just at this moment——

"Ice Age!"

"Meteor volcano!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Three loud shouts instantly broke the silence in this space.

The trident has emerged from Katakuri's hand, and Hawkeye has already grasped the handle of his beloved sword.

The Pirate Empress has even jumped out.

Surprise, here you go.

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